When a major news story breaks - on Israel, the Middle East or the Jewish world - the Jewish Virtual Library is here with the necessary facts and information to help you better understand and explain the issues ** TODAY IN JEWISH HISTORY ** Upcoming Holiday: Passover New Additions Archive Biography Fact Sheets History - Timeline of Jewish History [February 20162016]
- Documentary: Saving the Forgotten Jews [January 2016]
- Ancient Synagogues in Israel & the Disapora [January 2016]
- Britain to Recognize Union of Arab Palestine and Jordan and State of Israel (April 25, 1950) [January 2016]
- U.S. Resistant to Offering Guarantees in Exchange for Israeli Withdrawal from Sinai (February 19, 1957) [January 2016]
- British Cabinet Expresses Concern About Israeli Withdrawal and Threat of Sanctions (February 28, 1957) [January 2016]
- British Cabinet Seeks to Ease Israeli-Jordanian Tensions (February 28, 1957) [January 2016]
- British Cabinet Expresses Concern About Israeli Invasion of Lebanon (March 4, 1957) [January 2016]
- British Cabinet Expresses Concern About One-Sided U.S. Position at UN (March 4, 1957) [January 2016]
- The Middle East, According to Ancient Israelites [June 2015]
- Golda Meir Quotes [May 2015]
- Call to the Parties to Cease-Fire, Security Council Resolution S-1169 [1948] [May 2015]
- Call to the Parties to Cease-Fire, Security Council Resolution S-773 [1948] [May 2015]
- Report to the Zionist General Council by David Ben-Gurion [1948]
- Arab States: Acceptance of a Palestinian State [1988] [April 2015]
- Palestinians Concerned About Jordanian Disengagement in the West Bank [1988] [April 2015]
- Arafat Seeks Visa After Compromises on Israel [1988] [April 2015]
- The Plight of Romanian Jews [April 2015]
- Briefing on Middle East Positions for South Korean President's Africa Visit [1982] [April 2015]
- U.N. General Assembly: U.S. Strategy and Objectives [1981] [April 2015]
- Shultz and Habib Discuss Resolution of the Beirut Crisis [1982] [April 2015]
- U.S. Officials Discuss Fate of the PLO During the First Lebanon War [1982] [April 2015]
- Footage of General Allenby Entering Jerusalem, December 11, 1917. [April 2015]
- Conditions and Trends in the Middle East Affecting US Security (1/15/53) [pdf] [February 2015]
- Evaluation of the Mideast Situation Following the 1948 War (1/19/49) [pdf] [February 2015]
- President Kennedy's conversation with Crown Prince Faysal (October 5, 1962) [February 2015]
- New Information on Israel-South Africa Nuclear and Military Cooperation (1983) [February 2015]
- CIA's Optimism Following the 1967 War (1967) [January 2015]
- Nuclear Engineer Reports on Visit to Israel (1961) [January 2015]
- Implications of the Acquistion by Israel of a Nuclear Weapons Capability (1956) [January 2015]
- The Hussein-McMahon Correspondence [January 2015]
- The Jackson-Vanik Amendment [January 2015]
- The Fourth Geneva Convention [December 2014]
- Looted Art From Bruges and Belgium [November 2014]
- Tel Burna[November 2014]
- The Khazars [October 2014]
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