The Holocaust (HaShoah, in Hebrew) refers to the systematic murder of more than six million Jews orchestrated by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist (Nazi) Party in Europe during World War II. Basic History Introductory History to The Holocaust Could We Have Stopped Hitler? Holocaust Quiz The Holocaust as a Moral Choice Life for Jews in Pre-War Germany Simon Wiesenthal's 36 Questions What We Knew and When We Knew It Why is the Holocaust Unique? Guidelines for Teaching About the Holocaust Reference Concentraton Camp & Ghetto Money Displaced Persons The Enabling Act Glossary of Terms Holocaust Maps Nazi Party Resistance to the Holocaust Photographs Who's Who in Nazi Germany World War II Operation Torch and the Liberation of North African Jews Persecution American Victims of the Holocaust Concentration Camps Estimated Number of Jews Killed Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust & Nazi Persecution Euthanasia Program Einsatzgruppen Final Solution Forced Labor Ghettos Kristallnacht Medical Experiments Nuremberg Laws Nazi War Crimes Yellow Badges Timeline of Jewish Persecution Business and the Holocaust List of Major Companies Involved in the Concentration Camps BMW and the Holocaust Dr. Oetker & the Nazis Ford Motors & the Third Reich Ford Report Denying War Profits (Dec 2001) General Motors & the Third Reich German Business and the Third Reich IBM & “Death’s Calculator” Swiss Bank Credit Suisse Maintained Nazi-Linked Bank Accounts Varta Battery Factories Rescuers Children’s Aid Society (Oeuvre De Secours Aux Enfants - OSE) Intercepted Spanish Cable Regarding Request to Help Jews in Budapest (October 20, 1944) Margaret Thatcher's Family Sheltered Austrian Jew Non-Jewish Rescuers in the Holocaust The Kindness of Strangers: The Rescue of Denmark's Jews The Rescue of Bulgaria's Jews Righteous Among the Nations Biographies Allied Liberators Jewish Victims Jews in Occupied Countries Nazi Perpetrators Adolf Hitler Non-Jewish Victims Roma (Gypsies) Jehovah's Witnesses Homosexuals Resistance Fighters Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini World Reaction Allied Declaration on Persecution of the Jews Arab Middle East The Associated Press Cooperation With the Nazis Bulgaria Dominican Republic Great Britain International Refugee Policy Japan United States The Vatican Vichy France World Response to the Holocaust Public Opinion Claims Conference Cross-Country Holocaust Survey: Research Key Findings (January 2025) What Americans Know About the Holocaust (2018-2023) American Teens Knowledge of the Holocaust (2019) Claims Conference Survey Shows Holocaust Fading From Memory (2018) American Public Opinion on Helping Allies and Trading Territory for Peace (1939-1940) Public Opinion Polls After Kristallnacht (November 1938) Aftermath Holocaust Denial Holocaust Survivors Museums & Memorials Never Again Education Act (2020) Reparations, Restitutions & Assets Top 10 "Most Wanted" Nazis (2013) Tracing Lost Family Members U.S.-Germany Dialogue on Holocaust Issues U.S. Judge Rules Holocaust is a Historical Fact (1981) U.S. States Requiring Holocaust Education in Schools War Crimes Trials