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Palestinian Public Opinion Polls: Attitudes Toward Israel’s Security Fence and the Blockade

Do you support the banning of entry of Israeli products into Palestinian areas, even if Israel responds by banning Palestinian products entry to Israel? (PCPSR, December 2015)

Don't know/decline to answer

Do you support the launching of rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israel if the blockade is not ended? (PCPSR, September 2015)


Mr. Khalil al-Hayyeh, a member of Hamas Politburo, accused the United Nations of collusion as to keep the blockade on Gaza and delay the construction works in the Strip. Do you agree with this, his accusation, or not? (PCPO, February 10, 2015)

I strongly agree with this statement
I somewhat agree with this statement
I somewhat disagree with this statement
I strongly disagree with this statement
Don't know/decline to answer

Should the wall be dismantled in accordance to the decision of the International High Court of Justice in the Hague? (NEC, July 3-4, 2006)


Will the wall be dismantled in accordance to the decision of the International High Court of Justice in the Hague? (NEC, July 3-4, 2006)

Yes 19%
No 81%

Who do you blame the most for not dismantling the wall? (NEC, July 3-4, 2006)

The UN 14%
The USA 41%
Israel 23%
The EU 7%
Others (Arab countries) 14%

Impact of Wall on Palestinian lives? (NEC, July 3-4, 2006)

Very negatively 65%
Negatively 24%
It had no impact 10%
Positively 0%
Very positively 0%

Why do you think Israel has buillt the wall? (NEC, July 3-4, 2006)

Security reasons 13%
Take over more lands/water resources 61%
To draw the final borders of Israel 26%

When Israel completes the construction of the separation wall in the West Bank, in your opinion, how will this affect the military operation inside Israel? (JMCC, June 2004)

Military operations inside Israel will increase 15.5%
Military operations inside Israel will decrease 36.4%
The Wall will not affect the military operation inside Israel 40.3%
No answer 7.8%

The Palestinian side has gone to the International Court of Justice to fight the separation wall. Do you think the ICJ will be neutral, biased in favor of the Palestinians or biased in favor of the Israelis? (Source: PCPSR, March 2004)

  Total West Bank Gaza Strip
Neutral 25.5% 26.8% 23.2%
Biased in favor of the Palestinian side 7.7% 7.0% 8.9%
Biased in favor of the Israeli side 60.8% 61.2% 60.2%
DK/NA 6.0% 5.0% 7.7%

Do you think the separation wall being built by Israel in the West Bank will decrease the number of armed attacks inside Israel, increase the number of armed attacks or will have no impact? (Source: PCPSR, March 2004)

  Total West Bank Gaza Strip
Increase the number of armed attacks 55.4% 52.7% 59.8%
Decrease the number of armed attacks 18.4% 20.0% 15.8%
Will have no impact 24.8% 25.9% 22.8%
Don't know / no answer 1.4% 1.3% 1.6%

And what about the majority of Israelis. Do most Israelis think or don't think that the separation wall will decrease, increase or will have no impact on the number of armed attacks inside Israel? (Source: PCPSR, March 2004)

  Total West Bank Gaza Strip
Most Israelis think it will increase the armed attacks 19.6% 19.4% 20.0%
Most Israelis think it will decrease the armed attacks 68.0% 69.2% 66.1%
Most Israelis think it will not have an impact on the armed attacks 8.7% 8.0% 9.9%
Don't know / no answer 3.6% 3.4% 4.0%

There are several ways and means to fight the separation wall. If you want to choose the ways and means that have a chance of succeeding in demolishing it, you would choose: (Source: PCPSR, March 2004)

  Total West Bank Gaza Strip
Going to the ICJ 11.2% 10.2% 12.9%
Popular unarmed demonstrations 9.6% 11.4% 6.5%
Reaching a ceasefire and returning to the peace process 26.8% 27.2% 26.3%
Continuation of armed confrontations and bombings inside Israel 7.6% 9.1% 5.1%
Others, specify -- 4.9% 5.7% 3.4%