War of Independence: Call for an Immediate Cease-Fire Security Council Resolution S-1169
(December 29, 1948)
In December 1948, in view of continued Egyptian violations of the truce, the Israeli Government approved a military operation designed to expel the remaining Egyptian forces from the Negev. The operation started on 22 December and ended on 7 January 1949. On 29 December, the Security Council passed a Resolution for an immediate cease-fire:
The Security Council,
Having considered the report of the Acting Mediator (S/1152) on the hostilities which broke out in Southern Palestine on 22 December 1948,
Calls upon the Governments concerned:
i. To order an immediate cease-fire;
ii. To implement without further delay the resolution of 4 November 1948 and the instructions issued by the Acting Mediator in accordance with sub-paragraph (i) of the fifth paragraph of that resolution;
iii. To allow and facilitate the complete supervision of the truce by the United Nations observers;
Instructs the Committee of the Council appointed on 4 November to meet at Lake Success on 7 January to consider the situation in Southern Palestine and to report to the Council on the extent to which the Governments concerned have by that date complied with the present resolution and with the resolutions of 4 and 16 November;
Invites Cuba and Norway to replace as from 1 January the two retiring members of the Committee (Belgium and Colombia);
Expresses the hope that the members of the Conciliation Commission appointed by the General Assembly on 11 December will nominate their representatives and establish the Commission with as little delay as possible.