| 1984 | 2014 |
Gross National Product (GNP) | $30 billion | $307 billion |
GNP per Capita | $7,000 | $36,000 |
National Debt as a Percentage of GNP | 280% | 66% |
Security Expenditure as a Percentage of GNP | 20% | 5% |
Aid From America as a Percentage of GNP | 10% | 1% |
National Deficit as a Percentage of GNP | 17% | 3% |
Foreign Currency Reserves | $3 billion | $90 billion |
Export Values | $10 billion | $96 billion |
High Tech Exports | $1 billion | $37 billion |
Annual Interest Rate | 770% | 5% |
Inflation Rate | 450% | 1% |
Energy from Independent Israeli Sources | 0% | 38% |