Reference Biography Announcement of Hitler's Death (1945) Was Hitler Jewish? CIA File on Hitler Hitler, Adolf Medical Assessment, CIA, (November 29, 1945); Psychological Analysis of Hitler Hitler's Secret Book Analysis on the Personality of Adolf Hitler OSS Biographical Sketch of Adolf Hitler Could We Have Stopped Hitler? Eva Braun Eva Braun’s Diary First Mention of Hitler in the New York Times (1922) Gandhi’s Prewar Letter to Hitler (July 23, 1939) Gandhi’s Second Letter to Hitler (December 24, 1940) The Mufti and the Fuhrer (1941) The Nazi Regime in Germany Third Reich Power Structure Photographs Plot to Assassinate Hitler (1944) Sippenhaft Roosevelt’s Prewar Attitude Toward Hitler Timeline of Events Quotes & Statements First Anti-Semitic Writings (1919) On the Annihilation of the Jews (1919) Essay on National-Socialist Party (1922) Hitler Threatens Jews, Americans, English (1923) Excerpt from Mein Kampf (1925) On the Expulsion of Jews (1933) The Fuehrer Oath (1934) On Importance of the Nuremburg Laws (1935) On the Tasks of the Four-Year Plan (1936) On the Jewish Question (1939) Meeting with the Mufti of Jerusalem (1941) On Results of the War (1942) On Cruelty (1942) Threats Against the Jews (1941-1945) Banning Reference to the "Final Solution" (1943) Political Testament / Last Will (1945) Speeches & Declarations Hitler’s First Radio Address (February 1, 1933) Adolf Hitler’s First Speech as Chancellor of Germany (February 10, 1933) Letter to President Roosevelt on Invasion of Czechoslovakia (1938) Hitler’s Address to the Reichstag on the Anniversary of Coming to Power (January 30, 1939) Hitler Speech Before the Reichstag (September 1, 1939) Order Authorizing Involuntary Euthanasia in Germany (1939) At the Berlin Sports Palace (1941) To the Nazi Party in Munich (1941) Memorial Address (1941) Address to the Reichstag (1941) Order Calling for Invasion of Yugoslovia and Greece (1941) Order to Troops on the Eastern Front (1941) Declaration of War Against the Soviet Union (1941) Explanation of the Soviet Invasion Declaration of War Against the United States (1941) Official Declaration of War On Assuming Direct Command of the German Army (1941) Broadcast on the Winter Help Scheme (1941) To the Reichstag Assuming New Powers (1942) Broadcast Plea for Winter Aid (1942) On 19th Anniversary of “Beer Hall Putsch”(1942) Appeal on Entry of German Troops into Unoccupied France (1942) Announcing Decision to Occupy Toulon Announcing German Occupation of France Address at Opening of Winter Relief Campaign (1942) On 12th Anniversary of the National Socialist Regime (1945) On 25th Anniversary of National Socialist Party's Program (1945) Order for a Last Stand in the East (1945) Order to Western Armies Concerning Guerrilla Warfare (1945)