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British-Israel Relations: Britain to Recognize Union of Arab Palestine and Jordan and State of Israel

(April 25, 1950)

British-Israel Relations:
Britain to Recognize Union of Arab Palestine and Jordan and State of Israel

(April 25, 1950)

Britain-Israel Relations: Table of Contents | British Mandate | Winston Churchill

Following the 1948 War, Jordan quickly sought to gain recognition for its capture of parts of Palestine that had been allocated for the Jewish and Arab state in the 1947 partition resolution. Here Britain's cabinet expresses support for the union. Pakistan would be the only other country to recognize Jordanian control over what is now typically referred to as the West Bank. For the next 19 years Jordan occupied the land without any serious opposition. During that time the Palestinian inhabitants never expressed any interest in an independent Palestinian state. To read the Cabinet Report, click here.

Source: British National Archives CAB 128/17/25