Files Added In July 2006
- The Arab/Muslim World
- Palestinian Opinion on the Post-Arafat Era [Updated]
- Palestinian Attitudes Toward The Gaza Disengagement Plan [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in Syrian UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in Jordanian UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in West Bank UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in Gaza UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Opinion Following the Hamas Election
- Palestinian Attitudes Toward Israel’s Security Fence [Updated]
- Anti-Semitism & Responses
- Archaeology
- Chorazin
- Arbel: Ancient Synagogue
- Fishing Boat from Migdal
- Biography
- Fact Sheets
- History
- The Role of Jewish Defense Organizations in Palestine
- U.S. Strategy at UN and Israeli Participation in General Assembly (8/28/81) [pdf]
- Briefing on U.S. Middle East Policy for Sourth Korean President Chun (7/27/82) [pdf]
- Alexander Haig to Harold Saunders (10/19/69) [pdf]
- ELR and Packard (7/16/69) [pdf]
- Envelope for President Nixon with writing by Richard Helms (9/8/69) [pdf]
- Harold Saunders to Kissinger (4/4/69) [pdf]
- Henry Owen to the Secretary, “Impact on U.S. Policies of an Israeli Nuclear Weapons Capability” (2/7/69) [pdf]
- Joseph J. Sisco to the Acting Secretary, “Talking Points for Initial Meeting with Israelis on Nuclear and SSM Issue July 29” (7/28/69) [pdf]
- Joseph J. Sisco to the Secretary, “Israel's Nuclear Policy and Implications for the United States” (4/3/69) [pdf]
- Kissinger to Nixon, “Israel’s Nuclear Program” (11/6/69) [pdf]
- Kissinger to the President, “Discussions with the Israelis on Nuclear Matters” (10/7/69) [pdf]
- Kissinger to the President, October 8, 1969, enclosing “Rabin’s Proposed Assurances on Israel Nuclear Policy” (10/8/69) [pdf]
- List of National Security Study Memoranda, n.d., excerpt [pdf]
- Memcon, “Negotiations with Israel - 4F and Advanced Weapons” (11/8/68) [pdf]
- Memcon, “Negotiations with Israel - F4 and Advanced Weapons”(11/12/68) [pdf]
- Memorandum from Atherton and Kratzer to Mr. Sisco, “Response to Congressional Questions on Israel’s Nuclear Capabilities” (10/15/75) [pdf]
- Memorandum of Conversation, “1969 Dimona Visit” (8/13/69) [pdf]
- Memorandum of Conversation, Kissinger and Rabin (2/23/70) [pdf]
- Memorandum of Conversation, “Negotiations with Israel - F4 and Advanced Weapons” (11/4/68) [pdf]
- Minutes, “Meeting of Special NSC Review Group on Israeli Assistance Requests” (1/26/70) [pdf]
- National Security Decision Memorandum 6, “Presidential Decision to Ratify Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” (2/5/69) [pdf]
- Parker T. Hart to Secretary Dean Rusk, “Issues to be Considered in Connection With Negotiations With Israel for F-4 Phantom Aircraft,” (10/15/68) [pdf]
- Paul C. Warnke to Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin (11/27/68) [pdf]
- Richardson to the President, “Israel’s Nuclear Program” (8/28/69) [pdf]
- Richardson to President, “Israel’s Nuclear Program,” with memorandum of conversation attached (8/1/69) [pdf]
- Robert Munn to Mr. Sisco, “Scheduling of Visit to Dimona Reactor” (6/12/70) [pdf]
- Rodger Davies to Mr. Austin et al., “Review Group Consideration of Response to NSSM-40 June 26, 1969” (6/30/69) [pdf]
- Rodger P. Davies to Under Secretary Richardson, “Call on You by Israeli Ambassador Rabin, Thursday, August 28, at 11 a.m.” (8/27/69) [pdf]
- Saunders to Kissinger (12/8/69) [pdf]
- Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to Secretary of State et al., “Stopping the Introduction of Nuclear Weapons into the Middle East” (3/17/69) [pdf]
- Secretary of State William Rogers to President Nixon, “Suggested Position for You to Take with Israeli Prime Minister Meir during Her Forthcoming Visit” (9/18/69) [pdf]
- State Department Briefing Paper for Eshkol-Johnson talks, “Israel: The Nuclear Issue and Sophisticated Weapons” (12/31/67) [pdf]
- State Department cable 127273 to Tel Aviv (7/31/69) [pdf]
- Telcon, Elliott Richardson with Mr. Kissinger (7/16/69) [pdf]
- “The Issues for Decision,” n.d. (1969) [pdf]
- Theodore L. Eliot, State Department Executive Secretary, to Henry Kissinger, “Briefing Book - Visit of Mrs. Golda Meir,” enclosing “Background - Israel's Nuclear Weapon and Missile Programs” (9/19/69) [pdf]
- U.S. Embassy Israel cable 2941 to State Department, “Dimona Visit” (7/31/69) [pdf]
- Holocaust
- The Banality of History and Memory: Romanian Society and the Holocaust
- The Dachau Trials
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-1 (US vs. Eduard Erb) Tried 2 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-2 (US vs. Gustav Bloy) Tried 19 May 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mathausen-4 (US vs. Arnold Damaschke) Tried 22 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No.000-Mauthausen-5 (US vs. Kurt Otto) Tried 13 Mar. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-6 (US vs. Eduard Curten) Tried 4 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No.000-Mauthausen-7 (US vs. Rudolf Brust) Tried 6 May 47 [pdf]
- Case No.000-Mauthausen-10 (US vs. Wilhelm Kauffeld) Tried 24 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-12 (US vs. Karl Kania) Tried 1 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-13 (US vs. Karl Albrecht) Tried 25 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-15 (US vs. Fritz Schallenberg) Tried 22 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-16 (US vs. Rudolf Lamm) Tried 28 May 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-19 (US vs. Joaquin Espinoza) Tried 12 May 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-20 (US vs. Eugen Hermann Noky) Tried 24 April 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-Mauthausen-21 (US vs. Hermann Tuntke) Tried 21 May 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5 (US vs. Hans Altfuldisch et al) Tried 13 May 46 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-2 (US vs. Ernst Walter Dura) Tried 23 June 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-3 ( US vs. Erich Schuettauf et al) Tried 24 June 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-5 (US vs. Willy Werner et al) Tried 23 July 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-6 (US vs. Hans Joachim Geiger et al) Tried 5 Aug. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-8 (US vs. Willi Auerswald et al) Tried 17 July 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-9 (US vs. Josef Lukan) Tried 28 Aug 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-10 (US vs. Georg Bach et al) Tried 3 July 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-11 (US vs. Andreas Battermann et al) Tried 1 July 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-12 (US vs. Hans Giovanazzi et al) Tried 11 Aug. 4 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-13 (US vs. Johann Haider et al) Tried 12 Sept.47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-14 (US vs. Eduard Dlouhy et al) Tried 23 July 47 [pdf]
- Case No.000-50-5-15 (US vs. Paul Fenner et al) Tried 2 July 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-17 (US vs. Waldemar Barner et al) Tried 9 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-18 (US vs. Theo Otto Bernhardt et al) Tried 25 Aug. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-19 (US vs. Eduard Klerner et al) Tried 26 Nov. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-20 (US vs. Martin Biersack et al) Tried 25 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-21 (US vs. Josef Kattner et al) Tried 9 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No.000-50-5-22 (US vs. Peter Baerens et al) Tried 24 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-23 (US vs. Franz Kofler et al) Tried 21 Aug.47 [pdf]
- Case No.000-50-5-24 (US vs. Josef Bartl et al) Tried 5 Aug. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-25 (US vs. Lauriano Navas et al) Tried 21 July 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-26 & 000-50-5-27 (US vs. Karl Moegie et al) Tried 9 Sept 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-29 (US vs. Karl Bertsch et al) Tried 22 Oct. 47[pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-30 (US vs. Bernhard Fernikorn et al) Tried 31 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-31 (US vs. Karl Glas et al) Tried 12 Aug 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-32 (US vs. Karl Horcicka et al) Tried 10 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-33 (US vs. Heinrich Schmitz et al) Tried 17 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-34 (US vs. Horst Goennemann) Tried 27 Oct.47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-37 (US vs. Friedrich Kurbel et al) Tried 6 Aug. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-38 (US vs. Hubert Frisch et al) Tried 27 Aug. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-39 (US vs. Johann Schiller) Tried 12 Sept.47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-40 (US vs. Fabian Richter et al) Tried 11 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-41 (US vs. Hermann Strum) Tried 20 Aug. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-42 ( US vs. Georg Pirner et al) Tried 19 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-43 (US vs. Franz Pavela) Tried 26 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-44 (US vs. Paul Tremmel) Tried 26 Sept. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-45 ( US vs. Karl Fleischer) Tried 7 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-46 (US vs. Hanscarl von Posern) Tried 7 Nov. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-47 (US vs. Wladislaus Dopierala) Tried 26 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-48 ( US vs. Heinz Bollhorst) Tried 1 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-49 (US vs. Paul Wolfram) Tried 16 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-50 (US vs. Adolf Berg et al) Tried 10 Nov. 47 [pdf]
- Case No. 000-50-5-51 (US vs. Anton Klein) Tried 24 Oct. 47 [pdf]
- Photographs (WARNING: Photos may have graphic images)
- Mauthausen Images
- Mug Shot of a Prisoner in Vught
- Transport of Dutch Jews Arrive in Westerbork
- Dutch Jews are Deported to Westerbork
- Identity Card From Westerbork
- Prisoners of Neuengamme at Forced Labor at the Elbe River
- SS Staff at Roll Call in Neuengamme
- View of Neuengamme After Liberation
- Forced Labor in Neuengamme
- Israel
- Israeli Polls on the War with Hizbullah
- Olmert Addresses Knesset On Violence in Lebanon and Gaza Strip
- Potential Threats To Israel: Iran [Updated]
- Israeli Polls on Unilateral Measures [Updated]
- Israel Crosses the Nuclear Threshold
- Israeli Opinion Regarding Peace with the Palestinians [Updated]
- Israeli Views on the IDF, Society, Peace Process, Government [updated]
- Judaism
- Chief Rabbi Says Indian Community Descended From Israelites [Updated]
- Do the Just Suffer and Wicked Prosper?
- Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress
- Maps
- The Future Borders of Israel & Palestine?
- Peace Process
- Keeping Track of the Road Map [Updated]
- International Opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- The Zinni Plan for Peace Between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
- Reference
- Reviews
- Reader Beware of Messianic Twists, review of The Ezekial Option by Joel Rosenberg
- Terrorism
- Hizbullah Rocket Attacks [graph]
- Hezbollah Terrorist Attacks Since May 2000
- The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (7/15/06)
- Israeli “Hits” On Terrorists [Updated]
- CIA Weekly Bulletins Regarding Munich Massacre and Soviet Activities [pdf]
- “Countering Terrorism: The Israeli Response to the 1972 Munich Olymipic Massacre and the Development of Independent Covert Teams,” by Alexander B. Calahan (1995) [pdf]
- FBI Files on the Black September Organization [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 8:13 am - 9:48 am [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 9:53 am - 12:38 pm [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 3:30 pm - 3:47 pm [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/7/72, 7:56 am - 8:04 am [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/7/72, 10:24 am - 10:32 am [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/7/72, 10:32 am - 10:40 am [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/8/72, 9:28 am - 10:20 am [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/8/72, 11:49 am - 12:12 pm [pdf]
- Log of President Nixon Conversation, undated [pdf]
- Partial Transcript of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 8:13 am-9:48 [pdf]
- State Department Memorandum on Palestinian Hijackings Part I [pdf]
- State Department Memorandum on Palestinian Hijackings Part II [pdf]
- “Targeted Killings: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Counter-Terrorism Policy,” by Asaf Zussman and Noam Zussman (2005) [pdf]
- Transcripts of State Department Telegrams, Memos, and Letters Part I [pdf]
- Transcripts of State Department Telegrams, Memos, and Letters Part II [pdf]
- Terrorist Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles [Updated]
- United Nations
- U.S.-Israel Relations
- Public Attitudes Toward the Peace Process [Updated]
- House Passes Resolution Supporting Israel’s Right to Defend Itself
- Senate Passes Resolution Condeming Hezbollah and Hamas, Supports Israel’s Right of Self-Defense
- President Bush and German Chancellor Merkel Discuss Middle East Crisis (7/13/06)
- White House Condemns Hezbollah Kidnapping of Israeli Soldiers (7/12/06)
- Trilateral Industrial Development (TRIDE) [Updated]
- Public Opinion Toward Israel [Updated]
- American Sympathy Toward Israel and the Arabs/Palestinians [Updated]
- The Virtual Jewish History Tour