Jim Dine
(1935 - )
Jim Dine is an American Jewish artist.
Born on June 16, 1935, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dine is considered one of the first and most popular Pop Artists. He received his BFA from Ohio University in 1957. He first earned recognition with his collection the “Happenings”, which consisted of chaotic performance art that was a harsh constrast with the popular expressionists art of the day. The first of his ‘Happenings” was the 30 second The Smiling Worker performed in 1959. In this collection, Dine combined visual arts with theatre, music, and dance.
During the 1960s, Dine began to create pop art utilizing items from everyday life. In 1967, he moved to London, England to be represented by art dealer Robert Fraser. In 1971, Dine returned to the United States to focus on a collection of drawings. He had his first retrospective exhibit at the Whitney Museum. During the 1980s Dine returned to sculpture as his dominant art form.
In 1984, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, exhibited his work as "Jim Dine: Five Themes," and in 1989, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts hosted "Jim Dine Drawings: 1973-1987".
Sources: Jim Dine Walking Memory, “Jim Dine (1935 - ).” American Jewish Historical Society, American Jewish Desk Reference, (NY: Random House, 1999) pg. 309, Wikipedia.