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Files Added In July 2006
Palestinian Attitudes Toward The Gaza Disengagement Plan [Updated]
Palestinian Refugees in Syrian UNRWA Camps [Updated]
Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon UNRWA Camps [Updated]
Palestinian Refugees in Jordanian UNRWA Camps [Updated]
Palestinian Refugees in UNRWA Camps [Updated]
Palestinian Refugees in West Bank UNRWA Camps [Updated]
Palestinian Refugees in Gaza UNRWA Camps [Updated]
Palestinian Attitudes Toward Israel’s Security Fence [Updated]
Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center
Fishing Boat from Migdal
Maxie “Slapsie” Rosenbloom
Debbie Friedman
Harvey Fierstein
Stan Getz
Andy Ram [Updated]
Stefan Wladislaw
Hirsch Berlinski
Rachel Weisz
Kirk Douglas
Dustin Hoffman
#48: Beware of Disinformation
#13 - Proportionality [Updated]
#46: Israel’s Gaza Incursion
#45: The Palestinian Referendum [Updated]
The Role of Jewish Defense Organizations in Palestine
U.S. Strategy at UN and Israeli Participation in General Assembly (8/28/81)
Briefing on U.S. Middle East Policy for Sourth Korean President Chun (7/27/82)
Alexander Haig to Harold Saunders (10/19/69)
ELR and Packard (7/16/69)
Envelope for President Nixon with writing by Richard Helms (9/8/69)
Harold Saunders to Kissinger (4/4/69)
Henry Owen to the Secretary, “Impact on U.S. Policies of an Israeli Nuclear Weapons Capability” (2/7/69)
Joseph J. Sisco to the Acting Secretary, “Talking Points for Initial Meeting with Israelis on Nuclear and SSM Issue July 29” (7/28/69)
Joseph J. Sisco to the Secretary, “Israel's Nuclear Policy and Implications for the United States” (4/3/69)
Kissinger to Nixon, “Israel’s Nuclear Program” (11/6/69)
Kissinger to the President, “Discussions with the Israelis on Nuclear Matters” (10/7/69)
Kissinger to the President, October 8, 1969, enclosing “Rabin’s Proposed Assurances on Israel Nuclear Policy” (10/8/69)
List of National Security Study Memoranda, n.d., excerpt
Memcon, “Negotiations with Israel - 4F and Advanced Weapons” (11/8/68)
Memcon, “Negotiations with Israel - F4 and Advanced Weapons”(11/12/68)
Memorandum from Atherton and Kratzer to Mr. Sisco, “Response to Congressional Questions on Israel’s Nuclear Capabilities” (10/15/75)
Memorandum of Conversation, “1969 Dimona Visit” (8/13/69)
Memorandum of Conversation, Kissinger and Rabin (2/23/70)
Memorandum of Conversation, “Negotiations with Israel - F4 and Advanced Weapons” (11/4/68)
Minutes, “Meeting of Special NSC Review Group on Israeli Assistance Requests” (1/26/70)
National Security Decision Memorandum 6, “Presidential Decision to Ratify Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” (2/5/69)
Parker T. Hart to Secretary Dean Rusk, “Issues to be Considered in Connection With Negotiations With Israel for F-4 Phantom Aircraft,” (10/15/68)
Paul C. Warnke to Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin (11/27/68)
Richardson to the President, “Israel’s Nuclear Program” (8/28/69)
Richardson to President, “Israel’s Nuclear Program,” with memorandum of conversation attached (8/1/69)
Robert Munn to Mr. Sisco, “Scheduling of Visit to Dimona Reactor” (6/12/70)
Rodger Davies to Mr. Austin et al., “Review Group Consideration of Response to NSSM-40 June 26, 1969” (6/30/69)
Rodger P. Davies to Under Secretary Richardson, “Call on You by Israeli Ambassador Rabin, Thursday, August 28, at 11 a.m.” (8/27/69)
Saunders to Kissinger (12/8/69)
Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to Secretary of State et al., “Stopping the Introduction of Nuclear Weapons into the Middle East” (3/17/69)
Secretary of State William Rogers to President Nixon, “Suggested Position for You to Take with Israeli Prime Minister Meir during Her Forthcoming Visit” (9/18/69)
State Department Briefing Paper for Eshkol-Johnson talks, “Israel: The Nuclear Issue and Sophisticated Weapons” (12/31/67)
State Department cable 127273 to Tel Aviv (7/31/69)
Telcon, Elliott Richardson with Mr. Kissinger (7/16/69)
“The Issues for Decision,” n.d. (1969)
Theodore L. Eliot, State Department Executive Secretary, to Henry Kissinger, “Briefing Book - Visit of Mrs. Golda Meir,” enclosing “Background - Israel's Nuclear Weapon and Missile Programs” (9/19/69)
U.S. Embassy Israel cable 2941 to State Department, “Dimona Visit” (7/31/69)
The Banality of History and Memory: Romanian Society and the Holocaust
The Dachau Trials
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-1 (US vs. Eduard Erb) Tried 2 April 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-2 (US vs. Gustav Bloy) Tried 19 May 47
Case No. 000-Mathausen-4 (US vs. Arnold Damaschke) Tried 22 April 47
Case No.000-Mauthausen-5 (US vs. Kurt Otto) Tried 13 Mar. 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-6 (US vs. Eduard Curten) Tried 4 April 47
Case No.000-Mauthausen-7 (US vs. Rudolf Brust) Tried 6 May 47
Case No.000-Mauthausen-10 (US vs. Wilhelm Kauffeld) Tried 24 April 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-12 (US vs. Karl Kania) Tried 1 April 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-13 (US vs. Karl Albrecht) Tried 25 April 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-15 (US vs. Fritz Schallenberg) Tried 22 April 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-16 (US vs. Rudolf Lamm) Tried 28 May 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-19 (US vs. Joaquin Espinoza) Tried 12 May 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-20 (US vs. Eugen Hermann Noky) Tried 24 April 47
Case No. 000-Mauthausen-21 (US vs. Hermann Tuntke) Tried 21 May 47
Case No. 000-50-5 (US vs. Hans Altfuldisch et al) Tried 13 May 46
Case No. 000-50-5-2 (US vs. Ernst Walter Dura) Tried 23 June 47
Case No. 000-50-5-3 ( US vs. Erich Schuettauf et al) Tried 24 June 47
Case No. 000-50-5-5 (US vs. Willy Werner et al) Tried 23 July 47
Case No. 000-50-5-6 (US vs. Hans Joachim Geiger et al) Tried 5 Aug. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-8 (US vs. Willi Auerswald et al) Tried 17 July 47
Case No. 000-50-5-9 (US vs. Josef Lukan) Tried 28 Aug 47
Case No. 000-50-5-10 (US vs. Georg Bach et al) Tried 3 July 47
Case No. 000-50-5-11 (US vs. Andreas Battermann et al) Tried 1 July 47
Case No. 000-50-5-12 (US vs. Hans Giovanazzi et al) Tried 11 Aug. 4
Case No. 000-50-5-13 (US vs. Johann Haider et al) Tried 12 Sept.47
Case No. 000-50-5-14 (US vs. Eduard Dlouhy et al) Tried 23 July 47
Case No.000-50-5-15 (US vs. Paul Fenner et al) Tried 2 July 47
Case No. 000-50-5-17 (US vs. Waldemar Barner et al) Tried 9 Sept. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-18 (US vs. Theo Otto Bernhardt et al) Tried 25 Aug. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-19 (US vs. Eduard Klerner et al) Tried 26 Nov. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-20 (US vs. Martin Biersack et al) Tried 25 Sept. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-21 (US vs. Josef Kattner et al) Tried 9 Sept. 47
Case No.000-50-5-22 (US vs. Peter Baerens et al) Tried 24 Oct. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-23 (US vs. Franz Kofler et al) Tried 21 Aug.47
Case No.000-50-5-24 (US vs. Josef Bartl et al) Tried 5 Aug. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-25 (US vs. Lauriano Navas et al) Tried 21 July 47
Case No. 000-50-5-26 & 000-50-5-27 (US vs. Karl Moegie et al) Tried 9 Sept 47
Case No. 000-50-5-29 (US vs. Karl Bertsch et al) Tried 22 Oct. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-30 (US vs. Bernhard Fernikorn et al) Tried 31 Oct. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-31 (US vs. Karl Glas et al) Tried 12 Aug 47
Case No. 000-50-5-33 (US vs. Heinrich Schmitz et al) Tried 17 Sept. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-34 (US vs. Horst Goennemann) Tried 27 Oct.47
Case No. 000-50-5-37 (US vs. Friedrich Kurbel et al) Tried 6 Aug. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-38 (US vs. Hubert Frisch et al) Tried 27 Aug. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-39 (US vs. Johann Schiller) Tried 12 Sept.47
Case No. 000-50-5-40 (US vs. Fabian Richter et al) Tried 11 Sept. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-41 (US vs. Hermann Strum) Tried 20 Aug. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-42 ( US vs. Georg Pirner et al) Tried 19 Sept. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-43 (US vs. Franz Pavela) Tried 26 Sept. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-44 (US vs. Paul Tremmel) Tried 26 Sept. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-45 ( US vs. Karl Fleischer) Tried 7 Oct. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-47 (US vs. Wladislaus Dopierala) Tried 26 Oct. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-48 ( US vs. Heinz Bollhorst) Tried 1 Oct. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-49 (US vs. Paul Wolfram) Tried 16 Oct. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-50 (US vs. Adolf Berg et al) Tried 10 Nov. 47
Case No. 000-50-5-51 (US vs. Anton Klein) Tried 24 Oct. 47
Mauthausen Images
Mug Shot of a Prisoner in Vught
Transport of Dutch Jews Arrive in Westerbork
Dutch Jews are Deported to Westerbork
Identity Card From Westerbork
Prisoners of Neuengamme at Forced Labor at the Elbe River
SS Staff at Roll Call in Neuengamme
View of Neuengamme After Liberation
Forced Labor in Neuengamme
Israeli Polls on the War with Hizbullah
Olmert Addresses Knesset On Violence in Lebanon and Gaza Strip
Potential Threats To Israel: Iran [Updated]
Israeli Polls on Unilateral Measures [Updated]
Israel Crosses the Nuclear Threshold
Israeli Opinion Regarding Peace with the Palestinians [Updated]
Israeli Views on the IDF, Society, Peace Process, Government [updated]
Do the Just Suffer and Wicked Prosper?
Sacred Music
Isaac Mayer Wise [Updated]
Holy Words [Updated]
International Opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Zinni Plan for Peace Between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
Glossary [Updated]
Syllabi for Israel Studies Courses
Reader Beware of Messianic Twists
Hizbullah Rocket Attacks
Hezbollah Terrorist Attacks Since May 2000
The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (7/15/06)
Israeli “Hits” On Terrorists [Updated]
CIA Weekly Bulletins Regarding Munich Massacre and Soviet Activities
“Countering Terrorism: The Israeli Response to the 1972 Munich Olymipic Massacre and the Development of Independent Covert Teams,” by Alexander B. Calahan (1995)
FBI Files on the Black September Organization
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 8:13 am - 9:48 am
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 9:53 am - 12:38 pm
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 3:30 pm - 3:47 pm
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/7/72, 7:56 am - 8:04 am
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/7/72, 10:24 am - 10:32 am
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/7/72, 10:32 am - 10:40 am
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/8/72, 9:28 am - 10:20 am
Log of President Nixon Conversation, 9/8/72, 11:49 am - 12:12 pm
Log of President Nixon Conversation, undated
Partial Transcript of President Nixon Conversation, 9/6/72, 8:13 am-9:48
State Department Memorandum on Palestinian Hijackings Part I
State Department Memorandum on Palestinian Hijackings Part II
“Targeted Killings: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Counter-Terrorism Policy,” by Asaf Zussman and Noam Zussman (2005)
Transcripts of State Department Telegrams, Memos, and Letters Part I
Transcripts of State Department Telegrams, Memos, and Letters Part II
Terrorist Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles [Updated]
U.S. Vetoes Security Council Resolution Condemning Israeli Operations in Gaza (7/13/06)
U.S. Vetoes of UN Resolutions Critical of Israel [Updated]
Security Council Resolutions Related to Israel and the Middle East [Updated]
1680 - Implementation of Resolutions on Lebanon (5/17/06)
United Nations Human Rights Council Special Session Resolution S-1/Res.1
Public Attitudes Toward the Peace Process [Updated]
House Passes Resolution Supporting Israel’s Right to Defend Itself
Senate Passes Resolution Condeming Hezbollah and Hamas, Supports Israel’s Right of Self-Defense
President Bush and German Chancellor Merkel Discuss Middle East Crisis (7/13/06)
White House Condemns Hezbollah Kidnapping of Israeli Soldiers (7/12/06)
Trilateral Industrial Development (TRIDE) [Updated]
Public Opinion Toward Israel [Updated]
American Sympathy Toward Israel and the Arabs/Palestinians [Updated]
Chile [Updated]
Kovno [Updated]
Vilnius [Updated]
Riga [Updated]
Latvia [Updated]
Zimbabwe [Updated]
Ghana [Updated]
Australia [Updated]
Bulgaria [Updated]
United Kingdom [Updated]
Hungary [Updated]
Serbia [Updated]
China [Updated]
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