Files Added In June 2003
Myths & Facts Online — Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Updated] NEW paperback edition now available! Click HERE to order. Read it in Espanol!
- Anti-Semitism
- Public Attitudes Toward Jews and Anti-Semitism [Updated]
- Roger of Hoveden: The Persecution of Jews
- The Arab World
- Biography
- Leopold Amery
- Wanda Landowska
- Grace Aguilar
- Chaim Soutine [Updated]
- Ariel Sharon [Updated]
- Irene Opdyke
- Giorgio Perlasca
- Jan Zwartendijk
- Ludwig Beck
- Hugo Bleicher
- Klaus Bonhoeffer
- Hans Dohnanyi
- Friedrich Fromm
- Hans Gisevius
- Carl Goerdeler
- Heinz Guderian
- Franz Halder
- Julius Leber
- Josef Mueller
- Friedrich Olbricht
- Hans Oster
- Fabian Schlabrendorft
- Werner von Haeften
- Ulrich von Hassell
- Helmuth von Moltke
- Joachim von Ribbentrop
- Gerd von Rundstedt
- Henning von Tresckow
- Peter von Wartenburg
- Erwin von Witzleben
- Roland Freisler
- Theda Bara
- Silvan Shalom [Updated]
- Gamal Abdel Nasser
- Abd al-Aziz Rantissi
- Selahattin Ulkume
- Feng-Shan Ho
- Agnes Keleti
- Abdul Fattah Hamayel
- Sa’edi Al-Krounz
- Khalil El-Wazir (Abu Jihad)
- Intisar Al-Wazir (Um Jihad)
- Maher Masri
- Musa Qassem Al-Husseini (Basha)
- Fact Sheets
- History
- Secret Jew Drafted Balfour Declaration
- Antiochus Strategos: The Sack of Jerusalem
- Pope Innocent III: Protest to Philip Augustus of France
- Distinguishing Jews Called for in Lateran IV: Canon 68 - On Jews
- Socrates Scholasticus: The Blood Libel in Syria
- Bishop of Speyer: Grant of Lands & Privileges to the Jews
- Muftis of Jerusalem
- Israel Criticizes Lebanon's Abrogation of the Israel-Lebanon Agreement
- Prime Minister Shamir On Threat That Lebanon Will Abrogate Peace Treaty
- Holocaust
- Chronology of Jewish Persecution [Updated]
- The Prison Population of Sachsenhausen
- Odessa
- The Munich Pact
- The Night of the Long Knives
- SD (Sicherheitsdienst)
- Jewish Population in Greece
- Greek Jews Sent to Ghetto in Greece
- Nazis Block Food and Medicine Shipments to Greek Jews
- Report on Treatment of Greek Jews
- Most Salonica Jews Deported
- Intelligence Report on Jews in Greece
- Proclamation to the Jews of Athens
- Position of the Jews of Athens
- Interview with a Young Jew From Salonica
- The Fate of Greek Jews
- Jews in Salonica
- Anti-Semitic Decrees in Greece
- German Measures Against Jews
- Greek Resistance to Measures Against Jews
- Anti-Semitic Measures in Greece
- Jews Arrested Around Greece
- The Jews in Greece— Introduction
- Mass Arrests in Athens
- Nazi Persecution of the Mentally and Physically Disabled
- The Nazi Party (NSDAP)
- Political Parties in the Reichstag
- The July Plot to Assassinate Hitler
- Ex-SS officer Viel Sentenced to 12 Years
- Resistance Inside Germany
- Photographs
- The Last Synagogue in Auschwitz
- Jewish Women at Birkenau
- Female Laborers
- Forced Laborers at Krupp Factory
- Children Used in Medical Experiments
- Death in Auschwitz's Forbidden Zone
- The Fence of Auschwitz
- The Road to Treblinka
- Life and Death Selection at Birkenau
- Tormented Jews in Belyarus
- Polish Jews Deported to Treblinka
- Polish Jews Boarding Transport for Treblinka
- The Concentration Camps Today
- Israel
- Judaism
- Peace Process
- Hamas/Islamic Jihad Declare “Cease-Fire”
- Palestinian Press Continues Incitement In Violation of Road Map
- Keeping Track of the Road Map [pdf]
- The Aqaba Summit: Statement by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
- The Aqaba Summit: Statement by King Abdullah II
- The Aqaba Summit: Statement by Mahmoud Abbas
- The Aqaba Summit: Statement by President George W. Bush
- Israeli Steps Along the Road Map in Advance of June Summit
- Terrorism
- Terror Attacks During the “al-Aqsa Intifada” [Updated]
- Israeli “Hits” On Terrorists [Updated]
- Hamas [Updated]
- Declaration by the Palestinian National Council in Cairo (3/22/77)
- Fatal Terrorist Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles [Updated]
- Israeli Civilians and IDF Forces Killed in “al-Aqsa Intifida” [Updated]
- Travel
- Jewish Foods of the World
- Vegetable Soup
- Spicy Mediterranean Rataouille
- Risotto with Veggies
- Golden Onion Soup
- Veggie Wheat Pilaf With Mushrooms
- The Virtual Jewish History Tour
- Synagogues of the World
- Switzerland
- Florida
- Jewish Foods of the World
- United Nations
- U.S.-Israel Relations
- House Condemns Attacks on Israel
- Johnson Administration Wants Europe to Arm Israel
- U.S. Seeks to Head off PLO Recognition at UN
- Recommendation to Sell Planes to Jordan and Israel
- Administration Seeks to Delay Aircraft Sales to Israel
- Israelis Express Concern About U.S. Policy Toward Arabs And Responsiveness to Israeli Needs
- Israel's Aid Request is Reviewed in Light of Need and Politics
- Meir Explains Concerns About Regional Threats
- House Resolution Congratulating Ariel Sharon on Election and Calling for End to Violence (2/13/01)
- Senate Resolution Expressing Solidarity with Israel and Reaffirming commitment to Israel's Right to Self-Defense (4/22/02)
- Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000
- Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act of 1997
- Public Attitudes Toward the Peace Process [Updated]
- Public Opinion Toward Terrorism [Updated]
- Senate Resolution Commending Israel’s Withdrawal from Lebanon (5/23/00)
- House Resolution Commending Israel's Withdrawal from Lebanon (5/25/00)
- House Resolution Expressing Support for Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital (4/24/90)
- Jews Who Have Served in the United States House of Representatives
- Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 (Text)
- House Resolution Commemorating 30th Anniversary of Reunification Jerusalem (6/10/97)
- Peace Through Negotiations Act of 2000 (9/27/00)
- Senate Resolution Expressing Solidarity with Israel in Common Struggle Against Terrorism (12/5/01)
- House Resolution Expressing Solidarity with Israel in Common Struggle Against Terrorism (12/5/01)
- Joint Resolution Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Founding of Modern State of Israel (4/28/98)
- ILSA Extension Act of 2001 (1/3/02)
- Bush Uses Third Waiver to Avoid Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
- Israel & the States [Updated]
- Arens Announces Decision to Share Lessons Learned in Lebanon with the U.S.
- Palestinian Homeland Polls [Updated]
- American Attitudes Toward the Middle East [Updated]
- Photographs