American Public Opinion Polls: Opinion Towards Terrorism
(2001 - Present)
Note: We are presenting raw data. To analyze the data, we encourage users to read the entire study and the methodology used. Sample size, question wording, and question order can affect results and reliability. Context and timing may also influence responses, for example, if the survey is conducted during a war.
Is Hezbollah a terrorist organization or not? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 11-13, 2024)
2024 | |
Yes | 52% |
No | 11% |
Unsure/DK | 37% |
Are the protests on campus now mostly about saving lives in Gaza or more about supporting the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists who want to eliminate Israel? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, October 11-13, 2024)
2024 | |
Mostly about saving lives in Gaza | 63% |
More about supporting the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists | 37% |
Do you think an author who supports the terrorist campaigns of Hamas and Hezbollah should be given airtimes on national TV shows or should not be invited to such shows? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, October 11-13, 2024)
2024 | |
Should be given airtimes on national TV shows | 35% |
Should not be invited to such shows | 65% |
A journalist who interviewed an author of a book that favored the terrorist actions of Hamas and Hezbollah to eliminate Israel faced sharp questioning over why the author never mentioned how Israel was attacked by these terrorists. Was the interviewer right or wrong to question the author? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, October 11-13, 2024)
2024 | |
Right | 64% |
Wrong | 36% |
The network said the interviewer overstepped his bounds by questioning the premises of the book and had the wrong tone in his questions. Do you think this was a fair criticism of the interviewer or do you think this was unfair criticism of the interviewer? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, October 11-13, 2024)
2024 | |
Fair criticism | 54% |
Unfair criticism | 46% |
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is fighting terrorism? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023, February 21-22, 2024)
2023 | 2024 | |
Approve |
46% |
44% |
Disapprove | 48% | 51% |
Do you think the recent attack on Israel was a terrorist attack or not? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, February 21-22, 2024)
2024 | |
Yes | 83% |
No | 17% |
Do you think that Hamas would like to commit genocide against the Jews in Israel or is that not a goal of Hamas? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Trying to avoid |
69% |
Not trying to avoid |
31% |
Do you think Hamas is acting alone or with the support of Iran? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Acting alone |
26% |
Supported by Iran |
74% |
Do you think Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians in Gaza or is Hamas a terror group that rules the people of Gaza with force and fear and is not supported by them? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023, December 13-14, 2023)
October 2023 | December 2023 | |
Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians in Gaza |
32% |
34% |
Hamas a terror group that rules the people of Gaza with force and fear and is not supported by them | 68% | 66% |
Do you think Hamas is an organization that can be negotiated with to create peace or is Hamas dedicated only to the destruction of Israel? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Can be negotiated with to create peace |
36% |
Dedicated only to the destruction of Israel |
64% |
[Regarding attacks in the Middle East after the start of the war in Gaza] Should the US respond to any such attacks with strikes against terrorist groups or should it just defend itself against such attacks? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Respond with strikes against terrorist groups |
67% |
Just defend itself but not strike back |
33% |
Should Hamas be allowed to continue to run Gaza or does Hamas need to be removed from running Gaza? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Allowed to continue to run Gaza |
19% |
Removed from running Gaza |
81% |
If Hamas is removed, should Gaza be administered by Israel, by the Palestinian Authority or by some new authority set up through negotiations with Arab nations? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Administered by Israel |
34% |
Administered by the Palestinian Authority |
27% |
Administered by some new authority set up with Arab nations | 38% |
How concerned are you that the war between Israel and Hamas could lead to terrorist attacks inside the United States; very concerned, somewhat concerned, not so concerned, or not concerned at all? (Quinnipiac, November 9-13, 2023)
November 13, 2023 | |
Very/Somewhat concerned | 71% |
Not so/Not concerned | 27% |
Is Iran behind the terrorist attacks in the region? (harrisx for Jewish Federations of North America and Conference of Presidents, November 13, 2023)
Iran is behind the attacks |
68% |
Iran is not behind the attacks |
32% |
Does Israel have a responsibility to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks and rockets by retaliating against Hamas terrorists or not? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Yes |
88% |
No | 12% |
Does Israel have a right to defend itself against rocket and terror attacks on its cities by launching air strikes on terrorist targets in heavily populated Palestinian areas with warnings to those citizens or does it not have the right to launch such attacks?? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Yes |
84% |
No | 16% |
Do you think the recent attack on Israel was a terrorist attack or not? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Yes |
86% |
No | 14% |
Do you think the recent attack focused on the Israeli military or indiscriminately targeted civilians? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Israeli military |
26% |
Indiscriminately targeted civilians | 74% |
Do you think it's true that Hamas terrorists killed 1200 Israeli civilians by shooting them, raping and beheading people including whole families, kids and babies or is that a false story? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
True |
83% |
A false story | 17% |
Do you think Hamas fighters are more appropriately called militants or terrorists? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Militants |
21% |
Terrorists | 79% |
Do you think Hamas fighters are more appropriately called an armed Palestinian group or a terrorist group? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Palestinian group |
24% |
Terrorist group | 76% |
Do you think Hamas is designated as a terrorist group by the U.S. government or is that not the case? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Is designated as a terrorist group |
78% |
Is not | 22% |
Do you think the recent attack on Israel shows there is widespread anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews among Palestinians or does the attack reflect the actions of only terrorists and fundamentalists and not the will of Palestinian people? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Shows there is widespread anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews among Palestinians |
56% |
Reflect the actions of only terrorists and fundamentalists and not the will of Palestinian people? | 44% |
Do you think that the American right or American left give more support to Hamas? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Right |
43% |
Left | 57% |
Do you think universities have a moral obligation to condemn the Hamas terrorist killings or should they not make any statements on it? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Obligation to condemn Hamas terrorist killings |
53% |
Not make any statement | 47% |
Do you think big U.S. corporations have a moral obligation to condemn the Hamas terrorist killings or should they not make
any statements on it? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Obligation to condemn Hamas terrorist killings |
51% |
Not make any statement | 49% |
How serious of a threat do you think Hamas poses to the United States? (The Economist/YouGov, October 14-17, 2023)
An immediate and serious threat to the U.S. |
34% |
A somewhat serious threat |
23% |
A minor threat | 15% |
Not a threat | 10% |
Not sure | 18% |
How serious of a threat do you think Hezbollah poses to the United States? (The Economist/YouGov, October 14-17, 2023)
An immediate and serious threat to the U.S. |
27% |
A somewhat serious threat |
23% |
A minor threat | 14% |
Not a threat | 8% |
Not sure | 28% |
How serious of a threat do you think al Qaeda poses to the United States? (The Economist/YouGov, October 14-17, 2023)
An immediate and serious threat to the U.S. |
36% |
A somewhat serious threat |
28% |
A minor threat | 14% |
Not a threat | 5% |
Not sure | 17% |
Which comes closer to your view of what Hamas is? (The Economist/YouGov, October 14-17, 2023)
Hamas is the official Palestinian government |
33% |
Hamas exists outside the official Palestinian government |
67% |
How worried are you that the fighting between Israel and Hamas will lead to terrorism in the U.S.? (CNN, October 12-13, 2023)
Very |
23% |
Somewhat |
43% |
Not too | 23% |
Not at all | 12% |
Do you think the United States does or does not have a responsibility to fight terrorism in the Middle East? (ABC News/IPSOS, October 13-14, 2023)
Does |
55% |
Does not |
41% |
Who is winning the War on Terrorism - the United States and its allies or the terrorists? (Rasmussen Reports, October 2015)
U.S./Allies | 26% |
Terrorists | 46% |
Neither | 22% |
Not sure/No Answer | 7% |
Who or what is the greatest threat to the United States? (McLaughlin & Associates, May 19, 2009)
Barack Obama
North Korea
Immigration/Illegal Aliens
Don't know/Refused
Do you think that Israel should begin negotiations with Hamas now?...or do you think that Israel should...Not negotiate with Hamas until it stops its attacks on Israel? (The Israel Project National Survey, March 2008)
Begin | 50% |
Not negotiate | 39% |
The $3 billion the United States gives Israel a year in foreign aid is a good investment to help Israel defend themselves and to help the US fight terrorism. (The Israel Project National Survey, March 2008)
Agree | Disagree | |
Total | 67% | 29% | |
By News Source | Fox (23%) | 77% | 18% |
CNN (13%) | 66% | 29% | |
Local News (12%) | 80% | 20% | |
NBC (10%) | 60% | 34% | |
By Party | GOP (33%) | 76% | 20% |
Independent (29%) | 58% | 38% | |
Democrats (37%) | 65% | 29% |
Do you believe that...Israel is a vital ally to the US...or that...Israel is not a vital ally to the US? (The Israel Project National Survey, March 2008)
Vital ally | 76% |
Not a vital ally | 19% |
The U.S. is more likely to be targeted for terrorist attack because of our support for Israel. (ADL, October, 2007)
Strongly agree |
Agree |
[To those who agreed:] In your opinion, should the U.S. continue to support Israel even if it means there will be a greater risk of terrorist attacks against America or pull back from its support of Israel to minimize the risk of a terrorist attack in this country? (ADL, October, 2007)
Continue to support Israel |
Pull back from its support |
Thinking about the present situation, would you say that the world is becoming safer or more dangerous for the United States and the American people? (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Safer |
Stayed the same |
More dangerous |
What is the ONE principal reason why you think the world is becoming safer for the American people? (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Islamic/Muslim/Jihadist hostility/anger/animosity |
Anti-Terrorism/Successful strategies |
What is the ONE principal reason why you think the world is becoming more dangerous for the American people? (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Iraq War |
Islamic/Muslim/Jihadist hostility/anger/animosity |
Failed/misguided/wrongheaded US policies |
Alienated/Resentment in rest of world |
Nuclear/WMD proliferation |
Reduction in alliances/Less support for US leadership |
Israel-Palestine/Middle East (non-Iraq) |
Rise in anti-Americanism |
Al-Qaeda resurgence/momentum |
Terrorist bases in Pakistan/Situation in Pakistan |
Unilateralism/Unilateral force |
No major military power as adversary |
Not one particular reason |
Complacency |
What is the ONE principal reason why you think the world has stayed the same for the American people? (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Anti-Terrorism/Successful strategies |
Iraq War |
Islamic/Muslim/Jihadist hostility/anger/animosity |
Not one particular reason |
Increase in U.S. diplomatic efforts |
Danger is spread out across the world |
Less attacks outside Iraq/Tougher environment for terrorists |
In your view, what is the SINGLE GREATEST threat to U.S. national security? (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Nuclear materials/weapons |
Islamicism/Al Qaeda/Jihadists |
Terrorism |
Bush Administration/US leaders/Intelligence failures/Unilateralism |
WMD's |
Overextended US/inability to meet multiple challenges |
Iran |
Climate Change |
Economic decline |
China |
Continued Iraq war/Middle-East conflict |
Biological terrorism |
Anti-Americanism |
Poverty in developed world |
Non-state groups/actors |
Below is a list of U.S. policy objectives. Please choose the one you believe is most important to achieve in the next five years. (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Winning the hearts and minds of the Muslim world |
A stable, secure Iraq |
A global decline in terrorist violence |
An Iran that renounces uranium enrichment |
U.S. energy security |
No new nuclear arms races |
(International consensus/Moral leadership/Alliances) |
A stable, secure Afghanistan |
(Development of nation-building capacity) |
(Pakistan security/Nuclear program) |
Other |
Which two countries are most likely to transfer nuclear technology to terrorists in the next three to five years? (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Pakistan |
North Korea |
Russia |
Iran |
United States |
Other |
None of these |
What country/region is most likely to become the next Al-Qaeda stronghold? (Foreign Policy Magazine and The Center for American Progress, May 23-June 26, 2007)
Pakistan |
Iraq |
Somalia |
Sudan |
Afghanistan |
Palestinian territories |
United Kingdom |
Lebanon |
Egypt |
Western Europe |
Algeria |
Other |
Do you see international terror as a critical threat, an important but not critical threat, or not an important threat at all over the next ten years? (World Public, December 11, 2006)
Critical Threat |
An important, but not critical threat |
Not an important threat at all |
Refused/Don't Know |
Do you see terror attacks in your country as a critical threat, an important but not critical threat, or not an important threat at all over the next ten years? (World Public, December 11, 2006)
Critical Threat |
An important, but not critical threat |
Not an important threat at all |
Refused/Don't Know |
Which position is closer to yours: (The Networks Poll, 11/21-29/06)
The only way to counter the threat of terrorism is to find and destroy terrorists. It is naive and pointless to try to understand their intentions or imagine that we can address any of their concerns |
Trying to destroy terrorists is not enough because if we are too heavy-handed, it just breeds more hostility and more terrorists. It is necessary to address the sources of the hostility in the larger societies that the terrorists come from |
Please indicate which of the following two statements comes closer to your own view. (The Networks Poll, 11/21-29/06)
The threat of terrorism is the most important issue of our time, and we should be willing to do whatever it takes to fight it |
While terrorism is an important threat it is important to remember that it is not the only one we face. We should not let our concern about terrorism overwhelm all other priorities |
Do you think terrorism is or not a threat to your country? (Gallup International, July-September, 2006)
(% that believes terrorism is a threat to their country)
Colombia |
India |
Israel |
Peru |
UK |
Indonesia |
Russia |
Spain |
Turkey |
France |
Germany |
Panama |
Thailand |
Italy |
Canada |
Singapore |
Pakistan |
Denmark |
Venezuela |
Do you think that the war in Iraq has increased, decreased, or had no effect on the likelihood of terrorist attacks around the world? (BBC World Service, October 2005-January 2006)
Increased | Decreased | Has had no effect | Other/DK/NA (vol) | |
Afghanistan |
39 |
29 |
20 |
12 |
Argentina |
76 |
3 |
11 |
11 |
Australia |
73 |
4 |
19 |
3 |
Brazil |
56 |
15 |
27 |
3 |
Canada |
69 |
5 |
22 |
5 |
Chile |
47 |
16 |
23 |
14 |
China |
85 |
5 |
6 |
5 |
Congo |
44 |
16 |
21 |
20 |
Egypt |
83 |
1 |
6 |
10 |
Finland |
82 |
4 |
11 |
3 |
France |
67 |
3 |
27 |
4 |
Germany |
80 |
4 |
14 |
2 |
Ghana |
42 |
30 |
5 |
23 |
Great Britain |
77 |
3 |
17 |
3 |
India |
44 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
Indonesia |
72 |
7 |
10 |
11 |
Iran |
77 |
12 |
8 |
3 |
Iraq |
75 |
12 |
11 |
2 |
Italy |
81 |
1 |
15 |
3 |
Kenya |
41 |
34 |
10 |
15 |
Mexico |
10 |
12 |
59 |
19 |
Nigeria |
29 |
49 |
6 |
16 |
Philippines |
61 |
13 |
8 |
18 |
Poland |
76 |
6 |
12 |
5 |
Russia |
58 |
5 |
26 |
12 |
Saudi Arabia |
49 |
2 |
9 |
40 |
Senegal |
61 |
17 |
11 |
11 |
South Africa |
42 |
18 |
10 |
30 |
South Korea |
84 |
4 |
12 |
0 |
Spain |
79 |
4 |
12 |
5 |
Sri Lanka |
31 |
6 |
10 |
53 |
Tanzania |
49 |
37 |
7 |
7 |
Turkey |
64 |
6 |
14 |
17 |
United States |
55 |
21 |
21 |
3 |
Zimbabwe | 44 | 16 | 8 | 32 |
Average | 60 | 12 | 15 | 13 |
AGREE/DISAGREE: The U.S. is more likely to be targeted for terrorist attack because of our support for Israel? (ADL, March 18-25, 2005)
Agree |
Disagree |
ASKED TO THOSE WHO AGREE: In your opinion, should the US …? (ADL, March 18-25, 2005)
Continue to support Israel even if it means there will be a greater risk of terrorist attacks against America |
Pull back from its support of Israel to minimize the risk of a terrorist attack in this country |
Next, I'd like to get your overall opinion of some people who were in the news this year. As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of this person — or if you have never heard of him or her: Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. (Gallup)
Favorable |
Unfavorable |
Never heard of |
No Opinion |
* Asked as PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat
If you had to choose, who has been the greater victim of violence ...? (Center for Security Policy, June, 2003)
The Israelis | 40% |
The Palestinians | 21% |
Don't know | 39% |
And again, if you had to choose, which side do you think is more eager to bring about an end to the violence? (Center for Security Policy, June, 2003)
The Israelis | 48% |
The Palestinians | 15% |
Don't know | 37% |
And in your opinion, have the Palestinian leaders engaged in a sustained fight against terrorists and dismantled their infrastructure or have they not taken these steps? (Center for Security Policy, June, 2003)
Fought against terrorists | 10% |
Not taken these steps | 73% |
Don't know/Refused | 17% |
Do you think of organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorists or freedom fighters? If you have heard of the organizations but have no opinion or have never heard of the organizations, just say so. (Center for Security Policy, June, 2003)
Terrorists | 51% |
Freedom Fighters | 6% |
Heard of/No Opinion | 19% |
Never heard of | 24% |
The White House has said that force can and should be used against terrorists and their safe havens involved in operations intended to kill Americans. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with this policy? (Center for Security Policy, June, 2003)
Strongly Agree | 58% |
Somewhat Agree | 22% |
Somewhat Disagree | 7% |
Strongly Disagree | 7% |
Don't know/Refused | 6% |
Does Israel have the right to use pre-emptive force against terrorists and their safe havens? (Center for Security Policy, June, 2003)
Yes, have the right | 69% |
Not have right | 18% |
Don't know/Refused | 13% |
Now I'm going to read you a list of statements. After each one, tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. (Center for Security Policy, June, 2003)
"The Palestinians could stop the terrorism against Israel and Israelis if they really wanted to."
Strongly Agree | 38% |
Somewhat Agree | 29% |
Somewhat Disagree | 17% |
Strongly Disagree | 9% |
Don't know/Refused | 8% |
"Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other arab countries could stop the terrorism against Israel and Israelis if they really wanted to."
Strongly Agree | 42% |
Somewhat Agree | 26% |
Somewhat Disagree | 13% |
Strongly Disagree | 10% |
Don't know/Refused | 10% |
"The Arabs should be required to recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state before Israel is required to recognize a new Palestinian state."
Strongly Agree | 36% |
Somewhat Agree | 24% |
Somewhat Disagree | 16% |
Strongly Disagree | 11% |
Don't know/Refused | 14% |
"Israel should not give up land that could be used by terrorist organizations to launch raids into Israeli territory even if the Palestinians promised to make peace with Israel."
Strongly Agree | 37% |
Somewhat Agree | 25% |
Somewhat Disagree | 15% |
Strongly Disagree | 11% |
Don't know/Refused | 12% |
Do you think that Israel's struggle with the Palestinians is best described as a part of the war on terrorism, like the US struggle with Al Qaeda; as a conflict between two national groups fighting over the same piece of land; OR would you describe it some other way? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
Part of war on terrorism | 17% |
Conflict over land | 46% |
Other | 29% |
Don't know | 7% |
Do you think that Israel's struggle with the Palestinians is best described as a part of the war on terrorism, like the US struggle with Al Qaeda; as a conflict between two national groups fighting over the same piece of land; OR would you describe it some other way? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
Part of war on terrorism | 17% |
Conflict over land | 46% |
Other | 29% |
Don't know | 7% |
There is a controversy over whether the military actions Israel has taken in the West Bank in recent weeks were all legitimate means of trying to root out terrorists, or if they were also meant to punish the general Palestinian population. Which of the following best describes your impression of the purpose of the operation? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
The Israelis have been primarily trying to punish the population | 21% |
The Israelis have only been trying to root out terrorists, though they may have hurt some civilians unintentionally, OR | 36% |
The Israelis have been primarily trying to root out terrorists, but in some cases have also tried to punish the population | 34% |
Don't know | 8% |
Here is the Israeli position on this issue:
To capture the organizers of terrorist attacks that killed scores of Israeli civilians, Israeli forces had no choice but to seek out the terrorists. Israel was forced to do this because the Palestinian Authority has reneged on its own commitment to prevent terrorism. The Israeli forces had orders to avoid hurting civilians and to surgically target the terrorists. The extensive damage that occurred was in the context of difficult house-to-house fighting. Israel only acted like the US in Afghanistan in seeking out terrorists who murder its citizens. Do you find this statement convincing or unconvincing? Would that be very or somewhat (un)convincing? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
Very convincing | 28% |
Somewhat convincing | 24% |
Somewhat unconvincing | 20% |
Very unconvincing | 20% |
Don't know | 7% |
Here is the Palestinian position on this issue:
Israeli forces have killed women and children, bulldozed entire neighborhoods crushing the people living there, fired missiles into densely populated areas, blocked access of ambulances, and cut off electricity and water to whole towns for long periods. The Red Cross has declared that Israel has violated the Geneva conventions, UN agencies have protested Israeli actions, and the UN has created a fact-finding team which Israel is resisting. Clearly these actions are designed to hurt innocent Palestinian civilians, not just to target terrorist groups. Do you find this statement convincing or unconvincing? Would that be very or somewhat (un)convincing? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
Very convincing | 31% |
Somewhat convincing | 22% |
Somewhat unconvincing | 18% |
Very unconvincing | 19% |
Don't know | 9% |
Now, having heard both of these positions, which of the following best describes your impression of the purpose of the operation:? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
The Israelis have been primarily trying to punish the population | 21% |
The Israelis have only been trying to root out terrorists, though they may have hurt some civilians unintentionally, OR | 30% |
The Israelis have been primarily trying to root out terrorists, but in some cases have also tried to punish the population | 37% |
Don't know | 10% |
Another controversy is whether Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians are a justifiable means for the Palestinians to put pressure on Israel.
Here is a statement in support of the view that such attacks are not justifiable.
Deliberate and premeditated targeting of unarmed civilians in stores and markets and religious ceremonies is murder and nothing more. This is evil, and no grievance or perceived grievance can justify such acts against innocent civilians. If the suicide bombers succeed in bringing Israel to its knees, this will only encourage more suicide bombing all around the world, including the US. Do you find this statement convincing or unconvincing? Would that be very or somewhat (un)convincing? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
Very convincing | 57% |
Somewhat convincing | 21% |
Somewhat unconvincing | 8% |
Very unconvincing | 9% |
Don't know | 6% |
Here is a statement in support of the view that such attacks are justifiable:
For over thirty years, in violation of UN resolutions, Israel has occupied Palestinian territories, confiscated land, and killed hundreds of Palestinian civilians. Faced with an overwhelming military power, the Palestinians' only option is to attack Israeli civilians to press Israel to stop killing Palestinian civilians and end its occupation. Under international law, a person who is under occupation has a right to resist the occupier. Do you find this statement convincing or unconvincing? Would that be very or somewhat (un)convincing? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
Very convincing | 18% |
Somewhat convincing | 23% |
Somewhat unconvincing | 21% |
Very unconvincing | 28% |
Don't know | 9% |
Now, having heard both of these statements, are you more inclined to believe that Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians are justifiable or not justifiable as a means for the Palestinians to put pressure on Israel to end its occupation? (PIPA, May 8, 2002)
Justifiable | 16% |
Not justifiable | 76% |
Don't know | 7% |
Please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly agree with the following statement: "If Israel fails to stop suicide bombing as a terrorist tactic, the same tactic may be used in the United States." (ADL, April 26-May 6, 2002)
Agree | 63% |
Disagree | 28% |
Some people have said that the September 11th attacks on the U.S. signify a new and dangerous era in our country's history -- potentially as important as the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
Others say that the U.S. and our allies have the necessary strength and determination to win the war on terrorism -- and while the September 11th attacks were terrible events, they do not signify a new and dangerous era for the American people.
Which one of these statements is closer to your own view? (ADL, April 26-May 6, 2002)
2002 | 10/2001 | |
Likely | 68% | 84% |
Unlikely | 27% | 12% |
How likely is it that there will be another major terrorist attack in the U.S. within the next 12 months? (ADL, April 26-May 6, 2002
New and dangerous era | 59% |
Not a new and dangerous era | 33% |
Thinking about Israel’s ties with the U.S., do you think Israel’s current military action will make it more difficult for the U.S. to win the war on terrorism, or not? (Gallup/CNN/USA Today, April 3, 2002)
Yes, more difficult | 54% |
No, not | 35% |
No Opinion | 11% |
If the U.S. reduced its level of support for Israel, do you think this would decrease the likelihood of future acts of terrorism against the U.S., or would it make no difference? (Gallup/CNN/USA Today, April 5-7, 2002)
Yes, decrease | 21% |
No, makes no difference | 74% |
Increase (vol.) | 4% |
No Opinion | 1% |
As you may know, U.S. policy says that anyone who harbors terrorists will be treated as an enemy of the United States. Do you think that policy should or should not apply to Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat? (Gallup/CNN/USA Today, April 3, 2002)
Yes, should apply | 77% |
No, should not | 16% |
No Opinion | 7% |
Would you describe Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat as an enemy of the United States, or not? (Gallup/CNN/USA Today, April 5-7, 2002
Yes, enemy | 59% |
No, not enemy | 34% |
No Opinion | 7% |
What should the Israelis do with Yasser Arafat -- [ROTATED: kill him, send him into exile, or let him go]? (Gallup/CNN/USA Today, April 3, 2002
Kill him | 12% |
Send him into exile | 52% |
Let him go | 22% |
No Opinion | 7% |
Do you believe these acts are/were justified or unjustified? (USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll, March 1-3, 2002, for U.S. data and 2002 Gallup Poll of the Islamic World for Islamic country data)
World Trade Center/Pentagon Attacks
U.S. military action in Afghanistan
Iran |
Kuwait |
Lebanon |
Pakistan |
Turkey |
Do you believe groups of Arabs carried out the attacks against the USA on Sept. 11? (USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll, March 1-3, 2002, for U.S. data and 2002 Gallup Poll of the Islamic World for Islamic country data)
Not True
No Opinion
Iran |
Kuwait |
Lebanon |
Pakistan |
Turkey |
Now I would like to mention several actions that might be taken in the war against terrorism, and for each one please tell me whether you think the U.S. should or should not take that action. (Wall Street Journal/NBC News, December 8-10, 2001)
Should Take Action
Should Not Take Action
Depends (VOL)
Not Sure
Take military action against terrorist cells in other countries, such as the Philippines, Somalia and the Sudan. |
Take military action against Iraq and Saddam Hussein if he continues to keep UN inspectors out of Iraq, even if it means that most of our current allies would not join us. |
Take military action to overthrow Saddam Hussein, even if it requires using a great number of American ground troops. |
From what you know about Islam and its religious teachings, do you think the suicide bombings and other violence by some followers of Islam... (Newsweek, December 6-7, 2001)
Represent a perversion of Islam by extremists (or) | 70% |
Reflect an important part of Islam's teachings (or) | 18% |
Don't know | 12% |
Has the war on terrorism made you think that the United States' relations toward Israel should be closer, more distant, or stay the same? (Wall Street Journal/NBC News)
Closer |
More distant |
Stay the same |
Not sure |
Recently, President Bush said he wants to send a clear signal to PLO Leader Yasser Arafat to end the Palestinian violence against the Israelis. He ha refused to meet with Arafat and has said that Israel cannot be expected to negotiate under the threat of terrorism. What is your reaction to these statements and this policy? Do you... this specific effort by President Bush? (Luntz, 2001 Republican Jewish Coalition Survey, November 2001)
Approve | 79% |
Oppose | 14% |
Don't know/Refused | 7% |
Do you favor or oppose using American military force against terrorist groups that were behind the September 11 attacks? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Strongly favor | 82.3% |
Somewhat favor | 8.7% |
Somewhat oppose | 3.1% |
Strongly oppose | 5% |
Don't know/Refused | .9% |
What about using American military force against groups in other countries that have committed international terrorist acts, but were NOT behind the September 11 attacks? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Strongly favor | 51.6% |
Somewhat favor | 25.0% |
Somewhat oppose | 10.2% |
Strongly oppose | 9.3% |
Don't know/Refused | 3.5% |
What about working through the UN to strengthen international laws against terrorism and to make sure UN members cooperate in enforcing them? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Strongly favor | 70.6% |
Somewhat favor | 19.2% |
Somewhat oppose | 1.6% |
Strongly oppose | 4.9% |
Don't know/Refused | 3.6% |
What about putting greater pressure on both Israel and the Palestinians to reduce their level of conflict? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Strongly favor | 49.2% |
Somewhat favor | 25.1% |
Somewhat oppose | 6.0% |
Strongly oppose | 12.1% |
Don't know/Refused | 7.5% |
What about making a major effort to be seen as even-handed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Strongly favor | 34.2% |
Somewhat favor | 29.1% |
Somewhat oppose | 10.6% |
Strongly oppose | 10.0% |
Don't know/Refused | 16.0% |
How important is it for the war on terrorism to be seen by the world as an effort of many countries working together, not just a US effort? Is it very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Very important | 82.0% |
Somewhat important | 13.4% |
Not too important | 1.9% |
Not at all important | 2.5% |
Don't know/Refused | .3% |
If Osama Bin Laden were captured, we would need to decide whether he would be tried in a federal court in New York or in an International Criminal Tribunal. Some say it would be better to have Bin Laden tried in an International Criminal Tribunal because it would be more likely that the world would view the trial as impartial and less likely to lead to further terrorist attacks against the US. Others say it would be better to have Bin Laden tried in New York because the crime took place in America and we can be more confident that justice will be done. Do you think it would be better to have bin Laden tried in an International Criminal Tribunal or in New York? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
International Criminal Tribunal | 49.3% |
New York | 43.9% |
Don't know/Refused | 6.8% |
Please tell me which if the following positions is closer to yours: A. In the current military action in Afghanistan, it would be better if more countries would join with us, because then it would be an international effort, not just an American one. B. In the current military action in Afghanistan, it would be better NOT to get more countries involved, because if we did the operation would get bogged down by having to make decisions together with these other countries. (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Better if more countries join us | 73.1% |
Better NOT to get other countries | 24.1% |
Don't know/Refused | 2.4% |
Which of the following do you think should be the objective of a campaign against terrorist organizations?
A. Limiting the campaign to defeating, capturing, or killing Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network.
B. Broadening the campaign to defeating, capturing, or killing members of major international terrorist organizations, even if they were not involved in this specific attack. (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Limit to Bin Laden and network | 27.8% |
Broaden to major terror organizations | 66.9% |
Don't know/Refused | 5.3% |
Given America's current struggle with terrorism, do you think it is reasonable or not reasonable for the US to expect Israel to make a special effort to reduce its level of conflict with the Palestinians? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Reasonable | 63.9% |
Not Reasonable | 24.5% |
Don't know/Refused | 11.6% |
Do you favor or oppose sending US troops into Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein's government? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Favor | 60.8% |
Oppose | 28.5% |
Don't know/Refused | 7.0% |
In the event that the UN has evidence that there is an international terrorist group operating in a country, there are a number of things that the UN Security Council might consider doing. I'm going to read some of these options, and for each one I would like to know if you think this is the kind of thing the UN Security Council should be ABLE to do, or if you think this would make it too powerful. (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
What about requiring the country to allow a UN-sponsored police force to enter the country and conduct investigations?
Should be able | 69.8% |
Too powerful | 25.3% |
Don't know/Refused | 5.0% |
What about requiring the country to freeze the assets of the suspected terrorist group?
Should be able | 85.5% |
Too powerful | 11.7% |
Don't know/Refused | 2.7% |
What about requiring the country to provide intelligence on the suspected terrorist group?
Should be able | 88.3% |
Too powerful | 7.0% |
Don't know/Refused | 4.7% |
What about requiring the country to arrest the suspected terrorist group?
Should be able | 86.9% |
Too powerful | 10.0% |
Don't know/Refused | 3.0% |
What about sending in an international military force to capture the suspected terrorist group, if the country refuses to do so?
Should be able | 81.8% |
Too powerful | 13.2% |
Don't know/Refused | 5.1% |
Please tell me which of the following statements is closer to your own view:
A. Because Islamic religious and social traditions are intolerant and fundamentally incompatible with Western culture, violent conflict is bound to keep happening.
B. Though there are some fanatics in the Islamic world, most people there have needs and wants like those of people everywhere, so it is possible for us to find common ground. ? (Program on International Policy Attitudes, November 1-4, 2001)
Violent conflict | 26.0% |
Common ground | 67.6% |
Don't know/Refused | 6.5% |
Do you think that the United States support of Israel was a major factor in the terrorist attacks against the United States [9/11/01], or do you think the attacks would have happened regardless of the United States support of Israel? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Major factor |
Happened regardless |
DK/Refused |
Do you believe that after the World Trade Center terrorist attack [9/11/01], if the United States forced Israel to give up territory to Yasser Arafat for a Palestinian state including the dividing of Jerusalem, that it would end terrorism against the United States, or would it encourage terrorism by rewarding those who support terrorism like Arafat? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
End terrorism |
Encourage terrorism |
DK/Refused |
If it is discovered that Saddam Hussein and Iraq were involved in state sponsored terrorism against the United States and Israel, which nation would you prefer to carry out the military missions against Saddam Hussein? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
United States only |
Israel only |
Both |
Neither |
DK/Refused |
Should the American media, like CNN and major networks give unfiltered access to Osama bin Laden to reach the American public? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Yes |
No |
DK/Refused |
Do you think the Muslim community around the world is doing all it can to stop terrorist attacks by radical Muslims against the United States? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Yes |
No |
DK/Refused |
Should Arab-Americans who have publicly or privately supported terrorist groups like Hamas, or Hezbollah, be invited to the White House? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Yes |
No |
DK/Refused |
If the President succeeds in his plan to defeat Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, do you think that will be the end of major terrorist attacks on the United States, or will they continue? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
End |
Continue |
DK/Refused |
Would you approve or disapprove of Congress launching hearings and an investigation into the intelligence failures of the FBI and the CIA ? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Approve |
Disapprove |
DK/Refused |
Do you think that if the United States is able to defeat the terrorists in Afghanistan, the United States should continue on to defeat terrorist support in Iraq? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Yes |
No |
DK/Refused |
Should the United States insist that Russia stop selling military and nuclear technology to Iran and Iraq? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Yes |
No |
DK/Refused |
Do you or anyone in your household in which you live have a friend, family member or business associate who was killed or injured in the September 11th terror attacks at the World Trade Center or the Pentagon? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Yes |
No |
DK/Refused |
Would you approve or disapprove of ending immigration and visitor visas for any and all people trying to enter the United States from any country who sponsors terrorism, or has relations with any terrorist linked nations, unless that persons qualifies for political asylum? (New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times, Oct. 15, 2001)
Approve |
Disapprove |
DK/Refused |
Now I'm going to read you a list of groups and others and I'd like to know if you think they have done enough to support the United States and oppose terrorism since the attacks on September 11 [2001]. (Newsweek, October 4-5, 2001)
Done Enough
Failed to do Enough
Muslim leaders in the United States | 40% | 43% | 17% |
Moderate Muslim leaders from other countries | 25% | 58% | 17% |
Religious leaders in other countries who are not Muslim | 38% | 42% | 20% |
The NATO countries in Europe | 53% | 32% | 15% |
Saudi Arabia | 24% | 58% | 18% |
Israel | 38% | 43% | 19% |
In your opinion, how likely is it that more terrorist attacks will be carried out against major U.S. cities, buildings or national landmarks in the near future. Is it...(Newsweek, 2001)
Very likely | 39% | 33% | 41% | 43% |
Somewhat likely | 40% | 46% | 41% | 39% |
Not too likely | 13% | 14% | 11% | 12% |
Not at all likely | 4% | 4% | 4% | 3% |
Don't know | 4% | 3% | 3% | 3% |
In your opinion, how soon -- if ever -- should the United States use military force against Osama bin Laden or others linked to the terrorist attacks of September 11 [2001]? Do you think military action... (Newsweek, 2001)
Should have ALREADY started | 24% | 18% | 17% |
Should start within the next few weeks | 11% | 10% | 15% |
Should start within the next six months | 4% | 4% | 6% |
Should take as long as is necessary to plan something that will work OR | 55% | 63% | 59% |
Should NOT be considered at all | 2% | 2% | 1% |
Don't know | 3% | 3% | 2% |
Now I'm going to read you a list of different things that might have motivated terrorists to attack the United States. As I read each one, please tell me if you think it is a major reason, a minor reason or not a reason why terrorists have targeted the U.S. (Newsweek, 2001)
Major | Minor | Not | Major | Minor | Not | |
Opposition to U.S. ties to Israel and U.S. policies toward the Palestinian situation |
Resentment of the impact of U.S. culture, such as movies and other popular entertainment in Muslim countries |
Economic hardships in Muslim countries created by Western capitalism |
Opposition to the Gulf War and U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf region |
Resentment of U.S. military and economic power in general |
Thinking about United States policies in general in the Middle East, should the United States consider changing its policies in the Middle East to try to reduce the violent backlash against the United States or should the United States not consider such changes? (Newsweek, Oct. 4-5, 2001)
Should consider changing policies |
Should NOT consider changes |
Don't Know/Refused |
Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement, or if you have no opinion either way -- "The U.S. should reduce its ties to Israel in order to lessen the acts of terrorism against us." (Newsweek)
Agree |
Disagree |
No opinion/Don't Know |
Do you think that reducing U.S. ties to Israel WOULD reduce the amount of terrorist acts directed against the United States." (Newsweek, Oct. 4-5, 2001)
Yes, would reduce terrorist acts |
No, would not |
Don't Know |
I'd like to find out what you think the impact of the United States endorsing the idea of a Palestinian state would be. First, do you think this would help the United States' effort to build a coalition to fight terrorism, hurt the U.S. effort, or would it not make any difference? (Newsweek, Oct. 4-5, 2001)
Help fight against terrorism | 35% |
Hurt fight against terrorism | 11% |
Make no difference | 43% |
Don't know | 11% |
Now a few questions about the terrorist attacks (on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, September 11, 2001).)... What's your impression, do you think that many people in the Middle East and other non-western nations believe the United States itself bears some responsibility for the hatred that lead to the terrorist attacks, or don't you think many of them feel this way? (Pew Research Center, September 21-25, 2001)
Yes, many believe United States bears some responsibility | 59% |
No, don't think many feel this way | 27% |
Don't know/Refused | 14% |
When you think about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (September 11, 2001), do you place a lot of blame, some blame or no blame at all on United States policies in the Middle East over the years? (CBS/New York Times , September 20-23, 2001)
A lot | 14% |
Some | 54% |
No blame at all | 30% |
Don't know/Refused | 7% |
Do you feel the U.S. should do whatever is necessary to find and destroy terrorists who threaten serious harm to our citizens or nation, or do you think such actions would be wrong? (International Communications Research, September 14-18, 2001)
Yes, do whatever necessary | 92% |
No, would be wrong | 5% |
Don't know/Refused | 3% |
Do you feel that ISRAEL should do whatever is necessary to find and destroy terrorists who threaten serious harm to ITS citizens or nation, or do you think such actions would be wrong? (International Communications Research, September 14-18, 2001)
Yes, do whatever necessary | 84% |
No, would be wrong | 9% |
Don't know/Refused | 7% |
Have the events of the last week [September 11 terrorist attack on New York/Washington] given you a better understanding of the threat that suicide bombers present in Israel - or do you feel it hasn't changed your perception of Israel's situation? (International Communications Research, September 14-18, 2001)
Yes, better understanding | 53% |
No, hasn't changed perception | 40% |
Don't know/Refused | 7% |
Do you agree or disagree that the U.S. and Israel should cooperate fully in combating terrorism? (International Communications Research, September 14-18, 2001)
Agree | 93% |
Disagree | 4% |
Don't know/Refused | 4% |
Do the events of the last week [September 11 terrorist attack on New York/Washington] say to you that the U.S. should develop closer relations with Israel, that we should begin to distance ourselves from Israel, or there should be no change in our current relationship? (International Communications Research, September 14-18, 2001)
Should develop closer relations with Israel | 33% |
Should distance ourselves from Israel | 10% |
No change | 43% |
Don't know/Refused | 13% |
Which do you think is the more likely cause of the recent terrorist attacks on the United States -- American support for Israel OR the growing number of Arab terrorist groups and the countries that harbor them? (International Communications Research, September 14-18, 2001)
American support for Israel | 19% |
Growing number of Arab terrorist groups and the countries that harbor them | 66% |
Other | 6% |
Don't know/Refused | 9% |
Specifically, do you think the terrorist attack (on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC) last Tuesday (September 11, 2001) was a direct result of United States' policy in the Middle East or not?(Los Angeles Times, September 13-14, 2001)
Yes | 58% |
No | 23% |
Partially (vol) | 7% |
Don't know | 12% |
Based on what you've heard and read, over the past few weeks and months, has violence in the Middle East increased significantly, increased somewhat or decreased significantly? (America Middle East Information Network, August 2001)
Increased significantly | 48% |
Increased somewhat | 32% |
Stayed the same | 7% |
Decreased somewhat | 4% |
Decreased significantly | 1% |
Don't know/Refused | 8% |
From what you know of the past few weeks' violence, would you describe the actions of the Palestinians: (America Middle East Information Network, August 2001)
As terrorism | 31% |
As warfare | 24% |
As self-defense | 11% |
As resistance | 10% |
Don't know/Refused | 24% |
From what you know of the past few weeks' violence, would you describe the actions of Israel (America Middle East Information Network, August 2001)
As terrorism | 13% |
As warfare | 20% |
As self-defense | 32% |
As resistance | 10% |
Don't know/Refused | 25% |
I'm going to read you three different points of view about what Israel could do about bombings and other violent acts by Palestinian Arabs. Please tell me which point of view comes closest to your own. (America Middle East Information Network, August 2001)
Israel should attempt to prevent violent acts before they happen by using force against those responsible for planning and conducting them | 36% |
Israel should limit its response to the bombings and attacks on its people by increasing protection around the likely targets | 32% |
Israel should make the concessions the Palestinians demand | 15% |
Don't Know/Refused | 17% |
Finally, if Israel has proof that a terrorist is planning a suicide bomb or other act of terrorism that is likely to result in the deaths of Israelis, is Israel definitely justified, probably justified, probably not justified or definitely not justified in attempting to kill that terrorist before that individual kills Israelis? (America Middle East Information Network, August 2001)
Definitely justified | 43% |
Probably justified | 30% |
Probably not justified | 9% |
Definitely not justified | 7% |
Don't Know/Refused | 11% |
Finally, if Israel has proof that a terrorist had carried out a terrorist act that killed Israelis and plans to strike again, is Israel definitely justified, probably justified, probably not justified or definitely not justified in attempting to kill that terrorist before that individual kills more Israelis? (America Middle East Information Network, August 2001)
Definitely justified |
Probably justified |
Probably not justified |
Definitely not justified |
Don't Know/Refused |
*Note numbers may not total 100% due to rounding.