American Presidents & Israel: Harry Truman Administration
(1942 - 1953)
- Speech for the Conference of the National Jewish Welfare Board (October 17)
- Eddie Jacobson Recounts His Role in Influencing Truman to Support Jewish State (April 1, 1952)
- Truman Executive Order 10131 Regarding Investigation of Displaced Persons (June 16)
- Tripartite Declaration of the US, UK and France (May 25)
- Letter to Congress on U.S. Assistance to Palestine Refugees (January 30)
- Statement on the UN Economic Survey Mission to the Middle East (December 30)
- Weizmann Explains Israeli Position at Lausanne Negotiations (June 29)
- Negotiations With Israel and Arabs Re Palestinian Refugees (June 2)
- Discussion Of Israel's Borders and Jordan Incorporating Palestinian Territories (June 2)
- Question About Future of Gaza and Criticism of Ambassador to Israel (June 2)
- Cable Regarding Lausanne Talks on Jerusalem (June 2)
- US Concerned Jordan Will Annex Palestinian Territories (June 1)
- Discussions on Water & Jordan Policy (June 1)
- State Undecided On Jordan Keeping Palestinian Territories (June 1)
- Truman Statement on Resolution for the Relief of Palestine Refugees (March 24)
- CIA Observations Concerning Palestine and the Arab Countries (March 18)
- McDonald Asks Permission to Attend Israeli Government Inauguration (February 8)
- The United States Grants Israel De Jure Recognition (January 31)
- Truman Informs Marshall He Will Grand De Jure Recognition to Israel (January)
- Truman Message to Congress Concerning Relief to Palestine Refugees (January 27)
- Weizmann Asks Truman to Intervene with British Over Armistice with Egypt (January 11)
- U.S. Threatens Israel Over Actions Following 1948 War (December)
- Statement Concerning U.S. Assistance to Palestine Refugees (December 7)
- Truman Reassures Weizmann Regarding Israel Keeping Negev (November 29)
- Weizmann Asks Truman to Ensure Negev Remains Part of Israel (November 5)
- Address in Madison Square Garden, NY (October 28)
- Statement on Israel (October 24)
- Truman Executive Order 10003 Regarding Investigation of Displaced Persons (October 4)
- Memo Warning Truman Is Losing Jewish Support (September or October)
- Clifford Upset Marshall Approved Bernadotte Plan (September 28)
- State Department Asks Truman To Stop Israeli “Aggression” (August 16)
- Recommendation that US Oppose British Raising Jewish DPs and Arab Refugees in Security Council (July 28)
- State Opposes UN Mediator’s Request for Marines in Jerusalem (July 21)
- UN Mediator Asks US For Marines to Protect Jerusalem (July 20)
- Displaced Persons Act of 1948 (June 25)
- Democratic Party Platform (July 12)
- Agreement with Government of Israel (June 22)
- Republican Party Platform (June 21)
- U.S. Proposes Establishing Mission In Tel Aviv (June 15)
- Weizmann Letter to Truman Following Meeting (May 26)
- Weizmann Meets Truman, Asks for Arms and Loan (May 26)
- Aide-Mémoire Given By Weizmann to Truman on Urgent Israeli Needs (May 25)
- State Department Near East Director Henderson Accuses Zionists of Aggression Against Arabs of Palestine (May 25)
- Truman Says American Jews Are “Very Emotional” (May 18)
- State Department Recommends Truman Back Trusteeship For Palestine (May 11)
- Truman News Conference (May 6)
- Weizmann Asks Truman to Recognize Jewish State, President is Noncommittal (May 13, 15)
- Telegram Recognizing State of Israel (May 14)
- The United States Recognizes Israel (May 14)
- Truman Says Jewish, Arab Lobbying Won’t Influence Him (May 5)
- Jewish Leaders Convince Truman to Recognize Jewish State
- State Department Recommends Replacing Partition Resolution (April 13)
- Weizmann Tells Truman Choice for Jewish People is Statehood or Extermination (April 9)
- Proposal for Temporary United Nations Trusteeship for Palestine (March 25)
- The U.S. Proposes Temporary Trusteeship (March 19)
- Sen. Myers Expresses Concern to Truman Over Trusteeship Proposal (March 4)
- Truman Tells Jacobson He Supports Partition (February 27)
- Memo Making Case For U.S. to Abandon Partition (February 17)
- Truman Tallies Votes for Partition (November 27)
- Clark Clifford: The Politics of 1948 and the Jews (November 19)
- Truman Says the Palestine Problem Is “Insoluble” (November 11)
- United States Position on Palestine Question (October 11)
- Jacobson Appeals to Truman on Partition, President Responds Negatively (October 3, 8)
- Truman Diary Entry Disparages Jews (July 21)
- Statement by Truman on Palestine (June 5)
- Niles Informs Truman Arab Delegates At UN Were Hitler Allies (May 12)
- The Truman Doctrine (March 12)
- White House Responds to Foreign Secretary Bevin’s Remarks Relating to U.S. Interest in Palestine (February 26)
- American Council for Judaism Expresses Opposition to Zionism to Truman (December 4)
- Truman’s Message to the King of Saudi Arabia Concerning Palestine (October 28)
- Statement by the President Following the Adjournment of the Palestine Conference in London (October 4)
- Truman Advised Not to Endorse Partition (September 12)
- Truman Statement on Palestine and on the Problem of Displaced Persons (August 16)
- In Message to Truman Atlee Expresses Anger Over King David Bombing, Hope for Peace (July 25)
- Truman Condemns Acts of Terrorism in Palestine (July 23)
- Truman Meets with Leaders of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (July 2)
- Senators Ask Truman To Push For 100,000 Jews To Be Allowed Into Palestine (June 20)
- Truman Appoints a Committee on Palestine (June 11)
- Truman Statment on the Anglo-American Committee of Injury (April 30)
- Celler Expresses Concern to Truman About British Bias (March 20)
- U.S. Recognition of Transjordan (February 26)
- Truman Remarks on Jewish Victims of Europe (February 25)
- Statement by the President Concerning the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (Palestine Commission) (December 10)
- Statement by the President on the Problem of Jewish Refugees in Europe (November 13)
- Truman Letter to Attlee Concerning Resettlement of Jewish Refugees in Palestine (November 13)
- State Department Says Treatment of Tunis Jews French Matter (November 4)
- Memo for President Truman regarding his stance on Palestine (October 17)
- Truman’s Message to Congress on the Atomic Bomb (September 3)
- Truman’s Letter Regarding the Harrison Report on the Treatment of Displaced Jews (August 31)
- Truman Letter to Committee Chairmen on Financing UN Palestine Refugee Program (July 27)
- Truman’s Message to Congress on Driving for Victory Against Japan (June 1)
- Truman Told Not To Support Pro-Zionist American Christian Palestine Committee (May 28)
- Truman’s Press Statement Concerning Defeat of Japan (May 8)
- Truman’s Broadcast on Surrender of Germany (May 8)
- Grew Memo Tries to Discourage Truman Support for Zionists (May 1)
- Truman’s Broadcast to the Armed Forces Upon His Assumption of Office (April 17)
- First Message of President Truman to the Congress (April 16)
- Truman Angered By Bergson Ad (May 7)