Harry Truman Administration: Statement Condemning Acts of Terrorism in Palestine
(July 23, 1946)
I HAVE LEARNED with deep regret of the destruction by a bomb of the building in Palestine in which were located the Palestine Government and the British Military Headquarters, resulting in the killing of approximately fifty men and women, soldiers and civilians. Every responsible Jewish leader, I am sure, will join me in condemning the wanton slaying of human beings.
At this time representatives of the United States Government are in London conferring with representatives of the British Government as to steps to be taken to implement the Report of the Palestine Committee which recommended, among other things, the immigration of 100,000 Jews into Palestine.
Such acts of terrorism will not advance, but on the contrary might well retard, the efforts that are being made, and will continue to be made, to bring about a peaceful solution of this difficult problem.
Sources: Public Papers of the President