Harry Truman Administration: Agreement with Government of Israel
(June 22, 1948)
AGREEMENT has been reached between the Government of the United States and the Provisional Government of Israel on the establishment of a Mission of the United States in Israel and a Mission of the Provisional Government of Israel in the United States. Agreement has also been reached on the exchange of special representatives.
Mr. Eliahu Epstein has been designated by the Provisional Government of Israel as its Special Representative in the United States heading the Mission of the Provisional Government of Israel in this country.
I have today appointed the Honorable James Grover McDonald, of New York, to serve as the Special Representative of the United States to head the Mission of the United States in Israel.
NOTE: On January 25, 1949, a permanent government was elected in Israel, and on January 31 the White House announced that the United States had extended de jure recognition to the new Government of Israel.
Sources: Public Papers of the President