Israeli PM Menachem Begin & Ronald Reagan at the White House, 1982 (Photo Israeli GPO) Reference Biography Bitburg Controversy (1985) The Iran-Contra Affair (1985-87) Evolution of Strategic Alliance U.S. Policy on Lebanon (1982-1984) 1988 News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel Message from President Reagan to Prime Minister Shamir (December) Statement on Diplomatic Talks With the PLO (December) State Department Cable on Hamas-PLO Competition (November) Senate Letter to Shulz Opposing Arafat Visa (November U.S. Reaction to Recognition of the PLO's Unilateral Declaration of Statehood (November) Hamas-PFLP Challenge to the Unified Leadership (November) Arafat Seeks Visa After Compromises on Israel (November) Intifada Leader's Appeal to Israeli Public Opinion (October) Arab States: Acceptance of a Palestinian State (October) Speech at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Awards Ceremony (October) Fundamentalism and the Intifada: Defining the Issues (September) Palestinians Concerned About Jordanian Disengagement in the West Bank (August) Statement on Discussions with Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin (June) Memorandum of Agreement on Security Cooperation (April 21) Press Conference Following Discussions With Israeli PM Shamir (March) Remarks to Israel Supporters at White House Briefing on Foreign Policy (March) 1987 News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel U.S. Secretary of State Reviews the Autonomy Proposal (November) Reaction to the Landau Commission Report (November) Classified State Department Memo on the Landau Report (November) Speech at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Chaim Herzog of Israel (November) Shultz Meeting with Peres (October) Shultz on Peace and International Conference 2 (October) Shultz on Peace and International Conference (October) Confidential Report of Secretary Shultz's Meeting with Jerusalem Mayor Kollek (October) Shultz Meeting with Kollek on Jerusalem (October) Declassified Briefing of Secretary of State's Meeting with Israeli PM Shamir (October) Press Conference With Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir of Israel (February) Remarks on Signing the Israel-U.S. Radio Relay Station Site Agreement (February) 1986 News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel Press Conference With Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres (September) Letters from Prime Minister Peres (September) Message from Secretary of State Shultz to Prime Minister Peres (July) Letter to Congress Certifying Conditions Met for Sale of AWACS Aircraft to Saudi Arabia (June) Statement on the Release of Anatoly Sharansky From the Soviet Union (February) 1985 News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel Statement on United States Arms Sales to Jordan (November) President Reagan Following Discussions With Prime Minister Shimon Peres (October) Reagan Acknowledges Jewish High Holy Days (September) Reagan on United States Arms Sales to Jordan (September) Reagan Remarks Following Discussions With King Hussein (September) Reagan Radio Address On Peace Between Israel, Egypt & Jordan (September) Reagan Signs Supplemental Appropriations Act Including Mideast Aid (August) Letter from President Reagan to Prime Minister Peres on TWA Hostage Crisis (July) TWA Hijacking Incident (June) Reagan Speaks At Bergen-Belsen (May) Press Briefing With King Hussein (May) US-Israel Free Trade Agreement (April 22) Reagan on Presenting the Congressional Gold Medal to Elie Wiesel (April 19) Congressional Gold Medal Awarded to Elie Wiesel (April 19) Reagan Meeting With President Hosni Mubarak (March) Joint Saudi Arabia-United States Communique (February) Reagan Welcomes King Fahd of Saudi Arabia (February) 1984 News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel Speech on Signing the Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 (October) Remarks of President Reagan and Prime Minister Shimon Peres (October) Reagan Speech to Temple Hillel and Community Leaders in Valley Stream (October) Congress Urges Reagan to Help Ethiopian Jews Immigrate to Israel (September) Reagan Speech to B'nai B'rith (September) Reagan on Observance of the Jewish High Holy Days (September) U.S. Strategy at UN and Israeli Participation in General Assembly (August) Speakes on the President's Meeting With Jewish Women Leaders (August) The Murder of Leamon (Ray) Hunt by Terrorists (February) 1983 Offering Israel Expanded MNF U.S. Rejects Understanding On Possible Israeli Reentry Into Lebanon News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel Reagan Interview with Bruce Drake of the New York Daily News (December) Remarks of President Reagan and Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir (November) Reagan on Terror Attack on Soldiers in Beirut (October) Reagan Condemns Soviet Human Rights Policies (October) Press Conference on Withdrawal of Forces From Lebanon (May) Habib Meets With Begin On Lebanon Withdrawal (April) Schultz Makes Case for Visit to Accelerate Lebanon Withdrawal (April) White House Statement on the Israeli Withdrawal From the Sinai Peninsula (April) Question-and-Answer Session on the Situation in the Middle East (April) U.S. Plans Contingencies to Pressure Israel on Lebanon Withdrawal (February) Memo to William Clark on Lebanon Talks (February) Begin Agrees to Lebanon Deal (January) U.S. Rejects Israeli Proposal for Interim Withdrawal from Lebanon (January) Habib and Begin Discuss Lebanon (January) Draft Agreement Between Israel and Lebanon (January) Update on Lebanon Talks and Israeli Security Zone (January) Update on Lebanon Talks (January) Ronald Reagan and Yitzhak Navon Comment Following Their Meetings (January) Lebanon: How to Force the Pace (January) 1982 Shultz on Lebanon Strategy News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel Details of Lebanon Negotiations (December) Memo Regarding Assurances to the PLO (December) Shultz Reports on Stalemate in Lebanon Talks (November) Diplomatic Strategy and Timetable for Israel Withdrawal from Lebanon (November) Meetings with King Hassan II and Arab League Delegation (October) Reagan Discusses Lebanon, Relations with Israel at News Conference (September) Address to the Nation on U.S. Policy for Peace in the Middle East (September) The Reagan Middle East Peace Plan (September) U.S. Policy Goals in Lebanon (August) Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Palestinian Situation (August) Habib Discusses Difficulty of Getting Cease-fire (July) Talking Points for Meeting with Arens on Beirut (July) Habib Meetings Regarding Lebanon War Ceasefire (July) Briefing on Middle East Positions for South Korean President's Africa Visit (July) Reagan Responds to Reporters Regarding Arms for Israel (July) Briefing on U.S. Middle East Policy for Sourth Korean President Chun (July) Remarks of Reagan and Menachem Begin Following Their Meetings (June) Exchange of Letters between President Reagan and Prime Minister Begin (June) U.S. Sinai Support Mission Thirteenth Message to Congress Transmitting a Report (May) Israeli Withdrawal From the Sinai Peninsula (April) Letter to Congress Reporting on the Deployment of U.S. Forces in the Multinational Force and Observers (March) Letter on U.S. Participation in the Multinational Force and Observers (March) Begin Objects to U.S. Arms Sale to Jordan, Reagan Offers Reassurance of Support for Israel (February) Letter on U.S. Military Assistance Policies for the Middle East (February) 1981 News Conferences & Interviews on the Middle East/Israel AWACS Sale to Saudi Arabia Statement on Signing the Multinational Force and Observers Participation Resolution (December) Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Cooperation (November 30) U.S. Sinai Support Mission Twelfth Message to Congress Transmitting a Report (October) Reagan On Senate Approval of the Sale of AWACS to Saudi Arabia (October) Reagan on the Death of Moshe Dayan (October) Remarks at Welcoming Ceremony for Prime Minister Menahem Begin (September) Habib on Keeping Lebanon Ceasefire Out of Security Council (July) Habib Meetings in New York Regarding Lebanon Ceasefire (July) Message From Habib to Begin Regarding UN Monitoring Lebanon Border (July) President to Meet with Mideast Ambassadors, Israeli Raid On Iraqi Reactor Highlights Need For Peace (June) Foreign Ministry Statement on Suspension of Delivery of U.S. Aircraft to Israel (June) U.S. Sinai Support Mission Eleventh Message to Congress Transmitting a Report (April) Foreign Ministry Statement on U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia (March) Begin Congratulates Reagan on Election Victory (January)