Carter, Sadat & Begin at Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty Signing, 1979 (Photo Israeli GPO) 1980 News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel Remarks Following Meeting With Israeli PM Begin (November 30) Implementation of the United States-Israel Oil Agreement (October 17) Scientific Cooperation With Egypt and Israel (September 29) Message to Senate on U.S.-Israel Convention on Income Taxes (July 3) Remarks to Reporters Following Meeting with Israeli PM Begin (April 16) Statement on UN Vote on Israeli Settlements & Jerusalem (March 30) Remarks on 1st Anniversary of Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty (March 23) 1979 U.S. Emergency Oil Supply Pact With Israel News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel Remarks on First Anniversary of the Camp David Agreements (September 17) Remarks on Oil Production and Middle East Peace (August 30) Letter to Congressional Committee Chairmen to Support Peace Treaty (April 2) Remarks of Carter, Sadat & Begin at Treaty Signing Ceremony (March 26) Text of Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty & Related Documents (March 26) Carter's Address Before the Knesset (March 12) Remarks of Israeli President Navon & President Carter (March 10) Remarks on Departure for Trip to Egypt and Israel (March 7) 1978 News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel Carter Statement on the Death of Golda Meir (December 8) Message of Congratulations to Sadat & Begin on Nobel Prize (October 27) Remarks at Opening Ceremony of Egyptian-Israeli Peace Negotiations (October 12) Letters Accompanying Documents Agreed to at Camp David (September 22) Address Before Joint Session of Congress on Camp David Meetings (September 18) Conversation between President Carter and Israeli FM Dayan in the Billiard Room at Camp David (September 17) Remarks by Carter, Sadat & Begin at Camp David (September 17) Camp David Meeting Documents Agreed Upon (September 17) Conversation between Carter, Vance, Begin and Dayan at Camp David (September 16) Conversation between US and Egyptian Delegations at Camp David (September 11) Conversation between Israeli FM Dayan and Israeli DM Weizman, with US Sec. State Vance US Sec. Def. Brown (September 7) Remarks at White House Reception for Israel's 30th Anniversary (May 30) Letter to Congress on U.S. Middle East Arms Sales (May 12) State Department Legal Advisor Concerning the Legality of Israeli Settlements (April 21) Speech on Occasion of Visit by Begin (March 22) Remarks at Welcoming Ceremony for Israeli PM Begin (March 21) Conversation between US President Carter and Israeli PM Begin and their Delegations (March 21) Statement by Carter on Terrorist Attack in Israel (March 11) Carter Addresses Palestinian Rights (January 4) Carter Discusses Middle East Peace with Indian Prime Minister Desai (January 2) Memo to Hamilton Jordan on Carter and the Jews 1977 News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel Statement on Foreign Military Sales Credits for Israel (December 31) Exchange With Reporters on Visit of Anwar al-Sadat to Israel (November 20) U.S.-Israel Joint Statement at Geneva Peace Conference (October 5) Conversation between US President Carter and Israeli FM Moshe Dayan (October 4) Joint U.S.-Soviet Statement of the Middle East (October 1) Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Israeli PM Begin (July 19) Conversation between PM Begin and President Carter (July 19) CIA Assessment of Menachem Begin Following His Election (July 7) Statement Upon the Signing of Anti-Boycott Legislation (June 22) Remarks on Visit of Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia (May 25) Remarks of Carter at Welcoming Ceremony for Rabin (March 7)