American Presidents & Israel: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration
(1933 - 1945)
- FDR Tells Lehman German Jews Applying For Visas Will Get Favorable Treatment (November 13)
- Letter From Lehman to Roosevelt Regarding McDonald Proposal (November 1)
- McDonald Tells Warburg Visa Policy Should Be More Lenient (October 29)
- McDonald Proposes Evacuating 200,000 German Jews (October 10)
- Rep. Hennings Calls on President to Protest Mistreatment of German Jews (October 3)
- Roosevelt Asks If There is Any Place for “Jewish Colonization” (November 26)
- State Department Replies To FDR Re “Jewish Colonization” (November 28)
- Roosevelt Statement on Refugees in Palestine (November 23)
- Manufacturer Objects to Attention Given to Jews Over Americans (November 23)
- Roosevelt Mentions Jewish Refugees in Press Conference (November 18)
- FDR Statement On Kristallnacht (November 15)
- FDR Receives Urgent Report On Kristallnacht (November 10)
- Roosevelt Comments on the Jewish Refugees (November 5)
- Roosevelt to Senator Tydings on the Palestine Situation (October 19)
- Adolf Hitler: Letter to President Roosevelt on Invasion of Czechoslovakia (September 27)
- Roosevelt Letter to Hitler Calling For Peaceful Resolution of Conflict With Czechoslovakia (September 27)
- Roosevelt on Political Refugees (October 17)
- U.S. Ambassador On Meetings In Cuba About the SS St. Louis (June 8)
- Roosevelt’s Message to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini (April 14)
- Long Expresses Concern With Undesirable Immigrants (September 18)
- FDR Asks Hull to Raise Issue of European Refugees (July 3)
- Roosevelt Expresses Concern About Anti-Jewish Feeling in the Church (February 13)
- United States Declares War on Germany and Italy (December 11)
- Roosevelt Asks Congress to Recognize State of War with Germany and Italy (December 11)
- Roosevelt’s Address to Congress Calling for a Declaration of War Against Japan (December 8)
- Stalin Replies to Roosevelt Letter of October 30, 1941 (November 4)
- Letter from Roosevelt to Stalin (October 30)
- Roosevelt’s “Navy Day Address” on the Attack on the Destroyer Kearney (October 27)
- Roosevelt Protests Execution of Hostages by the Nazis (October 25)
- Roosevelt’s Message to Congress Urging the Arming of Ships Engaged in Foreign Commerce (October 9)
- Letter from Roosevelt to Stalin (October 8)
- Joint Message of Assistance to the Soviet Union from Roosevelt and Churchill (August 15)
- Churchill, Roosevelt Announce “The Atlantic Charter” (August 14)
- Roosevelt Freezes Japanese and Chinese Assets in the United States (July 25)
- Roosevelt’s Message to Congress on U.S. Occupation of Iceland (July 7)
- Roosevelt’s Independence Day Broadcast on Isolationism (July 4)
- Joint Statement by Roosevelt and Churchill On War (June 27)
- Roosevelt’s Broadcast on Challenges of War (May 27)
- President Roosevelt’s on Policy Toward the French Republic (May 15)
- Message of President Roosevelt to King Peter II of Yugoslavia (April 8)
- President Roosevelt’s Annual Address to Congress - The “Four Freedoms” (January 6)
- Memo to President Roosevelt from Leaders of the American Jewish Community (December 8)
- Representatives of Polish Jewry Urge Roosevelt to Act (December 8, 1942)
- Wise Appeals to Roosevelt to Publicly Acknowledge Final Solution (December 2)
- Roosevelt’s Statement on North African Policy (November 17)
- Roosevelt on Termination of Diplomatic Relations with the Vichy Government (November 9)
- Roosevelt’s Message to Marshal Henri Petain (November 8)
- Roosevelt’s Message to Franco (November 8)
- Roosevelt’s Message to the French People (November 7)
- Roosevelt Announces Opening of Second Front in French North and West Africa (November 7)
- Message from Roosevelt to Mikhail Kalinin, President, Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (November 6)
- Roosevelt Rejects Advice to Condemn Vichy Persecution of Jews (October 21)
- Roosevelt’s Broadcast to the Nation on War Effort (October 12)
- Ickes Recommends Allowing Jews Into Virgin Islands (October 10)
- Roosevelt’s Statement on War Crimes (October 7)
- Roosevelt Calls for Community Mobilization (October 5)
- Roosevelt Informed State Department Approves Entry of 1,000 Jewish Children (September 11)
- Roosevelt’s Broadcast to International Student Assembly (September 3)
- Roosevelt’s Statement on Punishment of War Crimes (August 21)
- The Potsdam Conference (July 17 - August 2)
- The Potsdam Declaration (August 2)
- Report on the Tripartite Conference of Berlin (August 2)
- Exchange of Letters Between Churchill and Roosevelt on American Contributions for British Relief (June-July)
- Roosevelt Discusses Second Front with Molotov (June 13)
- Roosevelt’s Broadcast to the Nation on Rubber (June 12)
- Roosevelt’s Statement on Japan’s Use of Poison Gas (June 5)
- Roosevelt Tells Congress U.S. at War With Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania (June 2)
- Roosevelt’s Wartime State of the Union Address (January 6)
- U.S. Learns of Worsening Condition of Jews in France, Including Thousands of Children (December 30)
- The Teheran Conference (December 1)
- Roosevelt Condemns Argentina For Suspending Publication of Jewish Newspapers (October 15)
- Efforts to Save Jewish Children in France (September 21)
- Report on Campaign for the Extermination of French Jews (September 11)
- FDR Agrees to Funds for Jewish Refugees (August 14)
- OSS Reports on Zionist Campaign for a Jewish Army and Statehood (April 19)
- Hull Advises Roosevelt on Bermuda Refugee Conference (May 7)
- Roosevelt Tells Wise U.S. is Helping Victims of Nazis (March 4, 23)
- Roosevelt on the Casablanca Conference (February 12)
- Ickes Rejects Renewal of Proposal to Allow Jews Into Virgin Islands (January 13)
- FDR Rosh Hashanah Message Mentions Jewish “Tragedy” (August 14)
- McCloy Tells Pehle Bombing Camps “Impracticable” (July 4)
- Republican Platform Calls for Implementation of Balfour Declaration (June 26)
- Roosevelt Tells Congress of Nazi Determination to Exterminate European Jewry (June 12)
- Roosevelt Tells Congress of Nazi Determination to Exterminate European Jewry (June 12)
- Franklin Roosevelt’s Press Conference on D-Day (June 6)
- Roosevelt On Nazi and Japanese Murderers and Bringing Them to Justice (March 24)
- Morgenthau Tells Roosevelt State Department is Blocking Rescue of Jews (January 16)
- Discussion of State Department Failure to Rescue European Jewry (January 15)
- Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of this Government in the Murder of the Jews (January 13)
- U.S. Grants Licenses to World Jewish Congress, Joint Distribution Committee to Aid French Jews (January 3)
- The Potsdam Declaration (August 2)
- White House Announces Death of President Roosevelt (April 12)
- Letter From President Roosevelt to the King of Saudi Arabia Regarding Palestine (April 5)
- Roosevelt’s Report to Congress on the Crimea Conference (March 1)
- Roosevelt Meets King Saud at Bitter Lake (February 14)
- Yalta (Crimea) Conference (February 4-11)
- Roosevelt’s Message to Congress on the State of the Nation (January 6)