American Presidents & Israel: Gerald Ford Administration
(1974 - 1977)
President Ford & Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, 1975 (Photo Israeli GPO) |
- News Conference: U.S. Relations with Israel (October 20)
- Ford Remarks at B'nai B'rith Biennial Convention (September)
- Letter to Yitzhak Rabin on the Israeli Rescue of Hostages in Uganda (July)
- News Conference on Hostages in Uganda (July 9)
- Ford Speech at American Jewish Committee (May)
- Message to Congress on First Report of the U.S. Sinai Support Mission (April)
- Ford on U.S. Aid to Israel (March 3)
- United States-Israel Convention on Income Tax (February)
- U.S. Emergency Oil Supply Pact With Israel
- Ford Remarks on The Middle East and the UN (November)
- Israel and Generalized System of Preferences (November)
- Proposing Legislation to Fund Security Assistance Programs (October)
- Signing the Bill for U.S. Participation in Early Warning System in the Sinai (October)
- Ford on the United Nations and Foreign Assistance (September)
- Letter to Congress for U.S. Participation in the Early Warning System in the Sinai (September)
- Statement on the Interim Egyptian-Israeli Troop Disengagement Agreement (September)
- Ford News Conference (September 16)
- Letter from Ford to Prime Minister Rabin (September 1)
- Conversations with Kissinger, Rabin & Sadat on Egyptian-Israeli Agreement (September)
- Letter to Ford by Senators Condemning His Blaming Israel for Peace Process Suspension (May 22)
- President Ford Letter to Prime Minister Rabin Threatening Reassessment of Policy (March 21)
- Memo From Scowcroft to President Ford On Egypt Talks (March 21)
- Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Tel Aviv, Israel (March 6)
- Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (January 23)
- Senate Letter Concerning U.N. Actions on the PLO (December 9)
- Ford Welcomes Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (September 10)