American Presidents & Israel: William "Bill" Clinton Administration
(1993 - 2001)
- Biography
- The Camp David Summit (2000)
- Oslo Peace Accords (1993)
- U.S. Foreign Relations Milestones: The Oslo Accords and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process
- Wye River Memorandum (1998)
- The "Clinton Peace Paramaters" (January)
- Interview with President on Middle East Peace (January)
- Open Letter to the Palestinian People (January)
- Open Letter to the People of Israel (January)
- News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel
- The Clinton Peace Plan (December)
- Speech at Sharm al-Sheikh Middle East Summit (October)
- Gore-Bush Presidential Debate (October)
- The Camp David Summit (July)
- Cooperation on Affordable Housing & Community Development (June)
- Remarks Regarding Meeting Syrian President Assad (March)
- Remarks with Mubarak at Middle East Summit (October)
- News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel
- Discussions with PM Barak & Foreign Minister al-Shara (December)
- Speech with PM Barak & Foreign Minister Farouk al-Shara (December)
- Statement Regarding the Israeli-Syrian Talks (December)
- Statements Marking the Reopening of Israel-Syria Talks (December)
- Speech on Locating & Returning Israeli MIA Soldiers (November)
- Remarks at Ceremony Honoring Yitzhak Rabin in Oslo (November)
- President Clinton on the Middle East Peace Process (September)
- Holy Of Holies: Israel's Nuclear Weapons (September)
- Letter of Assurances to Arafat (April)
- News Conference With PM Ehud Barak (July)
- Clinton, Barak Create New Strategic Planning Group (July)
- Joint Statement by President Clinton and Prime Minister Barak (July)
- Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Barak (July)
- News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel
- Speech to the People of Israel (December)
- News Conference With Prime Minister Netanyahu (December)
- Speech to Palestine National Council and Palestinian Organizations (December)
- Conference To Support Middle East Peace and Development (November)
- Remarks After Talks With Binyamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat (October)
- Remarks at the Wye River Memorandum Signing Ceremony (October)
- Remarks Following Talks With Binyamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat (September)
- Speech at Reception Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Israel (April)
- Remarks on US-Israel Treaty on Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (April)
- Speech to Congress on Loan Guarantees to Israel Program (February)
- News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel
- President Clinton on the Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem, Israel (September)
- President Clinton on the Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem, Israel (July)
- Clinton's News Conference With Prime Minister Netanyahu (February)
- Clinton on the Israeli-Palestinian Agreement on Hebron (January)
- Proclamation to Implement U.S.-Israel Agricultural Trade Agreement (December)
- Proclamation for Duty-Free Treatment on West Bank/Gaza Products (November)
- Clinton's News Conference With Prime Minister Netanyahu (July)
- Clinton on the United States-Israel Arrow Deployability Program (May)
- Israel-U.S. Joint Statement (April)
- Clinton to the AIPAC Policy Conference (April)
- Signing Ceremony for the United States-Israel Counterterrorism Accord (April)
- Remarks at Memorial Service for Victims of Terrorism at the Embassy of Israel (March)
- Clinton on the Terrorist Attack in Israel and an Exchange With Reporters (March)
- President Clinton on Arrival in Tel Aviv, Israel (March)
- President Clinton to the People of Israel (March)
- Press Conference with Prime Minister Peres and President Clinton (March)
- President Clinton to the People of the Middle East (March)
- Clinton on the Terrorist Attacks in Israel (February)
- News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel
- Clinton's News Conference With Prime Minister Peres (December)
- Clinton on the Death of Prime Minister Rabin (November)
- Remarks at the Funeral of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (November)
- Speech at Signing Ceremony for West Bank Accord (September)
- Clinton on the Terrorist Attack in Tel Aviv, Israel (July)
- Speech to the AIPAC Policy Conference (May)
- Memorandum on Assistance to the Palestinian Police Force (March)
- Clinton to Middle Eastern Leaders (February)
- News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel
- Congratulates Rabin, Peres and Arafat on Nobel Peace Prizes (December)
- Press Questions to President Clinton and Prime Minister Rabin (November)
- Speech at Signing Ceremony for the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (October)
- Clinton on the Terrorist Attack in Tel Aviv, Israel (October)
- Speech to the Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel (October)
- Welcoming Crown Prince Hassan and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres (October)
- Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Rabin (October)
- Clinton on the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (October)
- Remarks to the 1994 Seeds of Peace Group (September)
- Remarks at Signing Ceremony for the Israel-Jordan-Washington Declaration (July)
- Clinton's News Conference With King Hussein and Prime Minister Rabin (July)
- Remarks on Implementation of the Israel-Palestinian Declaration of Principles (May)
- Clinton on the Attack on Israeli Civilians (April)
- Clinton on the Bombing in Hadera, Israel (April)
- Memorandum on Assistance in Establishment of Palestinian Police Force (March)
- Memorandum on Assistance to Israel (March)
- Clinton's News Conference With Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel (March)
- Letter to Prime Minister Rabin Authorizing The Export of Israeli Space Equipment and Technology to the U.S. (January)
- News Conferences & Interviews: Middle East/Israel
- Letter from President Clinton to Prime Minister Rabin (December)
- Clinton's News Conference With Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel (November)
- Exchange With Reporters on the Middle East Peace Process (October)
- Speech to the Democratic National Committee (October)
- Remarks to Senate Transmitting Protocol to US-Israel Taxation Convention (October)
- Remakrs on the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles (September)
- Speech at Signing Ceremony for Declaration of Principles - Oslo Accords (September)
- Interview With Israeli News Media on the Middle East Peace Process (September)
- Remarks at the Opening of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (April)
- Clinton's News Conference With Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel (March)
- Statement by Secretary of State Christopher on the Resumption of the Peace Process (March)