Discussion Of Israel's Borders and Jordan Incorporating Palestinian Territories
(June 2, 1949)
Memorandum, Presumably Prepared by Ambassador at Large Philip C. Jessup 1
top secret
Paris , June 2, 1949.
In answer to a number of the points raised by Mr. Bevin with the Secretary and amplified by Mr. Wright to Mr. Jessup, the following preliminary comments can be made:
1. It is agreed that it would be desirable to secure agreement in principle before delineation of Israeli’s frontiers that water resources will be used for the benefit of all states concerned.
2. It is agreed that Abdullah should not enter into the suggested separate conversations in Jerusalem parallel to the Lausanne talks, and the United States Legation at Amman has been instructed so to advise the King.
3. It is agreed that it would be feasible for Transjordan to proclaim the incorporation of the administered Palestine territory in the near future with a proviso regarding the final boundary settlement at a later date. However, final decision on this point and also on the advisability of announcing the extension of the United Kingdom Treaty to cover the administered territories is reserved pending further consultations now in progress.
4. Further details will be communicated by the United States Embassy in London to Mr. Wright.
- Secretary Acheson sent the text of this memorandum to the Department in his telegram Actel 35, June 3, 9 a. m., from Paris, with the statement that he had handed Mr. Bevin the memorandum “Today” (740.00119 Council/6–349).
Source: U.S. State Department