Senate Passes Aid Bill For Israel Worth $14.3 Billion (April 23, 2024)
Senate Unanimously Adopts Standing with Israel Against Terrorism Resolution (October 19, 2023)
Bipartisan Senate Letter Calls for Israel’s Admission to Visa Waiver Program (June 21, 2023)
Senate Resolutions to Prevent Iran from Obtaining A Nuclear Weapon (May 4, 2022)
Bipartisan Letter to Biden From 43 Senators Urging Comprehensive Agreement With Iran (March 25, 2021)
Senate Votes to Maintain U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem (February 5, 2021)
Bipartisan Letters Urge Pompeo To Call For Halt to ICC Investigations of U.S., Israel (May 23, 2020)
Letter From 19 Democratic Senators Opposing Israeli Annexation (May 21, 2020)
Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act (December 19, 2019)
Majority of Congress Calls on Trump to Assist Israel Defend Itself (May 20, 2019)
S. 1 Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019 Text (January 2019)
S. 1595 Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017 (October 2018)
S. 447 - The Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act (May 2018)
Letter - Include Israel in the DHS Global Entry Program (February 2018)
S. 1595 - Hizballah International Financing Prevention Act of 2017 (October 2017)
S. 722 - Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (June 2017)
S.R. 176 - Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem (June 2017)
Letter - Revise State Department Policy Regarding Birthplace Designation for American Citizens Born in Jerusalem (May 2017)
Letter - Calling to end Unfair Bias Against Israel at the UNSC (April 2017)
Letter - Encouraging President Obama to Veto One-Sided UN Resolutions (September 2016)
Letter - Urging President Obama to Quickly Conclude a new MOU With Israel (April 2016)
S. 1356 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (November 2015)
Letter - Urging President Obama to Prioritize a new, Stronger MOU With Israel (November 2015)
S. 2763 - The United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014 (September 2014)
S.R. 498 - Support for Israel defending itself from Hamas rockets (July 2014)
Letter - Urging Rejection of Palestinian Government (June 2014)
Letter - Urging Tougher Stance on Iran (March 2014)
Letter - Urging Stronger Sanctions on Iran (Aug 2013)
SR.65 - Implementation of Iran Sanctions (May 2013)
Letter - Reaffirm Committment to Israel (Mar 2013)
Letter - Maintain Pressure on Iran (Dec 2012)
S.3264E - Iran Freedom & Non-Proliferation Act (Nov 2012)
S.599 - Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (Nov 2012)
SJ.41 - Iranian Nuclear Program (Sept 2012)
S.2165 - Enhanced Security Cooperation Act (June 2012)
S.504 - Moment of Silence at Olympics (June 2012)
S.2101 - Iran Sanctions & Accountability Act (May 2012)
Letter - Stance Against Syria (August 2011)
Letter - Sanctioning Iran (August 2011)
S.185 - Opposing Unilateral Palestinian Statehood (June 2011)
S.138 - Rescind Goldstone Report (April 2011)
Letter - Honor Committment to Israel (April 2011)
Letter - Press PA on Incitement (March 2011)
Letter - Press Abbas on Peace (Sept 2010)
Letter - Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (June 2010)
Letter - US-Israel Relationship (April 2010)
S.2799 - Iran Sanctions/Divestment Act (Jan 2010)
Letter - Arab Role in Peace Process (Aug 2009)
Letter - Arab-Israeli Conflict (May 2009)
S.10 - Israel’s War Against Hamas (January 2009)
Letter - Supporting Israel’s Quest for Peace (June 2008)
S.522 - On Israel’s 60th Birthday (April 2008)
SR.353 - Condemning Interference in Lebanon (Oct 2007)
SR.92 - Call to Release Captive IDF Soldiers (April 2007)
S.534 - Condemning Hezbollah & Hamas (July 2006)
S.2370 - Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act (June 2006)
SCR.78 - Iran Nuclear Proliferation (January 2006)
Letter - Opposing Hamas in PA Elections (Dec 2005)
S.27 - On Palestinian Presidential Elections (Feb 2005)
S.18 - 60th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation (Jan 2005)
S.2635 - Homeland Security Grants to Israel (Nov 2004)
SCR.81 - Concern over Iran’s Nuclear Program (Nov 2003)
Letter - Urging President on Peace Principles (May 2003)
S.247 - Affirming Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (April 2002)
SCR.88 - Solidarity with Israel Against Terrorism (Dec 2001)
Letter - Concern Over Russian Anti-Semitism (August 2001)
Letter - Reassessing U.S.-Palestinian Relations (April 2001)
Letter - Calling on President to Support Israel (Oct 2000)
S.116 - On Israel’s Withdrawal from Lebanon (May 2000)
SCR.5 - Opposing Unilateral Palestinian State (March 1999)
Letter - Asking President Not to Pressure Israel (April 1998)
S.735 - Antiterrorism & Death Penalty Act (April 1996)
S.1322 - Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act (October 1995)
S.1487 - Middle East Peace Facilitation Act (October 1993)
Congress Urges Reagan to Help Ethiopian Jews Immigrate to Israel (September 1984)
Letter - Condemning President’s Remarks on Israel (May 1975)
Letter - Concern over “Reassessment” of PLO (Dec 1974)
Foreign Relations & Armed Services Committee Sessions (1967)
SJR.36 - Aid for Palestinian Refugee Relief (March 1949)
House of Representatives
House Approves Law Against Nonprofits the Support Terrorist Groups (November 21, 2024)
House Votes to Lock In Trump-Era Rule Labeling Israeli Goods Imported From The West Bank As Israeli (H.R. 5179) (September 18, 2024)
House Votes to Require Delivery of Weapons to Israel (H.R. 8369) (May 16, 2024)
House Approves $14.3 Billion in Aid to Israel (April 20, 2024)
House Votes to End Waivers for Iran and Refreeze $6 Billion of Iranian Funds (April 17, 2024)
House Passes Holding Iranian Leaders Accountable Act of 2023 (April 16, 2024)
House Passes Strengthening Tools to Counter the Use of Human Shields Act (April 16, 2024)
House Resolution Condemning “From the River to the Sea” as Anti-Semitic (April 16, 2024)
House Passes No Paydays for Hostage-Takers Act (April 16, 2024)
House Passes Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act (February 14, 2024)
House Condemns Hamas Rape and Sexual Violence (February 14, 2024)
House Passes Bill to Fight BDS (February 13, 2024)
No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act (January 31, 2024)
House Passes Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum Act (November 3, 2023)
H.R. 3266 The Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act (November 2, 2023)
H.R. 6125 Emergency Aid to Israel (November 2, 2023)
H.Res.798 Condemning Support for Terrorist Organizations at Higher Education Institutions (November 2, 2023)
Hamas and Other Palestinian Terrorist Groups International Financing Prevention Act (H.R. 340) (November 1, 2023)
House Overwhelmingly Adopts Resolution to Stand with Israel and Condemn Hamas (October 25, 2023)
The MAHSA Act - HR 9203 (September 13, 2023)
The Fight CRIME Act - H.R. 3152 (September 12, 2023)
House Resolution Pledging Support for Israel (July 18, 2023)
House Approves Appointment of Abraham Accords Envoy (June 13, 2023)
House Passes Resolution Supporting Relationship with Israel and Abraham Accords (April 25, 2023)
Stop Iranian Drones Act (April 27, 2022)
200 House Republicans Send Letter to Biden Objecting to Reopening Consulate in Jerusalem (November 1, 2021)
Iron Dome Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR 5323) (September 23, 2021)
Letter Shows Overwhelming Bipartisan Support in House For Aid to Israel (April 22, 2021)
Bipartisan Statement by 140 House Members Regarding Agreements with Iran (March 9, 2021)
House Letter to Netanyahu Opposing Unilateral Measures (June 25, 2020)
House Republican Letter Supporting Israeli Decision-Making on West Bank (June 22, 2020)
Bipartisan Letter to Pompeo Regarding Renewal of UN Iran Sanctions (May 2020)
House Letter Expressing Disapproval of Trump Peace Plan (February 6, 2020)
Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act (Deccember 19, 2019)
House Res. 326 Supporting a Two-State Solution (December 6, 2019)
Bipartisan Letter Signed by 240 House Members to UN Regarding Hezbollah (November 18, 2019)
Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2019 (H.R. 1850) (July 23, 2019)
U.S.-Israel Cooperation Enhancement and Regional Security Act (H.R. 1837) (July 23, 2019)
House Passes Resolution Opposing Boycott Against Israel (July 23, 2019)
Majority of Congress Calls on Trump to Assist Israel Defend Itself (May 20, 2019)
H.J. Res 37 Legislation Expressing U.S. Interest in Combating Anti-Semitism at Home and Abroad (2019)
H.R. 3342 Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act (December 2018)
H.R. 2810 - National Defense Authorization Act 2018 (August 2018)
H.R. 3030 - The Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act (July 2018)
H.R. 3542 - Hamas Human Shields Prevention Act (February 2018)
H.R. 1164 - The Taylor Force Act (December 2017)
Letter - Regarding Iranian Presence in Syria (November 2017)
H.R. 1698 - Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act (October 2017)
H.R. 359 - Urging the European Union to designate Hezbollah in its entirety as a terrorist organization and increase pressure on it and its members (October 2017)
H.R. 3364 - Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (July 2017)
H.R. 672 - Combatting European Anti-Semitism Act 2017 (May 2017)
H.R. 244 - Consolidated Appropriations Act 2017 (May 2017)
H.R. 11 - Objecting to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 as an Obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian Peace (January 2017)
H.R. 5877 - United States-Israel Advanced Research Partnership Act of 2016 (December 2016)
Letter - Opposing One-Sided UNSC Resolutions to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (April 2016)
Letter - Calling for Investigation Into Alleged Human Rights Violations by the Israeli and Egyptian militaries (February 2016)
Letter - Calling for Immediate Sanctions on Iran (January 2016)
H.R. 2297 - Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act (December 2015)
Letter - Condemning Palestinian Violence and Incitement Against Israelis (November 2015)
H.R. 354 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the safety and security of Jewish communities in Europe. (November 2015)
H.R. 293 - Expressing concern over anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement within the Palestinian Authority. (October 2015)
H.R. 107 - Denouncing the use of civilians as human shields by Hamas and other terrorist organizations in violation of international humanitarian law (December 2014)
HR.657 -Supporting Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (July 2014)
HR.938 -US-Israel Strategic Partnership Act (March 2014)
Letter - Opposing Academic Boycott of Israel (Jan 2014)
HR.850 - Nuclear Iran Prevention Act (July 2013)
Letter - Engaging With Iran’s President (July 2013)
Letter - Iran’s Nuclear Program (July 2013)
Amendment - Statement of Policy and Report on Israel’s Self-Defense (July 2013)
Letter - Iran’s Evasion of Sanctions (Mar 2013)
HR.4310 - 2013 Defense Authorization Act (Jan 2013)
HR.813 - Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (Nov 2012)
HR.4133 - Enhanced Security Cooperation (May 2012)
HR.2105 - Iran/Syria Nonproliferation (Dec 2011)
Letter - Sanctions on Syria (August 2011)
HR.268 - US Commitment to Negotiations (July 2011)
Letter - Importance of Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty (April 2011)
Letter - Continued Aid to Israel (March 2011)
HR.1765 - Opposing Unilateral Palestinian State (Dec 2010)
Letter - Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (June 2010)
Letter - Reaffirming U.S.-Israel Bonds (March 2010)
HR.2194 - Iran Petroleum Sanctions Act (December 2009)
HR.867 - Goldstone Fact-Finding Report (Nov 2009)
Letter - Arab-Israeli Conflict (May 2009)
HR.34 - Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (Jan 2009)
Letter - Supporting Israel’s Quest for Peace (June 2008)
HR.1127 - Condemning Arab Anti-Semitism (June 2008)
Letter - Urging President to End Gaza Violence (May 2008)
HR.185 - Middle East Refugee Populations (April 2008)
HCR.322 - Recognizing Israel’s 60th Birthday (April 2008)
HR.951 - On Palestinian Rocket Attacks (March 2008)
HR.6 - U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation (December 2007)
HR.738 - Condemning Syria/Iran Acts in Lebanon (Oct 2007)
HR.624 - On Israel Chairing a UN Committee (Oct 2007)
HR.1400 - Iran Counter-Proliferation Act (September 2007)
HR.2761 - Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (September 2007)
HCR.152 - Anniversary Jerusalem Reunification (June 2007)
HR.884 - Antiterror Cooperation PACTS Act (Feb 2007)
HR.921 - Supporting Israel’s Right to Self-Defense (July 2006)
HR.2730 - U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation Act (July 2006)
HR.4939 - Prohibiting Assistance to the PA (June 2006)
HR.4681 - Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act (May 2006)
HCR.370 - Condemning Saudi Boycott of Israel (April 2006)
Letter - Fight U.N. Anti-Semitism (Aug 2005)
HR.282 - Solidarity with Israel at the UN (June 2005)
HR.56 - On Palestinian Presidential Elections (February 2005)
HR.39 - 60th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation (Jan 2005)
HR.713 - Denounces UN Misuse of Justice Court (July 2004)
HR.615 - Supporting Israel’s WEOG Membership (July 2004)
HCR.460 - Backing Sharon Disengagement Plan (June 2004)
HR.1828 - Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act (Dec 2003)
HR.294 - Condemning Attacks on Israel (June 2003)
Letter - Urging President on Peace Principles (May 2003)
HR.61 - Commending Israel’s Democracy (February 2003)
HR.1646 - Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital (Sept 2002)
HR.392 - Solidarity with Israel (May 2002)
HR.1954 - ILSA Extension Act of 2001 (January 2002)
HCR.280 - Suspension of Ties with the PA (Dec 2001)
HR.191 - Kidnapping Video of IDF Soldiers (July 2001)
Letter - Reassessing U.S.-Palestinian Relations (April 2001)
HR.34 - Congratuling Ariel Sharon on Election (Feb 2001)
HCR.426 - Condemning Palestinian Violence (October 2000)
HR.5272 - Peace Through Negotiations (September 2000)
HR.331 - On Israel’s Withdrawal from Lebanon (May 2000)
HR.1883 - Iran Nonproliferation Act (March 2000)
HCR.24 - Opposing Unilateral Palestinian State (March 1999)
HR.2709 - Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act (June 1998)
HJR.102 - On Israel’s 50th Anniversary (April 1998)
HR.60 - 30th Anniversary Jerusalem Reunification (June 1997)
HR.3107 - Iran & Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 (January 1996)
HR.290 - Support of Unified Status of Jerusalem (April 1990)
HR.2268 - U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Act (June 1985)
Congress Urges Reagan to Help Ethiopian Jews Immigrate to Israel (September 1984)
Speech: The Jewish Homeland and the Palestine Mandate (July 6, 1939)