On Jews & Israel American Jewish Opinion Polls American Public Opinion Toward Israel: An Overview American Public Opinion On Religious Discrimination American Opinion Toward UN Partition of Palestine Americans Overestimate Population of Jews and Others Are Democrats Abandoning Israel? Favorability Polls Sympathy Toward Israel/Palestinians Sympathy Toward Israel/Palestinians Gallup Polls Toward Israel Prior to 1967 Toward the UN and Israel Support For Israel Among Evangelicals U.S. Student Opinion Toward Israel View of Israel on Eve of Elections On Islam & the Middle East American Muslim Public Opinion American Public Opinion On Religious Discrimination Toward Iran Toward ISIS Brookings Institution: American Attitudes Toward the Middle East and Israel Toward Judaism & Islam Concerning the Palestinian Authority On The Holocaust Public Opinion Polls After Kristallnacht (November 1938) American Public Opinion on Helping Allies and Trading Territory for Peace (1939-1940) American Teens Knowledge of the Holocaust What Americans Know About the Holocaust Claims Conference Survey Shows Holocaust Fading From Memory On Anti-Semitism American Attitudes Toward the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement American Jewish Opinion Regarding Anti-Semitism American Jewish Students and Anti-Semitism American Public Opinion On Religious Discrimination Polls Regarding Anti-Semitism in the United States On American Policy American Jewish Opinion Polls On U.S. Middle East Policy American Opinion Toward Israel As A Friend And Ally Toward Foreign Aid On Contentious Political Issues Opinion Regarding Jerusalem Unilateral Declaration of Palestine On the Security Fence Toward the Golan Heights Demographic Polls American Jews’ Political Values American Muslim Attitudes Arab American Opinions on the Middle East Attitudes of American Jews Latino-Jewish Relations On War & Conflict Toward Terrorism Toward Operations in Gaza Toward Israel's Security On Gaza Flotilla Incident Toward Israel’s War With Hezbollah Toward Yasser Arafat Intifada Polls Toward the 1967 War Toward the Sinai Crisis On Peace Initiatives Toward the Peace Process American Views on Palestinian Statehood Graph of Gallup Polls on Palestinian Statehood Unilateral Declaration of Palestine U.S. Peace Mediation