The Iran Nonproliferation Act enhances Congressional oversight of weapons proliferation to Iran by requiring the President to report to Congress every six months on all foreign entities with respect to which there is credible information that the entity has transferred to Iran goods, services, or technology that could contribute to the development by Iran of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or ballistic or cruise missile systems. Furthermore, The President is authorized to apply punitive measures to those entities identified in the semiannual report as having contributed to Iranian proliferation.
(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
H R 1883 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY 14-SEP-1999 12:50 PM
QUESTION: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
BILL TITLE: Iran Nonproliferation Act of 1999
REPUBLICAN | 213 | | | 8 |
DEMOCRATIC | 205 | | | 6 |
INDEPENDENT | 1 | | | |
TOTALS | 419 | | | 14 |
--- YEAS 419 --- |
Abercrombie | Gonzalez | Ose |
Ackerman | Goode | Owens |
Aderholt | Goodlatte | Oxley |
Allen | Goodling | Packard |
Andrews | Gordon | Pallone |
Archer | Goss | Pascrell |
Armey | Graham | Pastor |
Bachus | Granger | Paul |
Baird | Green (TX) | Payne |
Baker | Green (WI) | Pease |
Baldacci | Greenwood | Pelosi |
Baldwin | Gutierrez | Peterson (MN) |
Ballenger | Gutknecht | Peterson (PA) |
Barcia | Hall (OH) | Petri |
Barr | Hall (TX) | Phelps |
Barrett (NE) | Hansen | Pickering |
Barrett (WI) | Hastings (WA) | Pickett |
Bartlett | Hayes | Pitts |
Barton | Hayworth | Pombo |
Bass | Hefley | Pomeroy |
Bateman | Herger | Portman |
Bentsen | Hill (IN) | Price (NC) |
Bereuter | Hill (MT) | Quinn |
Berkley | Hilleary | Radanovich |
Berman | Hilliard | Rahall |
Berry | Hinchey | Ramstad |
Biggert | Hinojosa | Rangel |
Bilbray | Hobson | Regula |
Bilirakis | Hoeffel | Reyes |
Bishop | Hoekstra | Reynolds |
Blagojevich | Holden | Riley |
Bliley | Holt | Rivers |
Blumenauer | Hooley | Rodriguez |
Blunt | Horn | Roemer |
Boehlert | Hostettler | Rogan |
Boehner | Houghton | Rogers |
Bonior | Hoyer | Rohrabacher |
Bono | Hulshof | Rothman |
Borski | Hunter | Roukema |
Boswell | Hutchinson | Roybal-Allard |
Boucher | Hyde | Royce |
Boyd | Inslee | Rush |
Brady (PA) | Isakson | Ryan (WI) |
Brady (TX) | Istook | Ryun (KS) |
Brown (FL) | Jackson (IL) | Sabo |
Brown (OH) | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Salmon |
Bryant | Jenkins | Sanchez |
Burr | John | Sanders |
Burton | Johnson (CT) | Sandlin |
Buyer | Johnson, E. B. | Sanford |
Callahan | Johnson, Sam | Sawyer |
Calvert | Jones (OH) | Saxton |
Camp | Kanjorski | Scarborough |
Campbell | Kasich | Schaffer |
Canady | Kelly | Schakowsky |
Cannon | Kennedy | Scott |
Capps | Kildee | Sensenbrenner |
Capuano | Kilpatrick | Serrano |
Cardin | Kind (WI) | Sessions |
Carson | King (NY) | Shadegg |
Castle | Kleczka | Shays |
Chabot | Klink | Sherman |
Chambliss | Knollenberg | Sherwood |
Chenoweth | Kolbe | Shimkus |
Clay | Kucinich | Shows |
Clayton | Kuykendall | Shuster |
Clement | LaFalce | Simpson |
Clyburn | LaHood | Sisisky |
Coble | Lampson | Skeen |
Coburn | Lantos | Skelton |
Collins | Largent | Slaughter |
Combest | Larson | Smith (MI) |
Condit | Latham | Smith (NJ) |
Conyers | LaTourette | Smith (TX) |
Cook | Lazio | Smith (WA) |
Cooksey | Leach | Snyder |
Costello | Lee | Souder |
Cox | Levin | Spence |
Coyne | Lewis (CA) | Spratt |
Cramer | Lewis (GA) | Stabenow |
Crane | Lewis (KY) | Stark |
Crowley | Linder | Stearns |
Cubin | Lipinski | Stenholm |
Cummings | LoBiondo | Strickland |
Cunningham | Lofgren | Stump |
Danner | Lowey | Stupak |
Davis (FL) | Lucas (KY) | Sununu |
Davis (IL) | Lucas (OK) | Sweeney |
Davis (VA) | Luther | Talent |
DeFazio | Maloney (CT) | Tancredo |
DeGette | Maloney (NY) | Tanner |
Delahunt | Manzullo | Tauscher |
DeLauro | Markey | Tauzin |
DeLay | Martinez | Taylor (MS) |
DeMint | Mascara | Taylor (NC) |
Deutsch | Matsui | Terry |
Diaz-Balart | McCarthy (MO) | Thomas |
Dickey | McCarthy (NY) | Thompson (CA) |
Dicks | McCollum | Thompson (MS) |
Dingell | McCrery | Thornberry |
Dixon | McGovern | Thune |
Doggett | McHugh | Thurman |
Dooley | McInnis | Tiahrt |
Doolittle | McIntosh | Tierney |
Doyle | McIntyre | Toomey |
Dreier | McKeon | Towns |
Duncan | McKinney | Traficant |
Dunn | McNulty | Turner |
Edwards | Meehan | Udall (CO) |
Ehlers | Meek (FL) | Udall (NM) |
Ehrlich | Meeks (NY) | Upton |
Emerson | Menendez | Velazquez |
Engel | Metcalf | Vento |
English | Mica | Visclosky |
Eshoo | Millender-McDonald | Vitter |
Etheridge | Miller (FL) | Walden |
Evans | Miller, Gary | Walsh |
Everett | Miller, George | Wamp |
Ewing | Minge | Waters |
Farr | Mink | Watkins |
Filner | Moakley | Watt (NC) |
Fletcher | Mollohan | Watts (OK) |
Foley | Moore | Waxman |
Forbes | Moran (KS) | Weiner |
Ford | Moran (VA) | Weldon (FL) |
Fossella | Morella | Weldon (PA) |
Fowler | Murtha | Weller |
Frank (MA) | Myrick | Wexler |
Franks (NJ) | Nadler | Weygand |
Frelinghuysen | Napolitano | Whitfield |
Frost | Neal | Wicker |
Gallegly | Nethercutt | Wilson |
Ganske | Ney | Wise |
Gejdenson | Northup | Wolf |
Gekas | Norwood | Woolsey |
Gephardt | Nussle | Wu |
Gibbons | Oberstar | Wynn |
Gilchrest | Obey | Young (AK) |
Gillmor | Olver | Young (FL) |
Gilman | Ortiz | |
--- NOT VOTING 14 --- |
Becerra | Jefferson | Porter |
Bonilla | Jones (NC) | Pryce (OH) |
Deal | Kaptur | Ros-Lehtinen |
Fattah | Kingston | Shaw |
Hastings (FL) | McDermott | |
Source: AIPAC