Summary of Meeting Between Prime Minister Barak and King Abdullah
Prime Minister Ehud Barak, last night (Tuesday), 13.7.99, met with King Abdullah of Jordan, at the King's Aqaba residence. The atmosphere at the meeting was warm and positive, with an emphasis placed on the close partnership between Israel and Jordan.
The Prime Minister updated the King on his meetings with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat; King Abdullah briefed the Prime Minister on his recent meetings in Damascus. The two leaders agreed to remain in contact during the Prime Minister's visit to the United States and thereafter.
During the meeting, the Prime Minister and the King conducted an exchange of views and ideas with regard to advancing the peace process in the spirit of both the late King Hussein and late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
Also discussed, during talks between the expanded Israeli and Jordanian delegations, were issues relating to bilateral Israeli-Jordanian relations - including the Aqaba airport, water, future cooperation and the strengthening of relations between the two countries - and the possibility of promoting the Peres Center for Peace project to create an oncological hospital in Naharayim, with an initial investment of $7 million.
According to Prime Minister Barak: "Jordan's role in the region is exceptionally important - as demonstrated by its contribution to efforts toward resuming the negotiations with the Palestinians, and by the example it offers for the establishment of peace in the Middle East."
Ministry of Foreign Affairs