Nazi War Crimes Trials: Sobibor Trial
(September 6, 1965 - December 20, 1966)
Karl Frenzel: Life Imprisonment
Erich Fuchs: 4 Years Imprisonment
Robert Jührs: Acquitted & Released
Erwin Lambert: 3 Years Imprisonment
Franz Wolf: 8 Years Imprisonment
Ernst Zierke: Released on Health Grounds
Alfred Ittner: 4 Years Imprisonment
Hans - Heinz Schütt: Acquitted & Released
Werner Dubois: 3 Years Imprisonment
Erich Lachmann: Acquitted & Released
Kurt Bolender: (Committed Suicide on the 10th October 1966)A group of ex-officials of the Sobibor extermination camp were arraigned before a West German court from September 6, 1965, to December 20, 1966. Six were found guilty, one committed suicide during the trial, and three were acquitted. the remainder were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.
Source: Skalman