Nazi War Crimes Trials: La Grande Fosse Trial
(May 15-21, 1946)
Fourteen ex-SS officials convicted in Case No.30 (The "La Grande Fosse" Trial), which was held before a British Military Court at Wuppertal, from the May 15, 1946, to May 21, 1946. Eight were found guilty and six were acquitted and released. The remainder were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.
Karl Golkel: 10 Years Imprisonment
Hans Hubner: 4 Years Imprisonment
August Geiger: 4 Years Imprisonment
Karl Bott: Acquitted & Released
Hans Limberg: Acquitted & Released
Heinrich Klein: 8 Years Imprisonment
Josef Pilz: Acquitted & Released
Walter Jantzen: 4 Years Imprisonment
Walter Schmidt: Acquitted & Released
Ludwig Koch: 3 Years Imprisonment
Georg Zahringer: 2 Years Imprisonment
Emil Pahl: Acquitted & Released
Heinrich Thilker: Acquitted & Released
Horst Gäde: 8 Years Imprisonment
Sources: Skalman