The Nazi Party: Appeal to all Working Germans by the German Labor Front
…The German Labor Front is the grouping of all working men without difference of economic or social status. It should include the worker and the employer, who will not be separated any longer by associations and leagues serving the interests of specific economic or social groups.
The value of the personality, whether he is a worker or employer, will be the determining factor in the German Labor Front. Trust can be won from one man to another, not from one organization to another.
According to the wish of our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler the German Labor Front is not the institution that will decide on material problems of workers daily life or the natural contrasting interests of individual workers. Within a short time the forms for the regulation of working conditions will be established in a manner that will assign the leader and the followers in an enterprise the appropriate positions dictated by the National Socialist ideology.
The supreme goal of the Labor Front is to educate all working Germans towards a National Socialist state and in the spirit of National Socialism. It will act especially to educate those people who have decisive roles in the organizations dealing with social conditions, labor courts and social security. It will see to it that the honor of the leader of the enterprise and his followers will become a real motivating power in the new order of society and economy.
Thus today we call on all German workers, those who work with their heads and those who work with their hands, to join the German Labor Front so that all will gather forces to `accomplish the enormous challenges.
Sources: Yad Vashem; W. Michalka (Hg.), "Das Dritte Reich," Vol. 1 Muenchen, 1985, pp. 79-80.