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Message from Secretary of State Shultz to Prime Minister Peres

(July 24, 1986)

The Reagan administration greeted the Peres-Hassan meeting as an important step forward in creating an atmosphere for peace in the region. Secretary Shultz congratulated both the king and the Israeli prime minister for their courage and determination. Text:

"Dear Shimon,

"Through your meeting today, you and King Hassan have made history. You have once again demonstrated your unwavering determination to pursue the search for peace, a quest that requires more imagination and courage than the prosecution of war.

"Your visit to Morocco is an important step forward in creating an atmosphere in the region that will foster a broader peace. You have shown all of us that Arabs and Israelis can deal together as statesmen rather than as enemies. It is proof that the climate for peace is improving, and gives us renewed hope for future progress.

"I offer you my warmest congratulations on this great occasion.


S/ George Shultz"

Source: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs