Letter from President Reagan to Prime Minister Peres on TWA Hostage Crisis
(July 3, 1985)
In this letter the president expressed the gratitude of the United States to the actions taken by the government of Israel in helping to resolve the hostage crisis. Text:
"Dear Shimon,
"I would like to offer my thanks, personally and on behalf of the government and people of the United States, for the assistance and cooperation extended by you and your government during the TWA hostage crisis. The safe return of our innocent hostages from the captivity they endured is a signal to the nations of the world that refusing to give in to terrorism and to terrorists' demands is the best, and indeed only, way to combat and ultimately eliminate this scourge.
"The strong position taken by the government of Israel against surrendering to terrorism has earned the respect and admiration of all those, both in the United States and elsewhere, who prize those values, such as freedom and justice, which both our countries share.
"The ties between Israel and the United States have been strengthened by the ordeal through which we have just passed, frustrating the efforts of those who would see us draw apart. I am confident that you share this view, and look forward, as I do, to working closely together in the future.
Sincerely yours,
Ronald Reagan"