News Archive:
July 2017
Return to Latest News and Additions
- Édouard Daladier
- Neville Chamberlain
- Gretel Bergmann [Updated]
- Mark Ronson
- Paul Rosenberg
- Action Bronson
- Hannah Gluck [Updated]
- Alecia Moore (P!nk)
- Penny Pritzker
- Jason Isaacs
- Madeleine Kunin
- Moses Bloom
- Bailey Gatzert
- Washington Bartlett
Fact Sheets
- Palestine at the UN [Updated]
- The Threat From Iran [Updated]
- Trump and Israel
- Failure of Sanctions Against Iran [Updated]
- Tegart Forts
- Metzudat Koach
- General Edmund Allenby Enters Jerusalem
- Ancient Water System
- Photographs of the Western Wall [Updated]
- Church of the Ascension
- Message From Habib to Begin Regarding UN Monitoring Lebanon Border (July 1981)
- Pre-State Jerusalem: Central Prison Photos
- Maps of Jerusalem [Updated]
- Democratic Party Platform (July 1948)
- Republican Party Platform (June 1948)
- Hadassah Returns to Mt. Scopus Hospital (June 13, 1967)
- Jews Celebrate Shavuot at Wailing Wall (June 15, 1967)
- Associated Press Had Photo Deal with the Nazis
- The Wannsee Conference [Updated]
- Trump Remarks at USHMM
- The Photo Collection of William "Bill" Lowry
- The Photo Collection of Gilbert R. Di Loreto.
- Space Research & Development [Updated]
- History & Overview of Israeli Druze [Updated]
- Israel-Palestinian Water Cooperation [Updated]
- Humanitarian Relief Efforts [Updated]
- Operation Good Neighbor
- Israel-Turkey Relations [Updated]
- Netanyahu: Remarks at 75th Anniversary of the Deportation of French Jews
- Israeli Airports Authority [Updated]
- Infrastructure in Israel [Updated]
- Israel-Jordan Water Cooperation [Updated]
- Israel-China Relations [Updated]
- The UN-Israel Relationship [Updated]
- The Maccabiah Games [Updated]
- Israel-India Relations [Updated]
- Oil & Natural Gas in Israel [Updated]
- IAF [Updated]
- Jerusalem Archaeological Garden
The Middle East
- Joint GCC-U.S.A. Statement (May 23, 2017)
- Saudi Arabia-U.S.A. Joint Statement (May 23, 2017)
- Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon [Updated]
- The Threat From Iran [Updated]
- Implementation of the JCPOA [Updated]
Peace Process
- Middle East Quartet Joint Statement
- Russian Foreign Ministry Statement Regarding Palestinian-Israeli Settlement
- Paris Peace Conference Joint Communique
- Hamas [Updated]
Public Opinion Polls
- Israeli Public Opinion Towards Peace With the Palestinians [Updated]
- Peace Index Polls [Updated]
- Israeli Public Opinion on Settlements and Outposts [Updated]
- ADL: Anti-Semitic Propensities (2016)
- Israeli Public Opinion Towards Government, Elections [Updated]
- Israeli Public Opinion Towards the U.S.A. [Updated]
- American Attitudes Toward the Peace Process [Updated]
- American Sympathy Towards the Israelis/Palestinians [Updated]
- Middle East Country Reports on Terrorism [Updated]
- Statistics on Incidents of Terrorism Worldwide [Updated]
- Islamic State: Background [Updated]
- Hezbollah [Updated]
- Terror Victims in Israel [Updated]
- Palestinian Rocket and Mortar Attacks [Updated]
- The Stabbing Intifada [Updated]
- Hamas [Updated]
U.S.-Israel Relations
- Naval Cooperation [Updated]
- H.R. 3364 - Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act
- Welcoming the Red-Dead Water Agreement
- Habib on Keeping Lebanon Ceasefire Out of Security Council (1981)
- Habib Meetings in New York Regarding Lebanon Ceasefire (1981)
- History of the BDS Movement [Updated]