News Archive: December 2017
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Fact Sheets
- Hezbollah [Updated]
- Women in IDF Combat Roles [Updated]
- Statistics on Religious Hate Crimes [Updated]
- Jewish Settlements in the West Bank [Updated]
- Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation [Updated]
- The Threat From Iran [Updated]
- Failure of Sanctions Against Iran [Updated]
- Prehistoric Archaeological Site Discovered in Central Israel
- Corpus Separatum Map
- Operation Damocles
- Lod Mosaic
- The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
- Modern Nazi Trials [Updated]
- Most Wanted Nazi War Criminals [Updated]
- The Mossad Hunt for Nazis
- Dr Oetker & the Nazis
- The Photo Collection of William "Bill" Lowry
- The Photo Collection of Gilbert R. Di Loreto.
- Israeli Cooperation With Africa [Updated]
- Prehistoric Archaeological Site Discovered in Central Israel
- Tourism [Updated]
- Britain-Israel Trade After Brexit [PDF]
- Sea of Galilee [Updated]
- Israeli Cooperation With Europe [Updated]
- Israel-China Relations [Updated]
- Environmental Protection in Israel [Updated]
- Women in IDF Combat Roles [Updated]
- Sports in Israel [Updated]
- Biblical Era Roman Stables
- UK-Israel Relations [Updated]
- Israel-India Relations [Updated]
- Jews of Iran [Updated]
- French Museum of Jewish Art and History
- Difference Between a Rabbi and a Rebbe
The Middle East
- UNGA Votes in Favor of Resolution Calling on U.S. to Reverse Jerusalem Decision
- H.R. 1698 - Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act
- Trump Remarks on New Iran Strategy
- Trump Administration's New Iran Strategy (2017)
- Syria Threat to Israel [Updated]
Peace Process
- Middle East Quartet Joint Statement
- Russian Foreign Ministry Statement Regarding Palestinian-Israeli Settlement
- Paris Peace Conference Joint Communique
- Hamas [Updated]
Public Opinion Polls
- Israeli Attitudes Towards Foreign Nations [Updated]
- Israeli Attitudes Towards Iran [Updated]
- Israel Attitude Towards Disapora Jewry [Updated]
- American Opinion on the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal [Updated]
- Comprehensive List of Terrorism Fatalities in Israel [Updated]
- Al-Qaeda [Updated]
- Terrorist Bombings in Argentina [Updated]
- Hezbollah [Updated]
- Palestinian Rocket and Mortar Attacks [Updated]
- The Stabbing Intifada [Updated]
- Hamas [Updated]
U.S.-Israel Relations
- U.S. Vetoes UNSC Resolution on Jerusalem
- U.S. National Security Strategy
- The Taylor Force Act
- Donald Trump Statement on Jerusalem
- Pence Remarks on 70th Anniversary of UN Partition Vote
The Virtual Jewish World
- Illinois [Updated]
- Austria [Updated]
- United Kingdom [Updated]
- Vienna, Austria [Updated]
- New York [Updated]