News Archive: May 2018
Return to Latest News and Additions
- Hans Asperger
- T.J. Leaf
- Natalie Portman [Updated]
Fact Sheets
- Palestine at the United Nations [Updated]
- Israel Cooperation With Africa [Updated]
- Great March of Return
- Syria Military Threat to Israel [Updated]
- UNSC Resolutions [Updated]
- African Migrants in Israel [Updated]
- The Failure of Sanctions Against Iran [Updated]
- Truman Tallies Votes for Partition
- Operation Cast Lead [Updated]
- The City Without Jews (1924 film)
- U.S. and Canadian Machal Volunteers During 1948 War
- Dachau Liberation Films
- Holocaust Quiz
- The Kindness of Strangers: The Rescue of Denmark's Jews
- Operation Foxley
- Moritz Hochschild
- Berga am Elster Concentration Camp Overview
- Dachau Liberation Reprisals
- University of Haifa [Updated]
- The Mossad
- Eurovision
- Sports in Israel [Updated]
- IDF Golan Division
- African Migrants in Israel [Updated]
The Middle East
- Pompeo on a New Iran Strategy
- Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East [Updated]
- Implementation of the JCPOA [Updated]
- The Failure of Sanctions Against Iran [Updated]
- Trump Withdraws From the JCPOA Agreement
- Human Rights in the Middle East [Updated]
Peace Process
Public Opinion Polls
- Attitudes of American Jews: AJC Poll 2018
- American Polls on the JCPOA [Updated]
- Palestinian Polls on Internal Politics [Updated]
- Palestinian Polls on Palestinian Society [Updated]
- Palestinian Polls on the Peace Process & Negotiations [Updated]
- Palestinian Polls About Peace With Israel [Updated]
- Peace Index Polls [Updated]
U.S.-Israel Relations
- AJC Jewish Opinion Polls (2002 - 2018)
- Pompeo on a New Iran Strategy
- The JUST Act
- Secret U.S.-Israel Memorandum of Understanding on Arms Sales (1965)
- Memo From Harriman to Johnson Regarding Success of Arms Talks with Israel (1965)
- Meir Discusses Egyptian Threat With Secretary of State (1963)
- Memo from Komer to Bundy Regarding Arms Negotiations with Israel (1965)
- Instructions for Robert Komer Regarding Meeting with Eshkol (1965)
- U.S. Opens new Embassy in Jerusalem
- Kennedy Letter to Eshkol Rejecting Idea of Formal Alliance (1963)
- U.S. Israel Sign MOU Marking Start of Strategic Alliance (1965)
- Trump Remarks on Terminating the Iran Deal
- National Security Memorandum on the JCPOA
- Implementation of the JCPOA [Updated]
- Netanyahu Statement on U.S. Leaving JCPOA