News Archive: January 2016
News Archive: Latest News and Additions
- Robert Clar
- Amiram Nir
- Peggy Guggenheim
- Stanislaw Rotholc
- Hanna Rovina [Updated]
- Louis D. Brandeis [Updated]
- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Fact Sheets
- Women of the Wall [Updated]
- Human Development Index [Updated]
- Final Assessment on Past and Present Outstanding Issues Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program
- Jewish Refugees From Arab Countries [Updated]
- Hate Crimes Statistics [Updated]
- U.S.-Israel Intelligence Cooperation [Updated]
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Hillary Clinton
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Bernie Sanders
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Lincoln Chafee
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Martin O'Malley
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Jim Webb
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Jeb Bush
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Donald Trump
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Scott Walker
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Ted Cruz
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Marco Rubio
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Chris Christie
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Ben Carson
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Rand Paul
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Rick Perry
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: John Kasich
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Mike Huckabee
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: George Pataki
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Bobby Jindal
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Carly Fiorina
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Lindsey Graham
- 2016 Presidential Candidate: Jim Gilmore
- Innovations in Medical Technology [Updated]
- Credit [Updated]
- Disaster Relief Devices [Updated]
- Minority Communities [Updated]
- Police [Updated]
- Turkey-Israel Relations [Updated]
- Israel Submarines
- Veganism in Israel
- Arabs in Israel [Updated]
- Women of the Wall [Updated]
- High-Tech [Updated]
- Israel-Jordan Relations [Updated]
- Israel-Africa Cooperation [Updated]
- Israel Security Fence [Updated]
The Middle East
- The Islamic State: Caliphate [Updated]
- The Islamic State: Background [Updated]
- The Islamic State: Caliphate [Updated]
- Turkey-Israel Relations [Updated]
- Implementation of the JCPOA
- Letter - Calling for Immediate Sanctions on Iran
- Multinational Force and Observers
- Jews of Iran [Updated]
Peace Process
- Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation [Updated]
- Israel-Palestinian Negotiations [Updated]
- The Palestinian Authority [Updated]
- Palestinian Rocket & Mortar Attacks [Updated]
Public Opinion Polls
- Section 1222 Report: Strategy for the Middle East and to Counter Violent Extremism
- Hamas Rocket Range From Gaza [Updated]
- Hezbollah Rocket Capabilities [Updated]
- Harakat al-Sabireen
- Hamas [Updated]
- Victims [Updated]
- The Islamic State (ISIS) International Response [Updated]
- The Islamic State (ISIS): Foreign Fighters [Updated]
- The Islamic State (ISIS) Caliphate [Updated]
U.S.-Israel Relations
- Energy Cooperation [Updated]
- Israel-California Cooperation [Updated]
- Special Alliance [Updated]
- H.R. 293: Expressing concern over anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement within the Palestinian Authority
- American Judge Rules Holocaust was a Historical Fact [1981]
- Israel-NASA Cooperation [Updated]
- President Obama Addresses the U.N. General Assembly
- New Jersey-Israel Relations [Updated]
The Virtual Jewish World