More Palestinian Workers Allowed Into Israel
As tensions eased, Israel increased the number of work permits for Gazans to 10,000. This was expected to bring more than $25 million a month into the Gaza Strip. The average daily wage of a Gazan laborer in Israel is nearly $100, which would be $11.75 hour for an 8-hour day. Most work in in construction, agriculture and manufacturing.
More than 100,000 Palestinians in the West Bank already have permits to work in Israel – 15,000 were added in July 2021. About 30,000 work in Jewish settlements.
In November, Israel approved an additional 8,600 work permits for West Bank Palestinians in Israel, as well as 3,600 permits for the Atarot Industrial Zone, north of Jerusalem. In addition, a pilot project was approved for Israeli work permits for 500 Palestinian tech employees over three years. They will have an opportunity to work in better conditions for higher salaries than they would in the Palestinian Authority.
Sources: Amos Harel, “New Gaza work permits intended to postpone next clash,” Haaretz, (October 21 2021).
Tovah Lazaroff, “13% hike in work permits for Palestinians prior to PM-Biden parley,” Jerusalem Post, (July 28, 2021).
Aaron Boxerman, “In first, government approves small quota of tech work permits for Palestinians,” Times of Israel, (November 7, 2021).