Polls Regarding Anti-Semitism in the United States
(2013 - Present)
See also:
- American Attitudes Toward the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement
- American Jewish Opinion Regarding Anti-Semitism
- American Public Opinion On Religious Discrimination
Note: We are presenting raw data. We provide some or all of the crosstabs (i.e., breakdowns by various categories such as party ID) when available. To analyze the data, we encourage users to read the entire study and the methodology used. Results and reliability can be affected by sample size, question wording, and question order. Context and timing may also influence responses, for example, if the survey is conducted during a war.
Do you think that anti-Semitism, or prejudice against Jewish people, is currently a – very serious problem, somewhat of a problem, not much of a problem, or not a problem at all – in the United States? (Gallup, May 1-23, 2024)
2003 | 2024 | |
Very serious problem |
9% | 49% |
Somewhat of a problem | 48% | 32% |
Not much of a problem | 30% | 10% |
Not a problem at all | 9% | 8% |
No opinion | 4% | 1% |
Thinking about your own experiences, how often in the past year were you treated poorly or harassed because of your religion? (Gallup, May 1-23, 2024)
2024 | ||
Jews | U.S. adults | |
Frequently |
11% | 2% |
Occasionally | 25% | 8% |
Rarely | 25% | 15% |
Never | 33% | 50% |
Does not apply | 5% | 24% |
Has the amount of poor treatment or harassment you have experienced in the past year for your religion been more, about the same or less than in prior years? (Gallup, May 1-23, 2024)
Jews | |
More poor treatment |
46% |
About the same | 41% |
Less poor treatment | 2% |
Does not apply | 9% |
Who has treated you poorly? (Gallup, May 1-23, 2024)
Jews | |
People online |
80% |
People in the community | 82% |
Leaders | 61% |
Do you ever feel reluctant to share your religious affiliation with others because of fear of harassment or poor treatment? (Gallup, May 1-23, 2024)
2024 | |
U.S. adults |
25% |
Jews | 60% |
Protestants | 24% |
Catholics | 26% |
Mormons | 43% |
What consequence, if any, should colleges impose on students participating in campus encampments? (FIRE/NORC, May 17-19, 2024)
The students should be expelled |
18% |
The students should be suspended | 13% |
The students should be placed on probation | 16% |
The students should be given a written reprimand | 12% |
The students should be required to participate in community service | 13% |
The students should not be disciplined | 23% |
Do you support or oppose recent pro‑Palestinian protests on U.S. college campuses? (YouGov, May 1-2, 2024).
Strongly or somewhat support |
28% |
Strongly or somewhat oppose | 47% |
Not sure | 24% |
Do you think the way college administrators have responded to pro‑Palestinian campus protests has been…? (YouGov, May 1-2, 2024).
Too harsh |
16% |
About right |
20% |
Not harsh enough | 33% |
Not sure | 31% |
Do you think that colleges should be more focused on…? (YouGov, May 1-2, 2024).
Protecting free speech |
23% |
Both equally |
50% |
Stopping hate speech |
15% |
Not sure | 12% |
Is there a great deal of antisemitism on campuses or has this been exaggerated? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, April 24-25, 2024)
2024 | |
There is a great deal of antisemitism on campuses |
69% |
This has been exaggerated |
31% |
Do you think Jewish students are safe on campuses and can openly wear Jewish stars and other symbols of being Jewish or would that be unsafe right now? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, April 24-25, 2024)
2024 | |
Jewish students are safe on campuses and can openly wear Jewish symbols |
37% |
That would be unsafe right now |
63% |
Are the leaders of private higher-education institutions doing enough to prevent antisemitism and hatred of Jews on university campuses today or not? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, April 24-25, 2024)
2024 | |
Doing enough to prevent antisemitism |
36% |
Not doing enough |
64% |
Should students and professors who call for violence towards Jews be suspended from these institutions or not? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, April 24-25, 2024)
2024 | |
Suspended |
80% |
Not suspended |
20% |
Should students and professors who engage in violent antisemitic protests be suspended from these institutions or not? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, April 24-25, 2024)
2024 | |
Suspended |
83% |
Not suspended |
17% |
Are our institutions of higher learning functioning well or is there a problem with what they are teaching kids today? (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, April 24-25, 2024)
2024 | |
Functioning well |
36% |
There is a problem with what they are teaching today |
64% |
Is the problem with higher learning institutions any of the following… Among those who think there is a problem with what higher learning institutions are teaching. (Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, April 24-25, 2024)
2024 | |
Teaching theories that racially divide us |
40% |
Having teachers that are all on one side of the political spectrum not all sides |
34% |
Teaching theories that promote antiAmericanism | 33% |
Teaching theories that promote antisemitism | 27% |
Teaching theories that run counter to freedom of speech and tolerance | 23% |
Failing to be rigorous in teaching and grading | 12% |
None of the following | 9% |
Have you been exposed online to anti-Semitism or conspiracy theories about the Israel/Gaza war? (ADL, February-March 2024).
Jews | Total | |
Yes |
47% | 29% |
Have you been harassed online because of your religion? (ADL, February-March 2024).
Jews | Total | |
Yes |
34% | 18% |
Do you feel less safe, more safe or neither online compared to last year (ADL, February-March 2024).
Jews | |
Less safe |
63% |
Neither more nor less safe | 28% |
More safe | 7% |
Have you changed your behavior online to avoid being recognized as Jewish? (ADL, February-March 2024).
Jews | |
Yes |
41% |
Have you avoid engaging with online content on the Gaza/Israel conflict for fear of being targeted or harassed? (ADL, February-March 2024).
Jews | |
Yes |
25% |
In the past month, how often have you been worried about your personal safety because of your race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, or other defining personal characteristics? (Benenson Strategy Group for JFNA, February 23-March 12, 2024).
Jews | Non-Jews | |
Not much/Little |
42% | 18% |
Very Much/All the Time |
31% | 13% |
Please tell us how much discrimination there is against each of these groups in our society today. [% A lot or some] (Pew, February 13-25, 2024).
2017 | 2019 | 2021 | 2024 | |
Jews |
66% |
66% | 68% | 82% |
Muslims |
83% | ||
Arab people |
82% | ||
Asian people | 71% | 76% | ||
White people |
37% | 40% | 43% |
Hispanic people |
77% |
77% | 76% | 78% |
Black people | 81% | 77% | 79% | 80% |
Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, has discrimination against each of these groups in our society increased, decreased, or stayed about the same? (Pew, February 13-25, 2024).
Jews | Muslims | Arabs | |
Increased |
57% |
38% | 36% |
Decreased |
3% |
5% | 5% |
Stayed About the Same |
19% |
30% | 31% |
Not Sure | 21% | 26% | 27% |
Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, have you personally felt offended because of... (Pew, February 13-25, 2024).
Yes | No | |
Something someone said around you about the war |
17% |
82% |
Something you saw on the news or social media about the war |
33% |
65% |
Have you stopped talking to someone in person or unfollowed or blocked someone online because of something they said about the Israel-Hamas war? (Pew, February 13-25, 2024).
Yes |
8% |
No |
92% |
Regardless of your own opinions, do you think people in the U.S. should be allowed to express each of the following in public, even if it might offend others? (Pew, February 13-25, 2024).
Yes | No | Not sure | |
Speech that supports Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state |
70% | 7% | 21% |
Speech that opposes Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state |
58% | 17% | 23% |
Speech that supports Palestinians having their own state | 66% | 9% | 24% |
Speech that opposes Palestinians having their own state | 61% | 13% | 25% |
Speech that calls for violence against Jews | 10% | 73% | 15% |
Speech that calls for violence against Muslims | 11% | 73% | 16% |
In the United States today, how likely is it that those who practice Judaism are publicly bullied? (Rasmussen Reports, January 18 and 21-22, 2024)
Likely |
63% |
Not likely |
21% |
Unsure | 16% |
Do you think anti-Semitism is growing in the United States or not growing? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023, December 13-14, 2023)
October 2023 | December 2023 | |
Growing |
84% |
75% |
Not growing | 16% | 25% |
Do you think antisemitism is prevalent in university campuses today or not? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Prevalent |
68% |
Not prevalent |
32% |
Do you think that Jewish students on campuses today are facing harassment today or not facing harassment over being Jewish? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Facing harassment |
76% |
Not facing harassment |
24% |
If a student calls for the genocide of Jews should that student be told that they are free to call for genocide or should such students face actions for violating university rules? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Told they are free to call for genocide |
26% |
Face actions for violating university rules |
24% |
Does protesters on university campuses calling for the genocide of Jews constitute hate speech or not? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Yes |
79% |
No |
21% |
Do protesters on university campuses calling for the genocide of Jews constitute harassment of Jews or not? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Yes |
82% |
No |
18% |
Who do you think is responsible for the antisemitism on campuses, if any? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
It's always been there |
24% |
Students |
20% |
Left wing political movements | 18% |
University presidents and administrators | 11% |
Foreign funding of universities and student groups | 11% |
University professors | 7% |
None of these | 8% |
Have you heard or not heard anything about the testimonies of the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard and MIT before Congress on the issue of antisemitism? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Saw the testimonies |
22% |
Heard or read about the testimonies, but did not see them |
40% |
Did not see or hear about the testimonies | 38% |
Should university presidents who said that calls for the genocide of Jews on their campuses are not necessarily a violation of their school’s code of conduct and harassment policies because it “depends on the context” or “whether speech turns into conduct” resign or keep their positions? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Resign |
74% |
Keep their positions |
26% |
Did not see or hear about the testimonies | 38% |
Do you feel that these university presidents went far enough or did not go far enough to condemn antisemitism in their campuses during their congressional testimony? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Went far enough |
38% |
Did not go far enough |
62% |
Do you think that Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors or is that a false ideology? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Oppressors |
27% |
False ideology |
73% |
Do you think Israel has a right to exist as the homeland of the Jewish people or that Israel has no right to exist? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, December 13-14, 2023)
Right to exist |
86% |
No right to exist |
14% |
Anti-Semitic or Not—Deny that the Holocaust happened (The Economist/YouGov, December 2-5, 2023)
Total |
Anti-Semitic |
67% |
Not anti-Semitic |
9% |
Not sure |
24% |
How serious a problem is anti-Semitism in the United States? (The Economist/YouGov, December 2-5, 2023)
Total |
Very serious |
32% |
Somewhat serious |
31% |
A minor problem |
15% |
Not a problem |
5% |
Not sure |
18% |
To what extent has there been a rise in antisemitism in the U.S. because of the Israel-Hamas War? (harrisx for Jewish Federations of North America and Conference of Presidents, November 13, 2023)
Large increase |
51% |
Small increase |
34% |
No increase at all | 15% |
Prevalence of Antisemitism On U.S. College Campuses Today. (harrisx for Jewish Federations of North America and Conference of Presidents, November 13, 2023)
Prevalent |
65% |
Not prevalent |
35% |
How concerned are you about an increase of anti-Semitism in the U.S.? [Arab Americans only] (John Zogby Strategies, October 23-27, 2023)
Somewhat/Very Concerned |
67% |
Somewhat Unconcerned/Not Concerned at all | 25% |
How familiar are you with the term “antisemitism?” (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Familiar |
70% |
Unfamiliar | 30% |
Do you view the statement “Israel has no right to exist,” as antisemitic or not? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Yes |
84% |
No | 16% |
Do you view the statement “American Jews stick together more than other Americans” as antisemitic or not? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Yes |
34% |
No | 66% |
Do you view the statement “Jews in the United States have too much power,” as antisemitic or not? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Yes |
74% |
No | 26% |
Over the past 12 months, have you personally seen or heard any antisemitic incidents, such as negative remarks or online content about Jewish people, or physical attacks on Jewish people or their religious facilities? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Yes |
39% |
No | 61% |
Where did you see these incidents? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Online or on social media |
68% |
In the news* | 44% |
On the street | 23% |
From a community or political leader | 19% |
From family or friends | 18% |
In a store | 16% |
In your workplace | 10% |
On a school or college campus | 10% |
In public transit | 7% |
At a place of worship | 6% |
At a sporting event | 5% |
*Respondents were asked to not include news stories reporting on antisemitic incidents.
Did you report any of these incidents to the police? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Yes |
5% |
No | 95% |
Did you report any of these incidents to a Jewish organization? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Yes |
4% |
No | 96% |
Have you ever spoken out against antisemitism? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Yes |
33% |
No | 67% |
Some celebrities or influencers post messages on social media speaking out against antisemitism. How likely are you to share one of these posts with your friends or family? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
35% |
Not likely | 48% |
In your opinion, is antisemitism taken more seriously, less seriously, or is it considered to be the same as other forms of hate and bigotry? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
More seriously |
20% |
Less seriously | 33% |
Considered to be the same | 47% |
Which statement comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Antisemitism affects society as a whole; everyone is responsible for combating it |
92 % |
Antisemitism does not affect society as a whole; Jews alone are responsible for combating it | 8% |
How much of a problem, if at all, do you think anti-Semitism is in the United States today? (AJC, Jews September 9-October 4, 2020, General Public September 15-September 20, 2020, September 1 – October 3, 2021, October 17–October 24, 2023)
[combined A very serious problem/somewhat of a problem - Not much of a problem/not a problem at all]
2023 | |
A problem |
62% |
60% |
74% |
Not a problem |
33% |
25% |
19% |
Over the past five years, do you think anti-Semitism in the United States has… (AJC, Jews September 9-October 4, 2020, General Public September 15-September 2020, September 1 – October 3, 2021, October 17–October 24, 2023)
2023 | |
Increased |
43% |
44% |
56% |
Stayed the same |
39% |
23% |
Decreased |
15% |
11% |
How important is it, if at all, that law enforcement be required to report hate crimes to a federal government database? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Important |
91% |
Not important | 9% |
How important is it to you that public schools invest more resources in teaching age-appropriate lessons about the Holocaust for all students? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Important |
85% |
Not important | 15% |
How important is it to you, if at all, that statewide studies are conducted to assess how effectively public school districts are teaching the Holocaust? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Important |
81% |
Not important | 19% |
How important is it to you, if at all, that state and local governments include contemporary antisemitism in public school curricula? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Important |
75% |
Not important | 25% |
How important is it to you, if at all, that state and local governments include Jewish studies within the ethnic studies or history curricula in public schools? (AJC, October 17–October 24, 2023)
Important |
72% |
Not important | 28% |
Do you think the recent attack on Israel shows there is widespread anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews among Palestinians or does the attack reflect the actions of only terrorists and fundamentalists and not the will of Palestinian people? (Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, October 18, 2023)
Shows there is widespread anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews among Palestinians |
56% |
Reflect the actions of only terrorists and fundamentalists and not the will of the Palestinian people? | 44% |
Which of the following attitudes constitute anti-Semitism? (University of Maryland, June 21-27, 2023)
Republican |
Democrat |
Total |
Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | |
Against Jews |
56% |
10% |
62% |
10% |
58% |
10% |
Against Judaism | 46% | 15% | 50% | 16% | 47% | 16% |
Against Zionism | 19% | 16% | 12% | 25% | 15% | 21% |
Against Israeli policies | 21% | 28% | 12% | 42% | 15% | 37% |
What is your impression of how labeling people anti-Semitic is used in the American political discourse: (University of Maryland, June 21-27, 2023)
Used to describe people who are genuinely anti-Semitic
Republican |
Democrat |
Total |
Frequently |
13% |
28% |
19% |
Sometimes |
31% |
30% |
29% |
Not often | 16% | 11% | 13% |
Not at all | 5% | 3% | 3% |
I don’t know | 34% | 28% | 35% |
Used to delegitimize political opponents
Republican |
Democrat |
Total |
Frequently |
25% |
18% |
21% |
Sometimes |
29% |
34% |
30% |
Not often | 7% | 12% | 9% |
Not at all | 3% | 4% | 3% |
I don’t know | 34% | 31% | 36% |
Used to delegitimize critics of Israel
Republican |
Democrat |
Total |
Frequently |
21% |
23% |
22% |
Sometimes |
30% |
29% |
27% |
Not often | 8% | 8% | 8% |
Not at all | 3% | 3% | 3% |
I don’t know | 37% | 37% | 39% |
What is your impression about the level of anti-Semitism in the United States compared to five years ago? (University of Maryland, June 21-27, 2023)
Republican |
Democrat |
Total |
Increasing |
33% |
47% |
37% |
Decreasing |
7% |
3% |
5% |
About the same | 29% | 26% | 26% |
I don’t know | 30% | 23% | 32% |
Just your impression, in the United States today, is there a lot of discrimination against the following groups, or not? (Survey Center on American Life, March 27-May 1, 2023)
Yes | No | |
Hispanics |
59% |
39% |
Asian people |
59% |
40% |
Black people |
65% |
33% |
White people |
31% |
67% |
Atheists |
23% |
74% |
Mormons |
23% |
74% |
Jews | 54% | 44% |
Muslims | 66% | 32% |
Men | 22% | 75% |
Women | 54% | 44% |
People living in rural areas | 28% | 78% |
People without a college degree | 34% | 65% |
Gay and lesbian people | 61% | 37% |
Christians | 32% | 66% |
Transgender people | 66% | 32% |
Evangelical Christians | 29% | 69% |
Percentage of Americans who agree with anti-Jewish tropes (ADL, October 12 and 16, 2019, September-October 2022)
1964 | 1992 | 1998 | 2002 | 2007 | 2009 | 2011 | 2013 |
2022 | |
Jews stick together more than other Americans |
44% |
70% | ||||||||
Jews in business go out of their way to hire other Jews | 53% | |||||||||
Jews always like to be at the head of things |
25% |
38% | ||||||||
Jews are more loyal to Israel than to America |
30% | 35% | 31% | 33% | 31% | 30% | 30% | 30% |
24% |
39% |
Jews do not share my values |
36% | |||||||||
Jews have too much power in the business world |
15% |
26% | ||||||||
Jews have too much control and influence on Wall Street | 30% | 27% | 16% | 20% | 18% | 15% | 19% | 17% |
14% |
24% |
Jews are just as honest as other businesspeople |
12% |
16% | ||||||||
Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind |
12% |
21% | ||||||||
Jews have too much power in the United States today | 31% | 11% | 20% | 15% | 13% | 14% | 14% |
11% |
20% | |
Jewish businessmen are so shrewd that other people do not have a fair chance at competition |
11% |
24% | ||||||||
Jews are more willing than others to use shady practices to get what they want | 42% | 21% | 13% | 19% | 17% | 13% | 15% | 15% |
10% |
20% |
Jews have irritating faults |
10% |
19% | ||||||||
Jews are not warm and friendly | 17% |
Percentage of Americans Who Agreed with Six or More of the Anti-Semitic Index Questions (ADL, October 12 and 16, 2019, September-October 2022)
1964 |
29% |
1992 |
20% |
1998 |
12% |
2002 |
17% |
2005 |
2007 |
14% |
2009 |
12% |
2011 |
15% |
2013 |
12% |
2016 |
2019 |
2022 | 20% |
How often people hear anti-Jewish comments from various sources. (ADL, 2022)
Never | |
Family |
2% |
6% |
14% |
78% |
Friends |
1% |
6% |
16% |
77% |
Religious organizations |
3% |
11% |
16% |
71% |
Talk radio, podcasts |
4% |
12% |
19% |
65% |
News outlets |
4% |
15% |
22% |
58% |
Social media |
6% |
19% |
21% |
55% |
Politicians | 7% | 22% | 21% | 49% |
TV, movies, etc. (Pop culture) | 6% | 20% | 27% | 47% |
How often people hear anti-Israel comments from various sources. (ADL, 2022)
Never | |
Family |
3% |
7% |
14% |
77% |
Friends |
3% |
8% |
16% |
74% |
Religious organizations |
4% |
11% |
14% |
70% |
Talk radio, podcasts |
4% |
17% |
20% |
59% |
News outlets |
6% |
19% |
23% |
51% |
Social media |
8% |
21% |
22% |
50% |
Politicians | 9% | 24% | 22% | 45% |
TV, movies, etc. (Pop culture) | 6% | 21% | 27% | 46% |
Percentage of respondents that have at least one: (ADL, 2022)
Family member or friend that likes Jews |
70% |
Jewish person in their online social network they regularly encounter |
47% |
Jewish family member or friend |
39% |
Family member or friend that dislikes Jews |
19% |
Person in their online social network that dislikes Jews |
12% |
How serious a problem do you think that prejudice against Jewish people is in the United States today; a very serious problem, a somewhat serious problem, a not so serious problem, or not a problem at all? (Quinnipiac, March 2017, December 8-12, 2022)
2017 |
2022 | |
Very serious |
35% |
30% |
Somewhat serious |
35% |
30% |
Not so serious |
19% |
20% |
Not serious at all |
10% |
15% |
Don't know/No answer |
2% |
5% |
Do you think prejudice against Jewish people, also known as anti-Semitism, represents a growing threat to Jewish Americans, or don't you think so? (Quinnipiac, December 8-12, 2022)
Total |
Yes/Growing threat |
51% |
No |
40% |
9% |
Do you think that racism and bigotry in the United States is on the rise, is on the decline, or is staying about the same? (Quinnipiac, December 8-12, 2022)
Total |
On the rise |
43% |
On the decline |
13% |
Staying the same | 40% |
4% |
How much, if anything, have you heard about Jews being attacked in the United States and around the world in May 2021 during the conflict between Israel and Hamas? (AJC, September 1 – October 3, 2021)
American Jews |
General Public |
A lot/Some |
71% |
48% |
Not much/at all |
28% |
53% |
Don't know/refused |
In your opinion, is anti-Semitism taken more seriously, less seriously, or is it considered to be the same as other forms of hate and bigotry? (AJC, September 1 – October 3, 2021)
American Jews |
General Public |
More seriously |
16% |
15% |
Less seriously
Considered to be the same |
37% |
47% |
Don't know/refused |
How familiar are you with the BDS movement? (American Jewish Committee, Jews September 9-October 4, general public September 15-20, 2020; September 1 – October 3, 2021)
General Public
Very familiar |
26% |
25% |
23% |
5% |
4% |
Somewhat familiar |
36% |
36% |
36% |
20% |
17% |
Not too familiar |
Not at all familiar |
Do you view the BDS movement as anti-Semitic?(American Jewish Committee, Jews September 9-October 4, general public September 15-20, 2020; September 1 – October 3, 2021)
General Public
Mostly anti-Semitic |
35% |
37% |
21% |
30% |
Some anti-Semitic supporters |
47% |
43% |
47% |
33% |
Not anti-Semitic |
Don't know/refused |
Do you view the statement, “Israel has no right to exist,” as anti-Semitic or not? (AJC, Jews September 9-October 4, 2020, General Public September 15-September 2020; September 1 – October 3, 2021)
American Jews |
General Public |
Antisemitic |
85% |
74% |
85% |
Not anti-Semitic |
14% |
21% |
15% |
Do you view the statement, “American Jews are more loyal to Israel than to America,” as anti-Semitic or not? (AJC, Jews September 9-October 4, 2020, General Public September 15-September 2020; September 1 – October 3, 2021)
American Jews |
General Public |
Antisemitic |
76% |
50% |
73% |
Not anti-Semitic |
22% |
43% |
27% |
Do you view the statement, “The Holocaust has been exaggerated,” as anti-Semitic or not? (AJC, September 1 – October 3, 2021)
American Jews |
General Public |
A lot/Some |
94% |
82% |
Not much/at all |
6% |
18% |
How much discrimination do different religious Americans face in the U.S. [Percentage who say __ face a lot of discrimination] (American National Social Network Survey, December 15, 2020)
Jews |
49% |
Muslims |
71% |
Christians |
29% |
Evangelical Christians |
28% |
Mormons |
Atheists |
24% |
Over the past five years, have you seen any anti-Semitic incidents, such as negative remarks or online content about Jewish people, or physical attacks on Jewish people or their religious facilities? (AJC, General Public September 15-September 2020)
General Public |
Yes |
48% |
No |
52% |
To what extent, if at all, do you think the Democratic Party holds anti-Semitic views? (AJC, Jews September 9-October 4, 2020, General Public September 15-September 20, 2020)
American Jews |
General Public |
A lot/Some |
37% |
41% |
Not much/at all |
61% |
54% |
Don't know/refused |
To what extent, if at all, do you think the Republican Party holds anti-Semitic views? (AJC, Jews September 9-October 4, 2020, General Public September 15-September 20)
American Jews |
General Public |
A lot/Some |
69% |
52% |
Not much/at all |
28% |
43% |
Don't know/refused |
Do you view the statement, “The U.S. government only supports Israel because of Jewish money,” as anti-Semitic or not? (AJC, Jews September 9-October 4, 2020, General Public September 15-September 20)
American Jews |
General Public |
Antisemitic |
84% |
55% |
Not anti-Semitic |
15% |
39% |
Don't know |
If a Jewish person or organization considered a statement or idea to be anti-Semitic, would that make you (more likely) to consider it anti-Semitic, (less likely), or would it make no difference to you? (AJC, General Public September 15-September 20)
General Public |
More likely |
25% |
Less likely |
7% |
No difference |
Don't know/refused |
Over the past five years, have you experienced or observed any of the following in-person experiences? (ADL, January 17–30, 2020)
Heard anti-Semitic comments, slurs or threats (but not targeted at you)? |
49% |
Had any Jewish institutions with which you are affiliated vandalized, damaged or defaced because of anti-Semitism? |
22% |
Been the target of anti-Semitic comments, slurs or threats? |
21% |
Had someone you know physically attacked because they were Jewish? |
14% |
Had your home, car, or other property deliberately damaged, vandalized or defaced because of anti-Semitism? |
6% |
Been physically attacked because you were Jewish? |
5% |
Which, if any, of the following have happened to you, personally, ONLINE? (ADL, January 17–30, 2020)
Any form of harassment |
14% |
Been called offensive names |
13% |
Any form of severe harassment |
11% |
Had someone try to purposefully embarrass you |
11% |
Been physically threatened |
7% |
Been harassed for a sustained period |
4% |
Had someone release private information about you, also known as doxing |
3% |
Been stalked |
3% |
Been sexually harassed |
3% |
How worried are you about the following things happening in your community? (ADL, January 17–30, 2020)
Somewhat Worried
Very Worried
A synagogue being defaced, damaged or vandalized |
30% |
26% |
56% |
A violent attack at a synagogue |
31% |
24% |
55% |
A person wearing a yarmulke, religious skullcap or other public display of Judaism being verbally assaulted on the street or in a public place |
25% |
25% |
50% |
A person wearing a yarmulke, religious skullcap or other public display of Judaism being physically assaulted on the street or in a public place |
24% |
23% |
47% |
Verbal insults or harassment targeted at you because you are Jewish |
24% |
12% |
36% |
Physical attack against you because you are Jewish |
16% |
11% |
27% |
Are Jews responsible for the death of Jesus? (ADL, October 2016)
NO |
2007 |
27% |
73% |
2009 |
29% |
71% |
2011 |
31% |
68% |
2013 |
25% |
75% |
2016 |
Do Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust? (ADL, October 2016)
NO |
2007 |
25% |
75% |
2009 |
25% |
75% |
2011 |
26% |
74% |
2013 |
24% |
76% |
2016 |
Which of the following organizations do you believe has the most influence on American policy? (ADL, October 2016)
2007 |
2011 |
2013 |
11% |
14% |
22% |
Oil Lobby |
25% |
22% |
28% |
Pharmacueticals |
24% |
24% |
24% |
Israel Lobby |
4% |
7% |
4% |
How serious a problem do you think that prejudice against minority groups is in the United States today; a very serious problem, a somewhat serious problem, a not so serious problem, or not a problem at all? (Quinnipiac, March 2017)
Total |
Very serious |
48% |
Somewhat serious |
29% |
Not so serious |
15% |
Not serious at all |
7% |
Don't know/No answer |
2% |
Since the election of Donald Trump, do you believe the level of hatred and prejudice in the U.S. has increased, the level of hatred and prejudice has decreased, or hasn't it changed either way? (Quinnipiac, March 2017)
Total |
Increased |
63% |
Decreased |
2% |
Hasn't changed |
32% |
Don't know/No answer |
3% |
Is anti-Semitism a problem on U.S. college campuses? (AJC, September 2015)
Total |
Yes, a serious problem |
20% |
Yes, somewhat of a problem |
54% |
No, it is not a problem |
24% |