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American Public Opinion on Helping Allies and Trading Territory for Peace

(1939 - 1940)

How far should we go in helping England, France and Poland? (Gallup, September 1-6, 1939)

  Yes No
Should we sell them food supplies? 74% 27%
Should we sell airplanes and other war materials to England and France? 58% 42%
Should we send our Army and Navy abroad to fight against Germany? 16% 84%







Trading Poland for peace. (Gallup, September 1-6, 1939)

  Yes No No Opinion
If Hitler offered to make peace in exchange for part of Poland, should England and France accept? 20% 69% 11%
If Hitler offered to make peace in exchange for all of Poland, should England and France accept? 13% 76% 11%







Trading territory for peace. (Gallup, February 20, 1940)

  Yes No No Opinion
If peace could be reached by letting Germany keep Czechoslovakia, would you favor this? 32% 53% 15%
If peace could be reached by letting Germany keep Poland, would you favor this? 25% 63% 12%