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Arab American and Muslim Public Opinion

We are presenting raw data. To analyze the data, we encourage users to read the entire study and the methodology used. Results and reliability can be affected by sample size, question wording, and question order. Context and timing may also influence responses, for example, if the survey is conducted during a war.

 Which of the following candidates would you be most likely to vote for? [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Kamala Harris 43%
Donald Trump 45%
Jill Stein 4%
Undecided 6%
Prefer not to say 2%

Which presidential candidate would be “better for the Middle East” in general? [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Kamala Harris 38%
Donald Trump 38%
Jill Stein 9%
Undecided 7%
Prefer not to say 8%

Which U.S. presidential administrations would be most likely to successfully resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict? (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Kamala Harris 33%
Donald Trump 39%
Jill Stein 8%
Undecided 11%
Prefer not to say 8%

 Which of these candidates is the most supportive of Israel’s current government? [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Kamala Harris 69%
Donald Trump 60%
Jill Stein 23%

When thinking about the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which resolution do you support most? [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Two states: one for Israelis and one for Palestinians with shared governance over the city of Jerusalem 50%
One state where Palestinians and Israelis have equal rights 34%
No change from the current situation, with one state for Israelis and no state for Palestinians 6%
DK 9%

In your view, the U.S. should: [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Increase its military presence in the Middle East 27%
Decrease its military presence in the Middle East 38%
Keep its presence as it is 25%
DK 11%

Have you, or has anyone in your family, taken part in any of the demonstrations in America in support of Palestinian human rights? [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Yes 36%
No 59%
Prefer not to say 5%

In relation to the influence of the Iranian state and its affiliated militant groups in the region, do you think the new U.S. administration should: [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Resort to diplomacy and offer incentives 41%
Resort to maximum diplomatic pressure and increase sanctions 32%
Go to war, use military force 4%
Stay as it is 11%

In order of priority, with 1 being the highest priority and 7 being the lowest priority, which issues are of most concern to the Arab-American community in the U.S.: [Arab Americans] (Arab News/YouGov, September 26-October 1, 2024)

Racism Hate speech Discriminatios 13%
Palestinian-Israeli conflict 29%
Economy 21%
Jobs market 9%
Cost of living 21%
Crime 7%

For each of the following pairs of statements, choose which statement comes closest to your view. (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
General Public
Hamas Committed Murder and Rape in Israel on Oct. 7 31% 64%
Hamas Did Not Commit Murder and Rape in Israel on Oct. 7 39% 7%
Don’t Know 30% 29%

For each of the following pairs of statements, choose which statement comes closest to your view. (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
General Public
Israel Has a Right to Exist as a Jewish Homeland 33% 66%
Israel Does Not Have a Right to Exist as a Jewish Homeland 43% 11%
Don’t Know 24% 22%

For each of the following, please say whether you think Jewish people have too much power, too little power, or about a normal amount of power. (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
General Public
Too Much Power 57% 17%
About a Normal Amount of Power 18% 45%
Too Little Power  8% 11%
Don’t Know / None of the Above 17% 27%

If Israel were attacked by Iran, do you think the U.S.… (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
General Public
Should Defend Israel with American Troops 9% 17%
Should Support Israel with Aid and Military Equipment But Not Send Troops 14% 35%
Should Support Diplomatically Only 25 % 20%
Should Not Support Israel at All 37% 8%
Don’t Know 16% 19%

Do you think Kamala Harris is... (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
Too Pro-Israel 47%
Gets the Balance About Right 29%
Too Pro-Palestine 7%
Don’t Know 17%

Do you support or oppose the implementation of [Sharia Law] in the U.S. in the next 20 years? (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
General Public
Support 39% 61%
Not Support 10% 90%

Jewish Students on College Campuses who Openly Support Israel Are Valid Targets of Campus Protests. (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
General Public
Yes 23% 23%
No 46% 48%
Don’t Know 31% 29%

Of the following options, what is the most important to you in the next elections? (Heritage Foundation, September 9-13, 2024)

U.S. Muslims
General Public
The Israel-Palestine Conflict 34% 4%
Inflation and the economy 25% 29%
Border security & illegal immigration 11% 25%
Threats to democracy 6% 9%
Healthcare 7% 7%
Abortion 3% 9%
Crime, public safety & homelessness 6% 6%
Election integrity & holding secure elections 4% 4%
Climate change 3% 5%
Unsure 1% 1%

What are the most important, Muslim-related, foreign policy issues to you in this election year? (CAIR, May 25-June 23, 2022)

Top 5

Israeli occupation of Palestine 91%
Chinese Genocide of Uyghur Muslims 87%
Oppression of Muslims in India 81%
Burma Genocide of Rohingya Muslims 76%
Starvation in Afghanistan 67%

Muslims are broken down into Arab, African American, South Asian, and white in Change Research survey.

When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which of the following best describes your feelings about United States policy? (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)

United States policy is too heavily tilted towards Israel; we should tilt more toward the Palestinians, since they need our help more 54%
United States policy is too heavily tilted towards Israel; we should be neutral 35%
United States policy is about right 4%
United States policy should be tilted towards Israel 2%
Don’t know / no opinion 6%

Which of the following countries or groups do you think the Biden Administration should focus most on? Please rank the top three, with 1 being most important, 2 being the 2nd most important, and 3 the third most important. [Showing top fiveresults] (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)

Palestine 43% 15% 12%
Uyghurs in China 21% 20% 14%
The Rohingya people in Myanmar 7% 21% 13%
Yemen 7% 9% 15%
Syria 4% 9% 14%

Which of the following best matches your position on American troops in the Middle East? (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)


Increase M.E. military presence 3%
Keep M.E. military presence about the same 9%
Decrease M.E. military presence, but retain some presence 44%
Completely withdraw troops from M.E. 37%
Don’t know / no opinion 6%

Which of the following bet matches your position on the use of force abroad? (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)


America should intervene militarily when doing so would prevent mass atrocities 66%
America should not intervene militarily, even to prevent mass atrocities 21%
Don’t know / no opinion 12%

When it comes to the conflict in Syria, which of the following actions do you think the United States should take? (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)


Use military power against the Assad government 22%
Use economic sanctions against the Assad government 37%
Remain neutral/do nothing 16%
Support the Assad government 4%
Don’t know / no opinion 21%

How did you vote in the 2020 election for President, or for some reason were you unable to vote? (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)

Joe Biden 86%
Donald Trump 6%

Which of the following to you think should be the top priorities for the Biden administration? Please select two [top eight answers] (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)

Reducing healthcare costs and expanding coverage 27%
Protecting Muslim Americans and other groups in the US from discrimination 23%
Reducing income inequality 16%
Controling the spread of COVID-19 13%
Student debt relief 12%
Protecting and strengthening Americans’ voting rights 11%
Combating climate change 10%
Passing a COVID-19 economic relief package 10%

How big of a problem do you think each of the (Change Research, March 2-29, June 17-25, 2021)

A very big problem
A somewhat big problem
Not a big problem
It's not a problem, I am happy with it/them
White supremacists 82% 12% 6%  
Hate crimes 81% 15% 4%  
Attitudes towards Muslims 59% 33% 6% 2%
Antifa 23% 20% 35% 21%
Socialism 12% 16% 44% 29%