American Public Opinion Polls: Opinion on the Israeli Security Fence
Now, as you may know, Israel is constructing a security fence between itself and the Palestinian territories.
Do you believe that Israel is justified in building this security fence or should it be removed? (The Israel Project)
| Justified | Should be removed |
July 2003 | 43% | 39% |
November 2003 | 49% | 31% |
January 2004 | 39% | 45% |
July 2004 | 42% | 47% |
October 2005 | 63% | 25% |
May 2006 | 60% | 33% |
March 2008 | 62% | 30% |
Do you believe that the United States should pressure Israel to tear the fence down and compensate the Palestinians? (The Israel Project, July 17-19, 2004)
Yes, pressure Israel | 26% |
No, don’t pressure Israel | 67% |
First, how much do you follow national and international news, such as about the Middle East - very closely, a moderate amount, only a little, or hardly at all? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
Very closely | 24% |
A moderate amount | 49% |
Only a little | 18% |
Hardly at all | 9% |
As you might know, there has been little progress toward a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Which side do you think is more responsible for this lack of progress? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
The Israelis/Sharon | 18% |
The Palestinians/Arafat | 37% |
Both, equally responsible | 25% |
(VOL:) Bush, US administration | 1 |
Other answer | 1 |
Don't know | 19 |
The next two questions were randomized: 1/2 the respondants got the first question, the other 1/2 got the second question.
a) Israel has started building a security fence to help control the movement of Palestinians who want to enter Israel for shooting and bombing attacks. Opponents of the fence point out that the Palestinians have objected to the fence because they say it would encroach on territory that belongs to them. Do you believe that Israel is justified, or not justified, in constructing this fence? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
Yes, justified | 51% |
No, not justified | 32% |
(VOL:) Depends | 2 |
Don't know | 15 |
b) Israel has started building a security fence to help control the movement of Palestinians who want to enter Israel for shooting and bombing attacks. Supporters of the fence point out that it would largely parallel Israel's Eastern border before the 1967 War and separate no more than 5% of the territory that some believe belongs to the Palestinians. Do you believe that Israel is justified, or not justified, in constructing this fence? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
Yes, justified | 46% |
No, not justified | 40% |
Don't know | 14% |
a) President Bush and others have said the U.S. has a right to take action to defend itself, even if many other countries might disagree. Do you believe that Israel has a right to take action to defend itself by building a security fence, even if many other countries disagree? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
Yes | 71% |
No | 20% |
(VOL:) Other, depends | 2 |
Don't know | 7 |
b) Do you believe that Israel has a right to take action to defend itself by building a security fence, even if many other countries disagree? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
Yes | 68% |
No | 22% |
(VOL:) Other, depends | 2% |
Don't know | 8% |
An international court in Europe is expected to issue a ruling on the legality of Israel's security fence. Do you believe that this court is likely to be biased against the Palestinians, biased against Israel, or to be fair and objective? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
Biased against the Palestinians | 12% |
Biased against Israel | 26% |
Fair and objective | 46% |
Don't know | 16% |
If the government of Israel believes the fence is necessary for the security of its people, do you think Israel has the right to proceed with construction even if the international court opposes it? (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues, January 23-25, 2004)
Yes | 57% |
No | 34% |
Don't know | 9% |