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Jewish Resistance: Diary of a Jewish Partisan Unit


Serial Date Operation # of Name of Commander

No. Fighters

1 10/7/43 Destruction of telegraph link 35 I.Czuzoj & Aron along the Grodno_Vilna road Aronowicz in the section between Pirciupie and Tetiance. More than 50 telegraph poles were sawn through, the wires were cut and the insulators broken. Three units took part in the operation: "Avenger," "To Victory" and "Death to Fascism."

Serial Date Operation # of Name of Commander

No. Fighters

2 10/11/43 Destruction of telegraph link 25 [Name erased in along the Vilna_Lida road in the original document] section near Krzyzowka. More than 70 poles were sawn through, the wires were cut and the insu_ lators broken. Three units took part in the operation: "Avenger," "To Victory" and "Death to Fascism."

3 10/23/43 The telephone and telegraph 25 Ch. Magid and Brand were destroyed along the rail_ road from Lida to Vilna, in the Jaszuny_Stasily section, not far from Gudelki. Three units took part in the operation: "Avenger," "Death to Fascism" and "To Victory."

4 10/43 Three road barriers [were des_ 55 Chaim Lazar, N. troyed] at the approaches to Ring, and Aronowicz Rudniki: two on the main road and one on the road through the forest. The action was carried out simultaneously by three groups. Three units took part in the action: "Avenger," "To Victory," and "Death to Fascism."

5 10/29/43 Sabotage operation in the city 4 of Vilna: Four transformers and a mechanical water conveyor were destroyed with the aid of English mines. Carried out by a sabotage party consisting of four partisans: Witka Kempner, Matys Lewin, Rozow and Chajele [Szapiro]

Serial Date Operation # of Name of Commander

No. Fighters

6 11/2/43 Sixty people were brought to 2 the partisans from Vilna. The group was brought by Witka Kempner and Chajele. It arrived safely.

7 10/17/43 Destruction of two bridges in 40 Aba Kovner and ... the village of Zagarino and [name erased] blowing up of two engines on the narrow_gauge railroad line. There was a small force of Germans stationed in the village at the time. Fighters from three units took part in the operation: "Avenger," "To Victory" and "Death to Fascism."

8 11/3/43 The fighter Dobka [Debeltov Doba] brought three armed fighters to the partisans from Vilna: Druc, Mostowicz and Anglenik.

9 11/43 Purpose: To take arms from the 7 Aba Kovner village of Kursze. Four rifles were captured from the Shaulists:* Wiersocki and the forester. The fighters of the "Avenger" unit took part in the action.

10 12/14/43 Purpose: To take the arms from 40 Kaplinski Szmulka the armed village of Posol. During the operation [German] troops stationed at Rakliszki were sum_ moned from the armed villages in the neighborhood. A two_hour battle ensued and as a result several Fascists were killed or wounded.

Serial Date Operation # of Name of Commander

No. Fighters

11 12/43 In the town Olkieniki, where 5 Jacob Prener a force of two hundred enemy troops was stationed, 300 kgs. of turpentine were confiscated from the turpentine factory.

12 12/43 A bridge was burned in the 40 Aba Kovner & Chanan village of Darguze. The bridge Magid had been built on the new road from Vilna to Orany, in the section between Olkieniki and Pirciupie. The operation was carried out under fire from the troops stationed in Olkieniki. There were no losses. Fighters from two units took part: "Avenger" and "To Victory."

13 12/27/43 A train was blown up on the 6 Didalis [Isar Shmit] railroad from Vilna to Grodno. An engine and ten cars were derailed: [the train] had carried men and supplies.

14 12/31/43 A train was blown up on the 6 Aba Kovner railroad from Vilna to Grodno, near Landwarow station. The engine and twenty_one cars carrying troops and supplies were derailed. The train had been on its way from Warsaw to Vilna.

15 12/31/43 Discovery and capture of 7 Chaim Lazar Gestapo agent Uczkurolis from Dajnowa village near Ejszyszki.

Serial Date Operation # of Name of Commander

No. Fighters

16 12/31/43 Discovery and capture of 2 Lipenholc Gestapo agent Andriuszkiewicz from Dajnowa village. Those who took part: Lipenholc and Witka Kempner.

17 1/44 Blowing up of a boiler and 100_ 6 Misza Lipenholc & horse_power steam engine at the Jacob Prener cardboard factory at Olkieniki. The factory, that is, the machinery and the steam engine, were to have been transferred to Germany.

18 1/44 Blowing up of a train on the rail_ 6 Szmulka Kaplinski road from Vilna to Grodno, in the section between Matuzy and Szarkiszki. It was not established how many cars were derailed. About two hundred Italian soldiers returning from the front were killed.

19 1/44 In the operation to destroy the 30 Jacob Prener armed village of Koniuchy, 30 fighters took part, of the units "Avenger" and "To Victory."

20 3/44 Obstruction and mining of the 30 Abrasza Resel Grodno_Vilna road in the section near Nowe Macele. Fighters from two units took part, "Avenger" and "To Victory."

21 3/13/44 In the course of an operational 12 Lipenholc, Brand patrol near the village of Skorbu_ Szlomociany the following were captured: a Dutchman Henk Dekker, a Pole, Gestapo agent Rysiek Luksza, and two Turkomans.

22 3/44 As part of the general plans of 38 Ch. Magid the "Lithuanian Brigade" two Lipenholc units of "Avenger" and "To Victory" destroyed 120 poles along the railroad line Vilna_Lida, in the section near Merecz.

23 3/18/44 The Vilna units were ordered to 36 Chaim Lazar carry out the destruction of tele_ Ch. Magid phone and telegraph links between the town Ejszyszki and other centers. The two units, "Avenger" and "To Victory" sawed off 75 poles on the road from Grodno to Orany. In the operation wires were cut and insulators broken.

24 3/44 During a patrol near Cieciorka 3 A. Resel four men were caught who had escaped from a concentration camp for prisoners of war near Suwalki. All four were accepted by partisan units.

25 4/16/44 On "Railroad" day** and as 40 [erased] part of the general operations which the Vilna units had been ordered to carry out, 300 rails were blown up by our units on the Vilna_Lida line, in the section between Stasily and Jaszuny.

26 4/44 Barricade on the road from 20 Ch. Magid Zygmunciszki to Niewojniance.

 Serial Date Operation # of Name of Commander

No. Fighters

27 4/44 The building of the "White 40 I. Czuzoj & Poles"*** was burned down ...[erased] in the village of Niewojniance.

28 5/10/44 Ambush on the Grodno road in 70 Pietrujtis the section between Pirciupie Ch. Magid and Zygmunciszki. Two units, Brand "Avenger" and "To Victory," took part. Eleven Germans were killed. Booty captured: 6 rifles, 4 hand_ grenades, 4 grenade throwers, and 2 "Degtyarov" machine_guns.

29 5/23/44 At the turpentine factory in 3 Ch. Magid Olkieniki 360 kgs. of turpentine were confiscated and 2,000 kgs. were destroyed.

30 5/27_28/44 Capture of arms from the village 35 of Jurkiance. Twelve rifles of different types were confiscated, with ammunition. At the same time an arms search was carried out in a number of houses in the village of Krumince. Two rifles, a pistol and a hand_grenade were taken. On the way back two "White Poles" were taken priand the following arms in their possession were confiscated: one semi_automatic rifle, one rifle, one revolver, two hand_grenades and ammunition.

31 6/3/44 At Melachowicze protection 15 Natan was given to the arrival of a Celnik group of survivors from Vilna, who are about to join the partisans. Eight persons arrived, four of whom were accepted by our unit: Nisanelowicz, Basia Nisanelowicz, Bielic, Rund_ baken; four were accepted by the unit "To Victory."

32 Near Rudniki a patrol found 4 [erased] a group of some tens of persons engaged on building a short railroad line. Working tools were taken from the group and they were ordered not to continue with the work. Eighteen spades were taken back to the base.

33 6/7/44 In the town of Olkieniki the 8 Jacob Prener turpentine and tar factory was blown up.

34 6/22/44 An engine and two railroad cars Szlomo Brand were derailed on the Vilna_Lida road.

35 6/25/44 In the town of Zagarino one Benia Lewin German was killed and one wounded.

36 On the Vilna_Lida railroad line Szlomo Brand the rails were blown up for a distance of one kilometer. There were 40 explosions.

37 7/3/44 Burning of bridges used by troops Jefremow stationed in the town of Rudniki.

Serial Date Operation # of Name of Commander

No. Fighters

38 7/4/44 Train blown up on the Vilna_ 30 Szlomo Brand Lida railroad line. One engine and cars carrying men and supplies were derailed.

39 7/8/44 Vilna_Lida railroad line blown Szlomo Brand up for a distance of two kilometers. Three units took part.

Moreshet Archives, D. 1.4650.


* Members of a Lithuanian nationalist organization that collaborated with the Germans. Armed members of this organization took part in Jewish extermination Aktionen.

** "H-hour" for a widespread operation that was to strike simultaneously against the railroad network and behind the lines of the German front-line army.

*** A.K. Command.


Sources:Yad Vashem