Files Added In October 2004
Myths & Facts Online — Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Updated] Click HERE to order.
- The Arab/Muslim World
- Lebanese Prime Minister Resigns Over Syrian Occupation
- Palestinian Attitudes Toward The Gaza Disengagement Plan
- Palestinian Attitudes Toward Israel’s Security Fence
- Palestinian Views on Political/Religious Factions [Updated]
- Palestinian Attitudes Toward The Arab World
- Views on the Palestinian Infrastructure and Political System [Updated]
- Anti-Semitism & Responses
- Biography
- Ayelet Ohayon
- Yuri Yevseichik
- Inna Yoffe
- Anastasia Gloushkov
- Frank Ziereis
- Rabbi Aryeh Leib Frumkin
- Haim Laskov
- Aharon Kotler
- Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman
- David Horovitz
- David Makovsky
- Sarah Jessica Parker
- David Frischmann
- Robert Morgenthau
- Francisco Franco Bahamonde
- Garry Kasparov
- Irwin Rose
- August Eigruber
- Meir Dizengoff
- Jacques Derrida
- Avram Hershko
- Aaron Ciechanover
- Yosef Yosel Hurwitz
- Hai Gaon
- Yehudah HaChassid
- Yom Tov Lippmann Heller (“Tosafos Yom Tov”)
- Yosef Eliyahu Henkin
- Rabbi Isaiah ben Avraham Ha-Levi Horowitz (The Shlah)
- Rebbe Yehudah Leib Alter (Sfas Emes)
- Vered Borochovsky
- David Zalcberg
- Vered Buskila
- Nika Kornitzky
- Sonya Chervonsky
- Asaf Bimro
- Haile Satayin
- Gocha Chichiashvili
- Yakov Manshirov
- Fact Sheets
- History
- The German Soldier's Ten Commandments
- Dumbarton Oaks: Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization
- Soviet Invasion Decree
- Message from Roosevelt to Mikhail Kalinin, President, Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- Roosevelt on Termination of Diplomatic Relations with the Vichy Government
- Modern Israel & the Diaspora - (1950-1959)
- Modern Israel & the Diaspora - (1960-1969)
- Agreement for United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- De Gaulle's Broadcast on French Policy in War and Peace
- Truman's Message to Congress On Driving For Victory Against Japan
- Secret Joint Chiefs of Staff Fact-Finding Team Report On Liberty Incident
- Roosevelt's Message to Congress on the State of the Nation (1/6/45)
- Roosevelt's Broadcast to the Nation on Rubber
- Tojo's Broadcast on the Prosecution of the Greater East Asia War
- Goebbels' Plea for Clothing for Troops on the Russian Front & Hitler's Proclamation
- Roosevelt's Message to the French People
- Roosevelt's Broadcast to the Nation on War Effort (10/12/42)
- Roosevelt's Broadcast to International Student Assembly
- Roosevelt's Report to Congress on the Crimea Conference
- Roosevelt's Message to Franco
- Roosevelt Calls For Community Mobilization
- Modern Israel & the Diaspora
- “The War and Human Freedom”
- Roosevelt's Statement on North African Policy
- Hitler's Order of the Day to Troops on the Eastern Front
- Hitler's Adddress at the Opening of the Winter Relief Campaign
- Holocaust
- Bergen-Belsen [Updated]
- Nazis Planned to Move Auschwitz Gas Chambers to Mauthausen
- The Nazi Camp System
- Protocol of General Meeting of the Judenrat in Lublin
- Appeal for Contributions by the Judenrat in Bialystok
- Goebbels On National-Socialism, Bolshevism, and Democracy
- Goebbels On The Boycott
- Nazi Reply to Soldier Whose Fiancé was Deported as a Gypsy
- The Ideological Battle
- Hitler Speech on the 19th Anniversary of the “Beer Hall Putsch”
- Mauthausen Trial [Updated]
- Roosevelt’s Message to Marshal Henri Petain
- Petain's Reply to Roosevelt's Note of November 8, 1942
- Ringelblum’s Notes on the Refugees in Zbaszyn
- Hitler's Appeal to the French on the Entry of German Troops into Unoccupied France
- Roosevelt's Statement on War Crimes (10/7/42)
- Lagebericht [Situation Report] of the SD (11/38)
- Lagebericht [Situation Report] of SD II 112 (8/38)
- Hitler's Broadcast to the German People On The Winter Help Scheme
- Hitler's Letter to Marshall Petain Announcing German Occupation of France
- Einsatzgruppen Report on the Extermination of the Jews in the Ukraine
- Extracts from a Report by Einsatzgruppe a in the Baltic Countries
- Photographs (WARNING: Photos may have graphic images)
- SS Officials Inspect Mauthausen
- Himmler Inspects Mauthausen [Updated]
- Eigruber During War Crimes Trial
- Ravensbrueck Prisoners Working in the Snow
- Mugshot of Ravensbrueck Prisoner
- Himmler Inspects Ravensbrueck
- Ravensbrueck Spinning Workshop
- Ravensbrueck Workshop
- Prisoners Released From Ravensbrueck
- Women Repairing Shoes In Ravensbrueck
- Forced Labor Outside Ravensbrueck
- Israel
- Israeli Views on Society, Peace Process, Government [Updated]
- Polls on Unilateral Measures [Updated]
- Israel Tax Burden Ranks Among The World’s Lowest
- Polls on Unilateral Measures
- Soreq Cave
- Karine A Captain Sentenced
- The Minkov Museum
- Mini Israel
- Iraq’s Biological Weapons and Israel
- Israel Rated Third Among World’s Emerging Economies
- Israelis Win First Nobel Prizes In Science
- Potential Threats To Israel: Iran [Updated]
- Photographs
- Judaism
- Peace Process
- Terrorism
- United Nations
- U.S. Vetoes Security Council Resolution Calling For Israel To Halt Gaza Operation
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in Jordanian UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Palestinian Refugees in West Bank UNRWA Camps [Updated]
- Security Council Resolutions
- U.S.-Israel Relations
- 2004 Candidates' Views on the Middle East [Updated]
- U.S.-Israel Science and Technology Commission (USISTC) [Updated]
- U.S. Expresses Willingness to Sell Hawk Missiles to Israel
- Feldman Comments on U.S policy Toward Israel
- Feldman Discusses Johnson Plan With Golda Meir
- Feldman Expresses Concern Over Direct Negotiations Resolution Circulated At UN
- U.S.-Israel Agreement on Trade in Agricultural Products
- U.S., Israel Sign Agreement For Science And Technical Cooperation
- Text of Agreement [pdf]
- American Attitudes Toward the Middle East [Updated]