Files Added In April 2004
Myths & Facts Online — Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Updated] NEW paperback edition now available! Click HERE to order. Read it in Spanish, German and Swedish! See the new chapter on Canada-Israel Relations and first chapters in Russian!.
- The Arab/Muslim World
- Arabs Call For Revival of Boycott Against Israel
- Palestinian Attitudes About Peace With Israel [Updated]
- Major Oil Companies Operating in the Gulf Region
- Jews of Morocco [Updated]
- Anti-Semitism & Responses
- Colin Powell's Remarks at The Conference on Anti-Semitism of The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Public Attitudes Toward Jews and Anti-Semitism [Updated]
- Biography
- Fact Sheets
- #34: Targeting Hamas
- #33: President Bush Redefines Mideast Policy
- #32: The “Sharon Plan”
- Health
- Holocaust
- Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Ha-Shoah)
- Hitler Sees No Reason To Complain About Expulsion of Jews (4/8/33)
- Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust [Updated]
- The Revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau
- Stutthof - Sztutowo (Poland) [Updated]
- Dutch Jews are Given Religious Encouragement on the Eve of Their Deportation
- Introduction of the “Jewish Star”
- Nazi Propaganda Tactics
- Analysis of Letters From Jews Deported From the Netherlands
- Religious Life During the Occupation of Holland
- The Granite of Mauthausen
- Tracing Family Members Lost in the Holocaust
- The American Red Cross Holocaust Victims Tracing Center
- Photographs (WARNING: Photos contain graphic images)
- Building The First Barracks at Stutthof
- Commander`s Building at Stutthof
- Death Gate at the Entrance of Stutthof
- Himmler Welcomed to Stutthof
- Investigation At The Former Crematorium At Stutthof
- Lunch Break During the Building of Stutthof
- SS-Sturmbannführer Max Pauly — Commander of KL Stutthof
- SS-Sturmbannführer Paul Werner Hoppe — Commander of KL Stutthof
- Stutthof Commander Pauly And His Staff
- Stutthof Gas Chamber
- View From the Commander`s Building Over the “Old Camp” at Stutthof
- Villa of Stutthof's Commander
- Israel
- Potential Threats To Israel: Libya [Updated]
- Israeli Casualties in Battle [Updated]
- Latest Population Figures for Israel
- Israeli Population Statistics [Updated]
- Jerusalem’s Population
- Yossi Stern’s Salute to the Heroism of the IDF in the 1967 War
- Israel at 56 - A Statistical Glance
- Aerospatiale SA-365 Dauphin (Dolphin)
- Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk (Yanshuf)
- Israel Aircraft Industries Nesher
- Israel Aircraft Industries Sa'ar
- Israel Signs Water Deal With Turkey (3/4/04)
- U.S. Exports to Israel By State [table]
- Pupils’ Rights Law, 5760-2000 [pdf]
- The Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Law, 5758-1998 [pdf]
- Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law, 5758-1998 [pdf]
- Genetic Information Law, 5761-2000 [pdf]
- Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law, 5762-2002 [pdf]
- Prevention of Family Violence Law, 5751-1991 [pdf]
- General Security Service Law, 5762-2002 [pdf]
- Companies Law 5759-1999 [pdf]
- Prohibition on Money Laundering Law, 5760-2000 [pdf]
- Maps
- The Gaza Strip — Jewish Communities and the Palestinian Authority
- Setting the Southern Border (1906)
- Setting the Northern Border (1916-1923)
- Events Leading to the Six Day War
- Kassam and Katyusha Threat
- Kingdom of Herod (30 BCE to 70 CE)
- Jewish Communities in the Land of Israel (7th to 11th Centuries)
- Jewish Communities Lost in the War of Independence
- Yom Kippur War Cease Fire Lines
- Jerusalem Boundaries and Neighborhoods
- Peace Process
- Joint Declaration of the Washington Summit (9/28/95)
- Speech by Prime Minister Sharon to the Knesset on his visit to the United States and the Disengagement Plan (4/22/04)
- The Disengagement Plan of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (4/04)
- Weissglas Letter to Rice Confirming U.S.-Israel Understandings (4/18/04)
- Prime Minister Sharon's Letter to President Bush (4/14/04)
- President Bush Commends Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's Plan (4/14/04)
- President Bush's Letter to Prime Minister Sharon (4/14/04)
- Statement by the President regarding the Peace Process (4/14/04)
- Reviews
- Terrorism
- Major Terror Attacks (1952-1989)
- PLF Elects New Leader
- Bush Waives Terror Regulations for PLO
- Fatal Terrorist Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles [graph]
- Fatalities in Palestinian Terror Attacks Since 1967 [graph]
- Terrorist Attacks Against Israel During “Al-Aqsa Intifada” [graphs]
- Fatal Terrorist Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles [Updated]
- Israeli Civilians and IDF Forces Killed in “al-Aqsa Intifida” [Updated]
- U.S.-Israel Relations
- 2004 Candidates' Views on the Middle East [Updated]
- United States Ambassadors to Israel
- Governor George W. Bush On His Trip to Israel
- Israel Receives New F-16I Fighters
- Israel and the States [Updated]
- Middle East Regional Cooperation Program (MERC) [Updated]
- Cooperative Development Research Program (CDR) [Updated]
- Legislative Record of Senator John Kerry On Issues of Concern to the Pro-Israel Community
- Top 20 Suppliers of Petroleum Products to the U.S. [Updated]
- U.S. Middle East Policy and Oil [Updated]