The Ideological Battle
From a manual of instructions, issued by the “National-Socialist chief staff of the army:"
“There are still people among our nation today who are not quite certain in their own minds whenever we speak about the extermination of the Jews within our Lebensraum . We needed the strength of character and dynamic force of the greatest man of our nation in the last thousand years to tear the Jewish deception from our eyes... The Jew wants us to be forced into a life of slavery so as to live among us as a parasite who can suck us dry. Our peoples sound way of life opposes the parasitic Jewish existence. Who can believe it possible to reform or convert a parasite (a louse for example)? Who can believe in a compromise with the parasite? We are left with one choice only, whether to be devoured by the parasite or to exterminate it. The Jew must be exterminated wherever we meet him! We do not commit a crime against life by fighting against all that is hostile to a sound existence. Our fight serves, indeed, the preservation of life.”
Source: Year Book IX of the Leo Baeck Institute, “The Jewish Parasite,” by Alex Bein, pp. 33-34.
Source: Yad Vashem