Files Added In June 2004
Myths & Facts Online — Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Updated] Click HERE to order.
Read Myths & Facts in Spanish, German, Swedish and now French!
See also the new English chapter on Canada-Israel Relations and first chapters in Russian!
New AICE Study: TENURED OR TENUOUS: Defining the Role of Faculty in Supporting Israel on Campus
- The Arab World
- Archaeology
- Biography
- Lawrence "Larry" Brown [Updated]
- Yossef Abuksis
- Gertrude Eisen
- Rabbi Chaim ben Isaac of Volozhin
- Jack Jacobs
- Andy “Bubba” Berenzweig
- Michael Cammalleri
- Max Birbraer
- Ben Salomon
- Steve Dubinsky
- Tony Randall
- Shaul Yisraeli
- Shlomo Argov
- Shneur Zalman
- Chaim Vital
- Kurt Zeitzler
- Hans Hube
- Paul von Kleist
- Yosef Albo
- Yitzchak al-Fasi “Rif”
- Yitzchak Arama
- Yehuda Loew — The Maharal [Updated]
- Yechezkel Landau — The Nodah Biyehudah
- Hussein Fakhri Al-Khalidi
- Mustafa Al-Khalidi
- Fact Sheets
- History
- The Jews of Oman
- Timeline for the History of Jerusalem
- Roosevelt Greeting Expesses Support For Jewish Homeland
- Hoover’s Message to Jews Regarding 1929 Riots
- Hoover’s Message to Allied Jewish Relief Campaign Representatives
- Hoover Reaffirms Support For Balfour Declaration
- Hoover Expresses Support For Restoration of Jews in Their Homeland
- Ben L. Salomon — Citation for Congressional Medal of Honor
- Hoover on Safety of American Citizens in Palestine
- Statistics on American Jews in World War II [Updated]
- Seventeen Jewish Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor - Introduction [Updated]
- Seventeen Jewish Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor [Updated]
- The Brownsville Public School Boycott
- Of Civil Seders in the Civil War
- The History of the 42nd Infantry “Rainbow Division”
- Stalingrad
- The Gomez House: The Earliest Surviving Jewish Residence in North America
- The Declaration of the British Government on the Allocation of a “Jewish Territory” in East Africa
- Timeline for the History of Judaism
- Holocaust
- Sonderkommando
- The Anti-Nazi Boycott
- Berlin Jews Learn Hebrew
- Pope Pius XII’s Radio Broadcast on War’s End
- Hitler’s Letter to Marshal Petain Announcing Decision to Occupy Toulon
- Ben-Gurion On The Fate Of European Jewry
- Jewish Leadership of Slovakia Tries To Save its Jewish Communities
- Demographic and Political Tasks for Germany
- Photographs (WARNING: Photos contain graphic images)
- The Birkenau Pond
- Rail Entrance to Birkenau
- Gate to BIb
- Crematorium II at Birkenau
- Tracks to the Ovens at Birkenau
- Roof of the Gas Chambers of Crematorium II at Birkenau
- New Arrivals At Mauthausen
- The QuarryAt Mauthausen
- The Stairs of Death
- Entrance to Birkenau Extermination Area
- Ebensee After Liberation
- Dachau After Liberation
- Streicher In Early Days As A Nazi
- Hitler At Nuremberg Rally
- Roll Call At Buchenwald
- Israel
- Potential Threats To Israel: Iran [Updated]
- Arab Israeli Soccer Club Makes History
- Israel’s Security Fence [Updated]
- Weapons of Mass Destruction in Select Middle Eastern Countries [Updated]
- The Thirtieth Government of Israel [Updated]
- Israeli Cooperation with Africa [Updated]
- Polls on Unilateral Measures [Updated]
- Judaism
- Peace Process
- Reference
- Terrorism
- U.S.-Israel Relations
- U.S. Presidents On Israel [Updated]
- Bush Uses Sixth Waiver to Avoid Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
- Eshkol Responds to U.S. Concerns About Raids in Jordan
- Rusk Discusses Arms Trade with Jordan
- Draft of Letter to Jordan From President Johnson Criticizing Israel for its Raid
- Rusk and Harman Discuss Concern Over Israeli Raids On Jordan
- Komer Warns Israeli Strikes Will Destabilize Jordan
- Rusk Discourages Withholding Arms To Pressure Israel
- Rostow Urges Johnson To Hold Up Arms If Israel Attacks Jordan
- Wriggins and Saunders Recommend Reprimanding Israel For Counterattacks On Jordan
- CIA Discusses Jordanian Anger Over Israeli Raids
- Enhancing Homeland Security
- Rafael Signs Anti-terror Gun-Station Deal with U.S.
- Vice President Cheney Speaks to the Jewish Community
- Jews in the Bush Administration [Updated]
- Johnson Threatens To Stop Arms Shipments to Israel Unless Operations in Jordan Are Halted
- 2004 Candidates' Views on the Middle East [Updated]
- Eban Surveys Issues with Secretary of State, U.S. Unwilling to Get Involved with Soviet Jewry
- U.S. Condemns Israeli Attack on Jordan
- U.S. Report on Israeli Nuclear Policy
- Egypt-Soviet Cooperation
- Barbour And Eban Disagree Over Israel's Nuclear Program
- Food Aid to Egypt
- Israel-UAR Missile Development
- Israel Proposes Rehabilitation of Refugees
- U.S. Policy on Israel's Nuclear Program
- Arab-Israel Border Situation
- U.S. Report on Terror Against Israel and Cooperation with Jordan
- The Virtual Jewish History Tour
- Synagogues of the World
- Austria [Updated]
- Pennsylvania [Updated]
- Synagogues of the World