Settler Leader Calls For Civil Disobedience To Prevent Disgengagement
The Wallerstein Proclamation
I want a large part of the public that I believe are willing to go to prison to say so today so the decision-makers will understand where we are going.
If someone were to try to pass a law for a transfer like this of some Arab village... all the knights of justice and civil rights would immediately protest and scream their hearts out to the heavens. But when it concerns Yesha residents, there is no justice and there are no rights?
The evacuation/compensation law which has already passed its first reading, and with the new government has nothing standing in its way, is an immoral law. This is not only because of the Stalinist way in which it was formed, and not only because of its inhumane clauses such as those that negate compensation from whoever objects to being thrown out of his home, but primarily because it legalizes an unspeakable crime: the forcible uprooting of Jews from their homes.
Only if there will be a large population already today that is committed to be in Gush Katif and northern Samaria (if and when there is forced evacuation) and bodily resist transfer, only then is there a chance that this government will understand the gravity of its steps. I'm not scared of going to prison, and I hope that many people will understand, like me, that this is the price we must pay in order to object in a non-violent manner to this unethical crime.
There won't be enough prisons in the country to hold them all, and something will have to give.
Pinchas Wallerstein - Mayor, Benyamin Regional Council, Former chairman of the Yesha Council