Postcard From Terezin Prisoner
Postcard from the concentration camp Theresienstadt, Bohemia. Front page - form: "Prisoner (M. Huková). Political prison Theresienstadt, Little Fortress, cell (9). Excerpt of the prison order. Every prisoner of preventive detention is allowed to receive and send one letter or card per month. Envelopes must not be lined. Only one stamp can be added. The letters can have no more than 2 pages with 15 lines each, must be written with ink and clearly readable. Letters to prisoners who are not here anymore will not be forwarded. Letters which do not meet the instructions will neither be sent nor handed over. Food parcels may be sent. Money is sendable through the post only. Up to 50 crowns per month. Food parcels will not be accepted." Sent on July 6, 1944, by the Czech M. Huková to her parents. Huková writes in German that she is alright and asks for herself for some clothing, washing-powder, two combs, some sugar, salt, onion, and the same for a Mr. Pepousek. 60 hellers Hitler protectorate franking.
The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies