Italian Jews Will Have to Leave the Territory Within Six Months
La Stampa
Turin, September 2, 1938
The Government for the defense of the race
The Jews settled in Italy after 1919 will have to leave the territory of the Kingdom within six months
The legal measure, apart from religion, affects the children of Jewish parents even if in possession of Italian citizenship.
Rome, September 1
The Gran Council has gathered this morning at 10 o'clock at the Viminale Palace, under the presidency of the Duce, with the presence of all the Ministries, the secretary, the undersecretary of the State.
The Gran Council had approved the following legal measures:
The foreigners of the Jewish race.
On the proposal of the Duce, Minister of the Interior.
Legal measures on foreign Jews.
The legal position of the foreigners of the Jewish race that had settled in Italy, Libya or in the colonial possessions in the Aegean after the great war, that is from January 1, 1919, including those, and their number is insignificant, who in the meantime received Italian citizenship, will have to be regulated according to the following:
Article n.1 - From the date of publication of this decree law it is forbidden to the foreigners of the Jewish race to settle in Italy, Libya or in the colonial possessions in the Aegean.
Article n. 2 - According to this decree law it is considered a Jew the one who is born from parents that are both of the Jewish race even if he belongs to a religion other than Judaism.
Article n. 3 - The Italian citizenship granted to Jewish foreigners after January 1, 1919 will have to be considered as revoked.
Article n. 4 - The foreigners of the Jewish race that at the time of the publication of this decree law are in Italy, Libya or in the colonial possessions in the Aegean, and that had settled there after January 1, 1919, will have to leave the territory of Italy, Libya or in the colonial possessions in the Aegean within six months from the publication of the above-mentioned decree law. All those that will not comply with this order within the above-mentioned period of time, will be expelled from the Kingdom according to the article n. 150 of the codified text of the Public Security laws, upon the application of the penalties established by the law.
Source: Yad Vashem