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Martin Luther

(1895 - 1945)

Dr. Martin Luther was an early member of the Nazi Party, in which he served as an advisor to Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop, first in the Ribbentrop Bureau, then in the Foreign Ministry when von Ribbentrop replaced Konstantin von Neurath.

In May 1940, he was appointed the position of Foreign Ministry liaison to the SS. He represented the Foreign Ministry at the Wannsee Conference, which was convened by SS OberGruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich to work out the details of the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.” At this conference, he voiced concern about the large-scale “resettlement” required throughout occupied Europe, which seemed to indicate that he did not fully understand what was being planned.

Late in the war, he tried to supplant Von Ribbentrop as Foreign Minister, but he was thwarted and sent to Sachsenhausen. He was liberated by Soviet troops in May 1945, but died shortly after.

Sources: What-Means.Com. This article is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License