U.S. Foreign Aid to Egypt
(1948 - Present)
Since FY2012, Congress has passed appropriations legislation that withholds the obligation of FMF to Egypt until the Secretary of State certifies that Egypt is taking various steps toward supporting democracy and human rights. With the exception of FY2014, lawmakers have included a national security waiver to allow the Administration to waive these congressionally mandated certification requirements under certain conditions. In 2022, the Biden administration announced it would withhold $130 million (10 percent) of the military aid allotted to Egypt due to human rights concerns. The announcement came after the administration approved the potential sale of air defense radars and C-130 Super Hercules planes to Egypt for a combined value of more than $2.5 billion. In 2023, the administration notified Congress that it would withhold $85 million in aid conditioned on the release of political prisoners. (In $USD Millions)
Economic Support Fund (ESF), Foreign Military Financing (FMF), International Military Education and Training (IMET), International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE), and Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related Programs (NADR). Sources: Jeremy M. Sharp, “Egypt: Background and U.S. Relations,” Congressional Research Service, (September 30, 2021). |