Holocaust: Dutch Jews are Given Religious Encouragement on the Eve of Their Deportation
(September 1942)
The Nazis carried out largescale deportations of Jews in Holland in the summer of 1942. Chief Rabbi A. B. N. Davids of Rotterdam tried to offer encouragement.. This is an excerpt from a circular he distributed.
And finally, think about the following:
A HUMAN BEING IS NOT ONLY THE BODY WE SEE, BUT ALSO THE INVISIBLE SOUL. That is the eternal thing within us, which remains. Even when the body succumbs. Every suffering has an end. No pain endures for ever. But your soul is immortal, will overcome the suffering. In a world of peace and truth.
And thus there are three on which you can rely, wherever you go: GOD, the JEWISH COMMUNITY and YOUR OWN SOUL. All three are eternal, immortal.
CHOOSE LIFE: that is the call of the most superb Jewish commandment. Keep up in every situation! Fulfill your obligation and task as a human being and as a Jew in faithfulness! With your entire will and strength!
Be strong! Gazzak!
Source: Yad Vashem Archives, M 19/9-2.
Sources: Yad Vashem